
I lift my lids and all is born again

@niniane17 / niniane17.tumblr.com

Italian. Feminist. I reblog things that interest me and sometimes I write about them. Especially cats.

This is a nice sign to look at. 10/10 for composition.


don’t give me ideas

some design concepts

minor arcana concepts

Yes, the aces are zeros. Deal with it.

I'm nearly done with the first draft-- I just have to figure out what the face cards should be for the swords

Maybe for the swords face cards, you could do notice/caution/warning/danger? They're not pictograms but there are four levels of increasing severity which matches with your other suits

i actually love this

They’re supposed to be a bit of a wild card, so it makes sense that their faces would be the most broad/most open to interpretation


College friendship is sending one of your friends who's graduating soon a giant list of monster theory and gothic horror academic reading recs so they can download as many PDFs as possible before they lose their university database access

Got a request for some of the recs here, so here's a short-ish list of some of the reading recs -- I've made an effort to link open source and/or at least slightly more accessible databases like JSTOR wherever possible, but some of these are, admittedly behind various paywalls that I wish everyone luck with circumventing in whatever manner you deem fit

This isn't even everything I've dug into on the subject, but I hope it's enough to get folks started on some reading!

Anonymous asked:

What do you think of the Sansa bullied Arya take if you don’t mind me asking (just don’t answer if you don’t want to haha)

per my usual practice on Controversial Topics im putting this under a cut


"corsets are a barbaric painful tool of the patriarchy" says the era with sitting down pants and waist trainers and push up bras and brazilian butt lifts and preventative botox and full coverage foundation and no makeup makeup and full body waxing and and and and

yes all of those things are barbaric painful tools of the patriarchy what is your point?


Corsets were just bras. Edwardian women achieved that hourglass shape not by pulling their corset so tight that they could hardly breathe, but by putting lots of fluffy layers around their bust and hips to make them look bigger. Corsets were worn by everyone back then, which includes working class women, women who would have to lift and bend breathe easily, and they had no issues with them. The allegations that corsets were a barbaric tool only came around when during WW1 clothing became scarce and all those layers became inaccessible, leading to the simpler clothing style we see in the 20s and the use of the bra for the rest of history.

“Corsets were just bras” is not the defense of corsets you think it is. Bras are bad too.

Not for my big ass tits lol

The societal expectation that everyone with breasts wear bras at all times is bad. Many popular bra designs are not designed to maximize support for breasts but rather for decorative reasons. There are places in the world where neither bras nor corsets are standard and women still have large breasts in those places.

Anything that’s used incorrectly or for the wrong reasons is bad. Not all bras are bad and if you don’t wanna wear them that’s fine. I personally like how bras and corsets feel and look, not because I’m doing it for the patriarchy, but for myself

None of that changes that these things are tools of the patriarchy.


While transphobes are vile and must be opposed, a lot of misogynists in progressive spaces realized they can get away with anti-feminism by falsely claiming all feminism is trans-exclusionary. It is not, and people in these progressive spaces apparently need to be reminded that nothing exempts them from having their views on women and feminism affected by the patriarchy. If you immediately view women talking about men oppressing them with suspicion and scorn (especially when there’s no mention of trans people in the woman’s post), you’re just sexist


Tumblr: Only neurotypical people do X. Neurodivergent people never do X. It's literally never necessary to do X, and if you do, you are by definition acting out of malice.

Neurodivergent person whose neurodivergence primarily expresses itself as X:

Example –

Person A: Why don't people just tell you when they want you to do something?

Person B: Well, very direct requests are likely to be misinterpreted as orders, and it's often not appropriate to give a person orders, so couching the request in indirect language avoids that possibility.

Person A: Why would anyone interpret a request as an order? Only neurotypical people do that. That's crazy. Neurotypical people are crazy.

Every single autistic person who needs the phrasing of requests to thread the needle like Luke Skywalker blowing up the fucking Death Star because if it's too indirect they'll take it as an observational statement, but if it's too direct their brain immediately goes into "fuck you, don't order me around" mode and refuses to do anything at all:

Example 2 –

Person A: Why do people who don't like you pretend to be cool with you, then make up excuses not to hang out with you?

Person B: Well, people often experience being told they're not liked or not welcome as a form of harm, and react to "defend" themselves from that harm, so a person might make excuses either because they want to avoid hurting you, or because they want to avoid a confrontation.

Person A: Why would anyone be hurt by being told to go away? Only neurotypical people do that. That's crazy. Neurotypical people are crazy.

Every single person whose ADHD is comorbid with rejection-sensitive dysphoria:

I'm not sure what's more predictable – the people seeing this post and coming to me like "okay, but I'm the exception, my communication style really IS objectively correct and everybody else is either crazy or evil", or the people who are clearly going up the thread to reblog a version without the RSD example.


this constant discrimination against us sex-havers needs to stop. you throw condoms at me and go "hey wetdick!" "bet you got some today wetdick!" "don't leave it in there too long it'll get pruned!" am i not a human being. if you cut me do i not bleed

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