

@telekitnetic-art / telekitnetic-art.tumblr.com

They / Them • 20 • Native (Wet’suwet’en) • Autistic • 2D Animation Student • PFP by Taffybuns


Call me Kit or Jay!!

They/Them pronouns
Indigenous (Wet’suwet’en)
2D Anim/Visdev Student (BC based)
I make a whole bunch of stuff from 2D animation to Wet’suwet’en Formline art! I also have a lot of personal interest in a variety of stuff including Splatoon, DnD, Monster Hunter, furry, baking, clothesmaking, and more random stuff you might see me ramble about on this account!!

I am currently open for formline commissions! Please read on that here!


SHOP UPDATE!!! huge batch of previously member-exclusive stickers now available for all to buy, plus the same goodies as before :) come browse my wares

use this link or code "YAYGAY" for 10% off during pride month


running a raffle for Marwa Awni and her family’s evacuation fund.

every $5 counts as 1 entry, so a $25 would be 5 entries. raffle runs from may 29th-june 29th, winners will be announced on instagram live on june 30th. send proof of donation to @matnakash or city_slug_206 on instagram, or to mathosapabeads@gmail.com

1st prize is the Tatanka hand drum, made with elk rawhide, maple frame, and handpainted.

2nd prize is a devil’s club and willow bark oil roller ball and 4 bags of herbal tea blends: horsetail and yarrow, red clover and horsetail, usnea lavender red clover and mullein, yarrow red clover and horsetail.

3rd prize is a handmade bag with elk tooth pattern fabric, lined, sewn with french seams, and with interior and exterior pockets.

$160 total raised this week, gofundme is just under halfway fulfilled!


Custom formline commissions are now open!!!

I was hoping to wait until I had an established new job to post this but the job hunt is still gonna be going for a week at least, so I'm opening these now!! All prices are in CAD, and I'll be accepting 3 slots to begin with!! If you want to see more examples of my formline art check out my portfolio website! You can also check the tag #telekitnetic art on here!!

Check below for more details; shares/reblogs are appreciated!

Bumping this! There are two slots left as of right now!!


I’ve been trying to come up with birds for a potential sticker project for pride month. Chat, how do we feel about this list?

I just wanted to say, the reason I picked eagles is because there’s documented evidence of a triad of eagles (two males and a female) living together and raising and hatching chicks together!!

If you read the article, it even states that other triad pairups of eagles, while uncommon, have been documented elsewhere!! So yeah, polyam eagles do exist in the wild!!!


Literal definition of spyware:

Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡


[ID: a screenshot showing instructions on how to remove the Windows Recall & Snapshots]

"Some good news. 1, it’s being slow rolled out at the moment. 2, it’s reportedly really easy to turn off.

Click the Windows button on your keyboard

Open the Settings app and go to Privacy & Security > Recall & Snapshots

Disable the Save Snapshots option

If you already have snapshots taken, you can delete them by clicking the Delete Snapshots

Anonymous asked:

hi, I hope you're doing well :) I read your tos and saw that your commission artwork isn't for use as a tattoo or tattoo reference, and I don't want to be rude but I'm curious as to why. can people commission you for tattoo design? what are your thoughts on it? thanks for your time!

Hi, the main reason I added that is because I’ve gotten quite a few questions about using my designs for tattoos and custom tattoo designs! Tattoo designing is something I’ve had an interest in for a while now and I would like to branch out to them eventually, but I don’t have enough confidence in designing them to open custom commissions for them yet. Tattoos can be a personal thing for people, and it can also be a significant cultural matter too, so it’s something I want to do research and practice in before I start doing commissions around them.

(On top of that, I’ve heard and seen stories of artists getting their art used for for tattoos without permission, and that’s not something I’d want to happen to me -_-)


Custom formline commissions are now open!!!

I was hoping to wait until I had an established new job to post this but the job hunt is still gonna be going for a week at least, so I'm opening these now!! All prices are in CAD, and I'll be accepting 3 slots to begin with!! If you want to see more examples of my formline art check out my portfolio website! You can also check the tag #telekitnetic art on here!!

Check below for more details; shares/reblogs are appreciated!


A friend of mine could use some assistance. I have created a sale on ALL my 2d bases

This includes the emoji packs For 10 USD

These funds will be used to purchase food and allow them the ability to get to work

Thank you so much for your support


Custom formline commissions are now open!!!

I was hoping to wait until I had an established new job to post this but the job hunt is still gonna be going for a week at least, so I'm opening these now!! All prices are in CAD, and I'll be accepting 3 slots to begin with!! If you want to see more examples of my formline art check out my portfolio website! You can also check the tag #telekitnetic art on here!!

Check below for more details; shares/reblogs are appreciated!

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