Hello all!! Time for a proper, actual introduction (*pause for applause here*)
— My name’s Marz, he/him, adult (somehow. Still working on believing it)
— Icon by the wonderful @blood-is-compulsory
— I write whump! Some of my favorite tropes are:
- Emotional manipulation
- Noncon/dubcon
- Pet whump
- Caretaker whump
- Begging
- Intimate/creepy whumpers
— Hold On is my main story about a bonded pair in the BBU universe and the struggles they face together (and sometimes on their own). It deals with messy communication and how to build healthy relationships with partners and friends, all while within the confines of a system that treats them as less than human. Sunshine House is a branch-off with the caretakers from Hold On and dives into their past, and Shadow of Stars is a vampire AU of the story.
— Random facts! I have a side blog for all my anime interest (so it doesn’t clog up the main: @bsdisfreetherapy), I own a dog (who is the best love of my life and I will talk about her for hours if given the chance), and think I am hilarious
(Masterlists below the cut)