
Average Whump Enjoyer


Den/Ez | They/Them | Been lurking for a while and decided to create this to interact with the community | Sometimes Writer & Artist

Hello, the names Den or Ez, I'm not picky about which one you use, and I currently use They/Them pronouns. I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to create a blog. I'll probably end up just rebloging most of the time, but I do dabble in writing and drawing on occasion.

Some tropes I like

  • Kidnapping
  • Whumper turned whumpee
  • Self sacrifice
  • Restraints (Especially if it includes dangling from the ceiling or smth)
  • Human weapons
  • Nonhuman whumpees
  • Branding
  • Multiple Caretakers (It's a support system, not a support singular and I will die on this hill)

And if you see me rb something not whump related and immediately delete it, no you didn't. You saw nothing.


I love the classic “whumpee breaks a dish and panics, cue caretaker assuring them they’re safe and okay”…but why does it always have to be a broken dish?

Give me some flavor, some variety. Maybe whumpee loses something caretaker let them borrow. Maybe they accidentally let caretaker’s pet out and now they’re missing. Maybe whumpee spoils the ending of a show caretaker was *this close* to finishing. There’s so many ways to inconvenience people that don’t involve breaking their dishes.

Anonymous asked:

Happy Whumpmas (•∇•。) 🎅🎄🎁🦌 !!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to (however many you want) other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: who is a blorbo you like to whump?

Ahh Happy Whumpidays and a Whumpy New Year!

My favorite blorbo of mine right now to just put through the ringer is probably my oc Aurum, who's just having the worst fucking time.


I dont know if anyone has really noticed, but I've taken a bit of a step back from the whump community. You guys are phenomenal people, but I think I've just cone to the realization that... I don't like whump? Don't get me wrong, I love it when blorbo from my show runs the gauntlet, but that's the thing. It has to be blorbo from my show. I've noticed that I've stopped getting "Whumperflies" and I was trying to figure out why, and I think it's because I only really enjoy whump when it's a character I enjoy? It's started doing absolutely nothing for me when I'm not emotionally invested.

And that's the kicker, ain't it? Because the whump community has taken the trope of whump and kind of isolated it. It's not about "Character went through bad things" it's about "Character went through bad things". This isn't a criticism necessarily, but it's just a weird trend I've noticed.


I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and I’d really like to hear people’s thoughts.

Feel free to add your thoughts, I’d really like to hear more about what readers want from their whump. I know I have my own opinions, but I’d love to hear more.


*sighs* I hate having to do this. But I'm at my wits end.

So. As many of you know, I disappeared last month without warning. That's due to me being hospitalized after a mental break due to my mom and her friends' harassment, both online and offline.

My father and I are planning on moving out, but since I was hospitalized, we're struggling not only with current bills, but also medical bills.

So. I made a GoFundMe for this.

So please, whump friends! Help us! And please spread the word if you can! If you can't donate, that's okay!


EDIT: For some reason, it was bringing people to the home page. I don't know why but hopefully the link works this time.

$400/$2500! :D

UPDATE: We plan to move in 2025. We don't know when exactly but definitely sometime during that year.

We haven't reached our goal yet, as seen here, so please spread the word! Thank you so much ❤️



- men deserve it :)

- it’s hot

- cathartic to see males as vulnerable

1) although you clearly aren’t attracted to women in this context, have you considered that tumblr user sapphicwhump obviously is and has made this post about her own interests and desires?

2) why are you holding individual fictional men accountable for the crimes of their entire gender? It would be equally wrong to torture a man or a woman irl and equally as acceptable to torture any gender in fiction because, it is fiction.

3) why do you feel the need to add onto a post that was clearly not aimed at you, to tell OP that you don’t agree with her when she is already obviously expressing sadness at the fact that the genre she’s into is niche and hard to find?


Non-Human/Hybrid Whumpee who was raised in captivity.

New laws banning the ownership of hybrids bring government agents breaking down doors of the sales facility Whumpee is currently housed in.

Whumpee is placed in government assisted Housing For Displaced Hybrids (HFDH). Mandatory therapy. Mandatory employment training or assistance.

Whumpee just wants to go back. Misses being a prized pet. Whumpee misses not having to worry about human-made problems like taxes or bills.

Whumpee cries themselves to sleep.

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