welcome to my mind.


make sure to read the pinned please.

. Just the basic facts about the who posts:

— name's [REDACTED], but some call me Erp

— she / they, over 18, queer

please use tone tags when interacting with me to avoid confusion!

— artist, nature & music enjoyer (esp classic rock & synthwave/retrowave), i also like video games a normal amount

Various interests of mine (the ones in bold being special ones):

  • Geology (& SU lmao),
  • Pink Floyd,
  • Punch-Out!!,
  • NIN,
  • Talking Heads,
  • TF2,
  • Undertale / Deltarune,
  • The Beatles,
  • & more. like way, WAY more.

. Before you follow,

Please note that this blog is a diary of sorts and a multifandom blog, with plenty of rbs thrown into the mix.
There's also suggestive content in here from time to time, along with the range of other mostly untagged triggers.
If that kinda mix's not your cuppa tea- feel free to leave/pass by.
Thank you for understanding.

( for more info, refer to this carrd. )

. The tag system is under the cut:


stumbled upon this one article about what gem's more expensive: tanzanite or diamond.

and like. dear writer. my brother in christ. ye ever heard of pink star diamond


Recently,  opening limited-time cafes to celebrate certain events has been popular in Japan. There was a Pokemon cafe, a Love Live cafe, a Kirby cafe, a Sailor Moon cafe, a Rilakuma cafe, a Mario cafe, a Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen cafe… all serving food based on the properties, naturally. Things like Rilakuma-shaped rice relaxing in a pool of curry, a burger with Pikachu’s face and tortilla chip ears, y’know, things fans of the series would be into.

For Sonic the Hedgehog’s twenty-fifth anniversary, Sega decided to open a Sonic cafe. A couple of the menu items are what you would expect: a chili dog with a side of onion rings, a parfait based on that crazy ice cream from Sonic Unleashed… but everything else is just really random and weird.

Case in point, this Shadow burger, with a bun colored black by the addition of bamboo charcoal, which has been a popular trend in Japan the last few years. It’s not the bun that your eyes are drawn to, though. It’s the cheese. The cheese with a character printed on it.


This is not a joke. This is a real thing that Sega has decided to do. There exist in this world slices of American cheese with Shadow the Hedgehog printed on them. I don’t even know how to react to this. The burger costs ten bucks and the menu claims that if you eat it, you might be consumed by dark energies.

Shadow the Hedgehog cheese.


Item: Shadow Cheese; delicious cheese, but roll Constitution save against being consumed by dark energies


checking up on an artist you used to follow and their skills have improved but ever since they’ve graduated from art school their drawings look exhausted and lost

I don’t regret getting a degree in animation but I can say the pain is there from the other side too. I don’t believe going to higher education is what kills the child like wonder, but what happens after you finished getting that art degree is what kills it

This is just my feelings on the matter so I don’t know if this would apply to any other artist, but it’s incredibly frustrating spending years of your life learning how to do art in a “professional” sense and how the industry works, only to find that the positions you essentially trained for is out of your reach (either in skill or location or some other reason)

I’ve tried for ages finding entry level jobs on sites like linkedin and when I finally find one I think I’d be able to do? They decided I didn’t fit and they found someone else

Being disappointed over and over again is going to weigh down on you and it’ll impact your self esteem, which leaks into the art you do manage to produce

Yeah you can go “indie” or start your own small projects, but that’s something you have to be really committed to do and won’t guarantee success. Plus for me, I really want to meet other people and opportunities in this field

This isn’t even touching on how much of a hellscape the current climate is for everyone, never mind artists. If the art feels like it’s made from a exhausted heart, it probably is from an exhausted heart


checking up on an artist you used to follow and their skills have improved but ever since they’ve graduated from art school their drawings look exhausted and lost


my hot art take is that I the “your art style is just an amalgamation of different styles you like” rhetoric is false because of the simple fact that we don’t all paint hyperrealism. Like explain how true creation isn’t real if cave-painters didn’t paint hatsune miku.

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