
Presidential Facts


911, grey's anatomy, Ted lasso, smosh
Anonymous asked:

Dylan is terrified of thunderstorms. Ryan wants to help.

It was early on in their relationship when Ryan realizes one of Dylan's very few phobias. One of their first nights living together. They've faced chainsaws, wolves, death, and fear unlike any other.

But the thunder is what got to Dylan.

Ryan always found rain calming, but was indifferent to thunder. The downpour had him drifting off, the warmth of the other young man next to him making it so, so much easier to just slip into sleep...


Do you ever think about the fact that BJ went for some out-of-camp self care and came back all handsome and Charles teased him saying he hoped Hawkeye had a chance to see him like that and that was how BJ found out that Hawkeye had been sent to the Aid Station instead of him and he was filled with a special kind of guilt and worry because not only is Hawk in more danger there but he is literally in more danger because of BJ and he spends the whole episode worrying about him and the worry is so bad he can barely do his job without making his worry everybody else’s problem and then he hears that a doctor at the aid station died and his grief over it potentially being Hawkeye is palpable until he recognises the exact way Hawkeye stitches on a patient that comes into the 4077 so he knows at least for now Hawkeye is still alive and meanwhile Hawkeye is having a Bad Time at the Aid Station to the extent that he writes a will and he leaves most of it to his dad except for a few sentimental items that he lovingly bestows to the most important people in his life to symbolise what they mean to him but when it gets to BJ he stalls and cannot think of what to leave him because nothing feels adequate and then he gets to go back to the 4077 and he is exhausted and rattled but alive and he walks into the swamp in the dark and instead of going to bed he goes to sit beside BJ who is asleep and BJ senses that Hawk is near so he wakes up and in his joy at seeing Hawkeye there alive he asks Hawkeye when he wakes up to remind him to give him a kiss and Hawkeye tells him to go back to sleep because he must be dreaming and then as BJ lays his head back down to sleep Hawkeye turns the photo that BJ has on his side table that is a still from the special anniversary video of his wife and daughter that Hawkeye put together for him and Hawkeye ponders it for a moment and realises that the most meaningful gift he could possibly give BJ in his will would be a list of all the patients BJ helped in Korea that BJ could give to his daughter to help explain to her why he missed the first years of her life and so despite being half dead on his feet he starts compiling that list right then and presumably maintained this list throughout the war adding to it every time BJ helped a patient and left it to little Erin Hunnicutt who he has never met because to love BJ is to love his daughter and to love his love for his daughter and he probably never knew how panicked BJ was at the thought of losing him and BJ probably never found out about Hawkeye’s will and what was in it and Hawkeye never did get to see BJ all handsome????


the thing about bj hunnicut is that he loves his wife like a bestie and he loves his bestie like a wife


remember when father mulcahy showed up late to mass unshaven in his jimjams because he stayed up all night talking to gay patrick swayze who had leukaemia. and his sermon was basically "sorry for being a huge bitch to you guys the last few days i'll be normal now" while crying.


love the way ppl will talk about Francis Mulcahy on here. his gay little hat. his gay little shirt. his gay little runs. his gay little self.

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