
Take it easy

@leafelt-valley / leafelt-valley.tumblr.com

Leafelt valley is a place to go wild and explore unusual things. Go wild. Fight them if you will. Inbox - 5

Feed my Minecraft Askboxes some asks!

I took some time to put my current asks in neat piles to answer some in batches (since some are quite similar) and put some WIPs into drafts for safekeeping. Seeing them in such neat stacks makes me realise that there aren't a lot of individial asks to answer afterall!

A few more would do nicely! Simple asks, trivia, interactions or those that attempt to dig deep are all fine by me!

I tend to be the kind to distribute asks (sneakily) but asking for morsels myself occasionally surely wouldn't hurt. P:

(links to all blogs below)


FINAL BATCH!!!! Thank you all so much for the follows!!! I’M FINALLY DOOONNNEEEEEE!!!!!!

If you count them all, it’s not exactly 100, but I said I would only be doing Minecraft blogs. A lot of newer followers filled in most of the empty spaces.(It also saved a lot of time and some of my braincells…) One thing off of my list of things to do… Thank you all again for the 100+ followers. Y’all keep me going <3 I’ll be posting all of the files together on my Deviantart. 



As The Monstrosity of the Night rampages over the lands, engulfing the world in darkness and chaos, the caves beneath shake in terror.

His chains broken by the collapsing prison, he skips on fallen boulders over the toxic sea, formerly separating him from freedom, to the other side. He’s free and he chooses to run.

Exhausted and vulnerable he only runs.


“HA! How long has he been running from us? Must be a dozen moons.“

To Lances misfortune, he has left tracks and gave away a direction. His pursuers finally caught up to him and need only to find him.

-- Sirius and Silas are now interactable --

Their main focus is to find Lance, you can go mess with them, help a fellow hunter out or do as you usually do and ask a bunch of questions.


Mikkkaaa~ I am JUST starving! …Could you go get me a meal or two? If their not sad just torture them till they are, okay? Thank youuu~


Mika is now out looking for a poor soul that could make a proper meal for his >friend

>> Max amount of victims: 3


Being busy making a fuss and complaining about his own decision to come here, Lance shakes off the last drops of murky water. Only stopping his ramble when he sees an unfamiliar ender approaching him.

“Oh! You’ve got a neat neckpiece! Didn’t know pink could look so neat on green, haha.“ The creeper-ender chats, trying his best to distract from his complaints earlier. “Maybe I should try some pink too.“


Mikkkaaa~ I am JUST starving! …Could you go get me a meal or two? If their not sad just torture them till they are, okay? Thank youuu~


Mika is now out looking for a poor soul that could make a proper meal for his >friend

>> Max amount of victims: 3


Being busy making a fuss and complaining about his own decision to come here, Lance shakes off the last drops of murky water. Only stopping his ramble when he sees an unfamiliar ender approaching him.

“Oh! You’ve got a neat neckpiece! Didn’t know pink could look so neat on green, haha.“ The creeper-ender chats, trying his best to distract from his complaints earlier. “Maybe I should try some pink too.“


Snatch: *to kyle* you're markings are very unique, I haven't seen other enderman like you, I mean, in the ender. Up here there's a lot of unique ones! *he's speaking brightly and happy* Like some with green eyes, I didn't know that was even a thing- sorry, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm snatch, what's your name?


A bit taken aback, Kyle examines the perculiar looking stranger. He’s heard of different kinds of enders, who look quite different from him. He can tell this one’s not a hybrid, but there’s something weird about them.

Once he’s done rambling he averts his gaze, not quite sure what to do.

// Kyle is really good talking down on people, but he really needs to polish his skills with fellow enders, lol. Especially when he can’t literally look down on people. -snrk-


(leafelt-valley) Lance wandered around when he notices a garden full of plants unknown to him. He trots to the fence and examines the plants and their weird fruit. "Goodness, what are all those? I've never seen plants like those. Why are those berries blue??"


[Just... please don't follow certain people's footsteps and ask if you want more in the future!]

[I just got robbed a barrel of blueberries. Don't be like them, nu uh.]


Lance tenses up for a second and glances at Steven for a moment. He looks sorta human, but his presence doesn’t feel as such. As he’s met with no hostility whatsoever, the creeper-ender relaxes and tries not to show his suspicion.

He moves his attention to the berries in his palms instead.

He examines the foreign berries in his palms before picking one up and placing it in his mouth. They can’t possibly be poisinous, right? Right?

The moment he bites down, all his worry and suspicion melts away. His tongue is met with a delightful light sweet taste.

He throws the rest of the berries in his mouth and saviours the taste for a moment.

He can’t stop his tail flicking up and down on it’s own.


"My goodness, Lance, are you okay?" Vihm is immediately concerned, but looks to Kyle in a tiff. "Why would you do that out of no where? Has he done something to you to deserve that?"


“That one one seemed smarter than the others. Didn’t even fight back.”


“We are all our own individuals - I don’t believe that makes us lesser or greater! Nor will our pure blood make us superior somehow! Our people on the overworld have had to adapt to life here.” (( OOC: In which Vihm schools a follower of the Queen,,, she is a mom and will protect everyone - a lot of her friends are not “pure-blood”! Also I followed the theme of grid bg tho I know you used graphing paper fjkdsF ))

“It takes just a single ‘individual’ to ruin everything our queen works for. We make sure everyone stays in line. How hard is that to understand?“ Kyle pinches his brows as he let’s out a groan. “I am not playing the greater-or-worse game. I am not saying we are surperior or any of that. But, we are the one’s who hear her calls. You don’t.

“You know I could’ve done something way worse than just throw a guy. You are aware of that, right? So you better shush. If you want to fight this fight and save your dear individuals, go find someone who actually goes and harms your non-pure friends.

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