

@scribblygryphon / scribblygryphon.tumblr.com

Sup! I'm Scribbly Gryphon, artist, aspiring singer, Friend and Boy to all! COMMISSIONS OPEN; search 'commissions'

Ha a lélek vándorlásában hiszünk, el kell fogadnunk hogy ha zenészek voltunk, zenészek maradunk akkor is, ha négy lábbal újraszületünk..


Translation, via Google Translate:

If we believe in the migration of the soul, we have to accept that if we were musicians, we will remain musicians even if we are reborn with four legs.


Wolfgang Malamozart over here like damn


Also, please don't forget to draw fat necks. When I search for fat art, oftentimes the lack of a fat neck makes a character not look fat anymore because the artist basically just drew a skinny person from the shoulders up.

A resource I suggest is fatphotoref. You can also look at fat positive blogs for tons of photos and drawings that can help you learn how fat bodies look in different poses. Tags you can search on this blog include fat art, fatshion, fat athletes, and fat masc. Those tags are probably the best if you're wanting to use fatphobiabusters for pictures to help you learn how to draw fat people. Another tip I have heard a fat artist mention before is if you are fat yourself, use yourself as a reference photo. I hope this helps!

-Mod Worthy


ttrpg player pro tip- just tell your GM when you have a plot in mind for your character. Ask for events to happen. Walk up and say "I want my evil brother to show up and be a huge fight and I try to save him from himself." Your GM will ADORE having a whole encounter outlined for her, you'll get to have an awesome scene play out, you'll be invested, your GM will be invested, it'll be memorable. Hopefully, just don't be foreceful.

The idea that you and your GM will be able to like, psychically intuit each other's ideas for character arcs is bullshit. This is a collaborative relationship; communicate!!

Also get comfortable undoing shit if you're the DM. If you made an off-hand comment that didn't fit the world you want to weave or if you realized pulling a character out now has bad implications. You can just pause and tell everyone "wait I changed my mind, forget I said that! it didn't happen." and go back to the previous scene.

Ultimately ttrpgs should be a fun play time; ask yourself if you're following invisible rules, and if those rules help or hinder your game experience.


Left the DM (unexpectedly for me, pretty bad) and I still remember her saying things in the liking of "let's see how the plot goes" or "my plot won't allow your (nesessary for my characters survival) details" or "it needs to be here to justify my plot".

Her plot allowed a lot of things I wasn't aware of, didn't consent to or never discussed for the sake of being "spoiler-free".

So another very important thing for you, dear DM: don't be afraid of spoilers. Your players can handle a little bit of info tete-a-tete for their comfort and/or safety.

The Almighty Plot is not the master over your game. You are.


*walter white vvoice* jesse we need to talk about how john keel is haunting the narrative he is dead he is a memory he is unavoidable we never know who john keel truly was he only lvies on in memories and given the time fuckery that happened he only truly exists and lives on now in vimes memory


but seriously though i’m sick and tired of those masterposts that are like “here! A reference site on Greek mythology for all your needs! Look it has all fifteen Greek gods on it!” And I’m like. tHERE WERE LIKE HUNDREDS OF FIGURES IN MYTHOLOGY YOUR CRAPPY HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL BIBLIOGRAPHY SITE MEANS NOTHING TO ME 

if you want a basic outline of Greek mythology okay sure fine??? but like. if you want an extensive fucking reference site you are looking in the wrong goddamn places

as a self-declared greek mythology snob my reference site is fucking always this fucker right here. almost every single figure ever mentioned in a Greek text is on it, it has the most obscure gods, spirits, nymphs– it’s GREAT. You really wanna extend your mythological knowledge past the basic 12 and like four others? USE THEOI.  plus plus PLUS everything is cited so you can actually read the source material written about whoever it is you’re looking at.

fucking signal boost this. i’m so sick and tired of writer’s helpers blogs referring people to sites with as much information you would get from opening a third grade mythology book jesus chriiiiiist

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