
the chemicals are restless in my head


a tribute to early warriors fans

grr!! who dares trespass on my territory?!

jordan / any pronouns / 25 / main is @petz5

i’m sure i don’t even need to tell u but my header + icon are by @corvuskatana , what a classic

this blog will showcase warriors fanart from the early years of the warriors fandom with the cutoff loosely being 2014. all works are linked back to their original sources, and i try my best to make sure every artist featured allows reposts either with a “you can use this with credit” note on the piece or by asking for permission personally. if you see any of your work here and want it either taken down or linked to your current account, please shoot me a message!!

now occasionally reblogging modern fanart- the tag is “not retro” if you want to filter!

you’re also welcome to submit your own old fanart!

also please don’t follow if u fit the usual dni criteria lol


They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.


here's some instructions for anyone who doesn't know how to opt out:

  1. login in on desktop, it's not available on mobile yet
  2. click "Account"
  3. click on your blog
  4. go to "Blog Settings"
  5. go to "Visibility"
  6. Scroll down to the bottom option
  7. turn the toggle ON, not off

you will have to do this individually for each sideblog you have too, no way to do it for each account in one go

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