
Which These Bois Are Gonna Need


Marz: he/him: adult: whump blog: contains NSFW: icon by the wonderful @blood-is-compulsory: sideblog is @bsdisfreetherapy

Hello all!! Time for a proper, actual introduction (*pause for applause here*)

— My name’s Marz, he/him, adult (somehow. Still working on believing it)

— Icon by the wonderful @blood-is-compulsory

— I write whump! Some of my favorite tropes are:

  • Emotional manipulation
  • Noncon/dubcon
  • Pet whump
  • Caretaker whump
  • Begging
  • Intimate/creepy whumpers

— Hold On is my main story about a bonded pair in the BBU universe and the struggles they face together (and sometimes on their own). It deals with messy communication and how to build healthy relationships with partners and friends, all while within the confines of a system that treats them as less than human. Sunshine House is a branch-off with the caretakers from Hold On and dives into their past, and Shadow of Stars is a vampire AU of the story.

— Random facts! I have a side blog for all my anime interest (so it doesn’t clog up the main: @bsdisfreetherapy), I own a dog (who is the best love of my life and I will talk about her for hours if given the chance), and think I am hilarious

(Masterlists below the cut)


Child Whumpee cuddling with Parent Caretaker after they’ve both been through hell. I think about this all the time. Caretaker comforting Whumpee, telling them tbat everything’s going to be okay, and they made it. They got through it. And that no matter what, Whumpee will always be safe. Caretaker will protect them. And nothing bad will happen to them again.


a defiant whumpee dragged in front of whumper by henchmen. They're bleeding from their mouth and they lick the blood away before cursing whumper out.

And whumper only smiles. With a wave of their hand, one of the henchmen slaps whumpee across the face, and the other shoves them to their knees.

The message is clear.

Stay down.

They don't get the message

Whumpee tries to stand again, spitting vicious threats. Their knees are watery, threatening to give out on them.

Whumper shakes their head and whispers something to their henchmen.

Whumpee, shaking on their feet, can only watch as Caretaker is dragged-- literally dragged by their shirt collar-- and dropped beside them. Caretaker doesn't move, their breathing a ragged rise and fall. It's some semblance of life, without consciousness.

"Kneel," says Whumper.

Whumpee crashes to the ground, unable to look away from Caretaker. At their damaged hands and closed eyes, dirtied clothes, and matted hair.

Kneeling now?


"Don't cross me," murmurs Whumper and strokes the top of Whumpee's head, like one pets a stray dog just found.

Whumpee snarls but says nothing.


the amount of faith it takes to transition and believe it can get better is holier than any church

Youve never met anyone like you but youve heard people like you exist and youve heard nothing but awful awful things but. you know youre one of them. you know what you have to do. You cant do anything but pray that its better because you know you cant survive this anyways.


always disturbing to see all these irresponsible first time captors getting basement pets around this time of year and fawning about how "cute" and "terrified" they are in that first week, with 0 awareness that a captive is a real commitment, that they won't stay fresh and doe eyed and instagram-friendly forever, and that they can in fact continue to live for years unless you forget or mess up a little bit or get bored


Do you see him? *points at oc*

Look at him—that’s my baby, my pride and joy, my fucking legacy. He means everything to me. He is my first thought when I wake, the last as I drift off to sleep, and every other in my waking moments. I’d adorn him in metals and ribbons, display his feats of adversity like trophies on a shelf next to his certificates of triumph. He’s held in the highest of reverence, a god among men—magnificent, smart, talented, a great, heroic lad, destined to be immortalized in hymn and song.

He is not but an expendable pawn, a faceless cog in a broken machine, but a platinum gold token of what good humanity has to offer… so wanna see me torture the shit outta him cause he spoke out of turn?


Your own oc’s being your blorbos is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand I get to make all the rules and all my headcanons are actually just canon and I can change things and make things up as I see fit. On the other hand I am responsible for creating content for them and furthering their story if I want other people to actually be interested in them. It’s hard out here.

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