

He/They Lesbian Adult Eve Baird Enthusiast and Nicole Noone defense attorney @spacephobos

gonna make this very clear: zionists kill yourself. you are NOT welcome here


LESS THAN THREE HOURS AGO: zionists were taunting a comrade at ucla's gaza solidarity encampment with a severe (possibly anaphylactic? with the context clues of "can go into shock" im leaning towards assuming it's anaphylactic) banana allergy by bringing bananas near the camp. i am genuinely of the belief that taunting someone with anaphylaxis like this should be considered attempted murder. this is fucking evil.

that was actually also ucla 🫠

two nights ago/the early morning of the 29th, zionist counter protesters did in fact release mice near the encampment. its claimed that the mice had been injected with something, i dont personally know how true those claims are, but regardless live mice were still released which is cruel and inhumane in its own right. i also saw a report of cockroaches being released last night, but i haven't seen a videos of that yet. i wouldn't put it past the ucla counter protesters though, theyve already proven to not care about seemingly any life, these creatures (and a comrades dangerous allergy) are just tools to them, everything they do seems like some attempt to "get back" at people who just want the genocide to end. these people are fucking cruel to their cores.

i also wanna mention some other particularly vile things zionist counter protesters at ucla have done, in recent days they have: called our comrades animals + said "go listen to your master", said they should "go to palestine" + "i hope they rape you", and even spit on our comrades + called them the n word. all of these things were caught on video. (all links lead to tweets with the videos of each incident.)


imagine being in the librarians fandom, the bisexual show of bisexuality, then being a biphobe and erasing a canon bi character BOOO CORNY.

Anyways I love canon bisexual Cassandra Cillian <3


#CASTRELLA: head over heels I'm celebrating the new show The Librarians: The Next Chapter currently being filmed by rewatching the original show and getting back into making content for it. This is also my first edit on Davinci Resolve, which is free, and I highly recommend it.


The best thing about librarians is it presents you with a cast of characters who are allowed to be constantly deeply and aggressively enthusiastic about their fields which are never what you think they are. The sickly one who looks like a kindergarten teacher looooves to solve quantum physics in her head!! Not to show off but because it’s fun!! The guy who’s always grinning and full of himself spied on MI6 and will make you sit and watch every horror movie known to man and everything he knows comes out of the Inquisitor. And he solves stuff before people because he knows that stuff. The southern brawling cowboy won’t hit anyone UNLESS they have a really stupid opinion about 16th century architecture. His eyes light up when he’s talking about symbolism and he gushes about 15th century Spanish love poetry. The beautiful lady will disarm nuclear threats with gusto, because it’s an Art.


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