



🍉🇵🇸 eSims for Gaza masterpost 🇵🇸🍉

Which eSims are currently being called for?

More eSims are urgently needed—the team has less than a day’s supply in their inbox right now. eSim plans being called for are:

  • Nomad (“regional Middle East” plan): code NOMADCNG
  • Holafly (“Israel” and “Egypt” plans): code HOLACNG) —be sure to include which plan it is in the subject line
  • Simly (“Palestine” and “Middle East” plans)

If you sent an eSim more than two weeks ago and it hasn’t yet been activated, reply to the email you initially sent the team.

Be sure you're looking at the original post, as this will be continually updated. Any new instructions about replying to emails for specific types of unactivated plans will also appear here.

Check the notes of blackpearlblasts's eSim post, as well as fairuzfan's 'esim' tag, for referral and discount codes.

How do I purchase an eSim?

If you cannot download an app or manage an eSim yourself, send funds to Crips for eSims for Gaza (Visa; Mastercard; Paypal; AmEx; Canadian e-transfer), or to me (venmo @gothhabiba; paypal.me/Najia; cash app $NajiaK, with note “esims” or similar; check the notes of this post for updates on what I've purchased.)

You can purchase an eSim yourself using a mobile phone app, or on a desktop computer (with the exception of Simly, which does not have a desktop site). See this screenreader-accessible guide to purchasing an eSim through each of the five services that the Connecting Humanity team is calling for (Simly, Nomad, Mogo, Holafly, and Airalo).

Send a screenshot of the plan's QR code to gazaesims@gmail.com. Be sure to include the app used, the word "esim," the type of plan (when an app has more than one, aka "regional Middle East" versus "Palestine"), and the amount of data or time on the plan, in the subject line or body of your email.

Message me if you have any questions or if you need help purchasing an eSim through one of these apps.

If you’re going to be purchasing many eSims at once, see Jane Shi’s list of tips.

Which app should I use?

Try to buy an eSim from one of the apps that the team is currently calling for (see above).

If the team is calling for multiple apps:

  • Nomad is best in terms of data price, app navigability, and ability to top up when they are near expiry; but eSims must be stayed on top of, as you cannot top them up once the data has completely run out. Go into the app settings and make sure your "data usage" notifcations are turned on.
  • Simly Middle East plans cannot be topped up; Simly Palestine ones can. Unlike with Nomad, data can be topped up once it has completely run out.
  • Holafly has the most expensive data, and top-ups don't seem to work.
  • Mogo has the worst user interface in my opinion. It is difficult or impossible to see plan activation and usage.

How much data should I purchase?

Mirna el-Helbawi has been told that large families may all rely on the same plan for data (by setting up a hotspot). Some recipients of eSim plans may also be using them to upload video.

For those reasons I would recommend getting the largest plan you can afford for plans which cannot be topped up: namely, Simly "Middle East" plans, and Holafly plans (they say you can top them up, but I haven't heard of anyone who has gotten it to work yet).

For all other plans, get a relatively small amount of data (1-3 GB, a 3-day plan, etc.), and top up the plan with more data once it is activated. Go into the app’s settings and make sure low-data notifications are on, because a 1-GB eSIM can expire very quickly.

Is there anything else I need to do?

Check back regularly to see if the plan has been activated. Once it's been activated, check once a day to see if data is still being used, and how close the eSim is to running out of data or to expiring; make sure your notifications are on.

If the eSim hasn't been activated after three weeks or so, reply to the original email that you sent to Gaza eSims containing the QR code for that plan.

If you purchased the eSim through an app which has a policy of starting the countdown to auto-expiry a certain amount of time after the purchase of the eSim, rather than only upon activation (Nomad does this), then also reply to your original e-mail once you're within a few days of this date. If you're within 12 hours of that date, contact customer service and ask for a credit (not a refund) and use it to purchase and send another eSim.

How can I tell if my plan has been activated? How do I top up a plan?

The Connecting Humanity team recommends keeping your eSims topped up once they have been activated.

See this guide on how to tell if your plan has been activated, how to top up plans, and (for Nomad) how to tell when the auto-expiry will start. Keep topping up the eSim for as long as the data usage keeps ticking up. This keeps a person or family connected for longer, without the Connecting Humanity team having to go through another process of installing a new eSim.

If the data usage hasn't changed in a week or so, allow the plan to expire and purchase another one.

What if I can't afford a larger plan, or don't have time or money to keep topping up an eSim?

I have set up a pool of funds out of which to buy and top up eSims, which you can contribute to by sending funds to my venmo (@gothhabiba), PayPal (paypal.me/Najia), or cash app ($NajiaK) (with note “esims” or similar). Check the notes of this post for updates on what I've purchased, which plans are active, and how much data they've used.

Crips for eSims for Gaza also has a donation pool to purchase esims, but I don't know about their practices regarding topping them up.

What if my eSim has not been activated, even after I replied to my email?

Make sure that the QR code you sent was a clear screenshot, and not a photo of a screen; and that you didn’t install the eSim on your own phone by scanning the QR code or clicking “install automatically."

Possible reasons for an eSim not having been activated include: it was given to a journalist as a back-up in case the plan they had activated expired or ran out of data; there was an error during installation or activation and the eSim could no longer be used; the eSim was installed, but not activated, and then Israeli bombings destroyed the phone, or forced someone to leave it behind.

An eSim that was sent but couldn’t be used is still part of an important effort and learning curve. Errors in installation, for example, are happening less often than they were in the beginning of the project.

Why should I purchase an eSim? Is there any proof that they work?

Israel is imposing near-constant communications blackouts on Gaza. The majority of the news that you are seeing come from Gaza is coming from people who are connected via eSim.

eSims also connect people to news. People are able to videochat with their family for the first time in months, to learn that their family members are still alive, to see their newborn children for the first time, and more, thanks to eSims.

Some of this sharing of news saves lives, as people have been able to flee or avoid areas under bombardment, or learn that they are on evacuation lists.

Why are different plans called for at different times?

Different eSims work in different areas of the Gaza Strip (and Egypt, where many refugees currently are). The team tries to keep a stockpile of each type of sim on hand.

Is there anything else I can do to help?

There is an urgent need for more eSims. Print out these posters and place them on bulletin boards, in local businesses, on telephone poles, or wherever people are likely to see them. Print out these foldable brochures to inform people about the initiative and distribute them at protests, cafes and restaurants, &c. Also feel free to make your own brochures using the wording from this post.

The Connecting Humanity team is very busy connecting people to eSims and don't often have time to answer questions. Check a few of Mirna El Helbawi's most recent tweets and see if anyone has commented with any questions that you can answer with the information in this post.


"goddess" "matriarchy" "female wisdom" girl your civic rights


“But I didn’t and still don’t like making a cult of women’s knowledge, preening ourselves on knowing things men don’t know, women’s deep irrational wisdom, women’s instinctive knowledge of Nature, and so on. All that all too often merely reinforces the masculinist idea of women as primitive and inferior – women’s knowledge as elementary, primitive, always down below at the dark roots, while men get to cultivate and own the flowers and crops that come up into the light. But why should women keep talking baby talk while men get to grow up? Why should women feel blindly while men get to think?”

— Ursula K. Le Guin



a WLW makeup ad. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Makeup ad?! This is a whole movie.

“And they were reincarnated soulmates!”

“Oh my god, they were reincarnated soulmates!!”


@fell-reverie !!!! O.O <3_<3


I really want to meet whoever was able to sell the makeup company on this idea, because if they can get money for this much lavish period dress and sapphic innuendo for a four-minute commercial in China, then they can probably sell anything to anyone


List of Youtube Documentaries and Video Essays on Tumblr Lore, for anyone wanting to learn or re-live it:



The Lies of Tumblr



Anonymous asked:

do you have a queer reading list? or just some queer books/plays/etc that you'd recommend? (love the blog by the way 😊)


Fiction: Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin, Peter Darling by Austin Chant, Maurice by E. M. Forster, The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith, A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood, The Charioteer & The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault, Tipping the Velvet & Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, and Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Poetry: Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, When My Brother Was An Aztec by Natalie Diaz, Meditations in an Emergency by Frank O'Hara, Crush by Richard Siken, Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong, anything by Federico García Lorca, and this free collection at https://gumroad.com/l/rILws by Esdras Parra, trans. Jamie Berrout

Plays: The Captive by Édouard Bourdet, Beautiful Thing by Jonathan Harvey, Angels in America by Tony Kushner, Edward II by Christopher Marlowe, and anything by Jean Cocteau or Tennessee Williams

Non-fiction: Auden in Love by Dorothy Farnan, Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg, Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges, The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, Gender Failure by Rae Spoon and Ivan Coyote, and any collection of letters between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West


Hey, Versobooks have made the above ebooks free to download

These resources challenge zionist ideology and offer a clear history of the occupation, Israel's military industrial complex, and the BDS movement. (X)

Download here because some of you can use some reading tbh


I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, which makes me think it isn’t being reported, but right now the largest protest for Palestine in the history of the United States is taking place in Washington DC. Thousands turned up to show their solidarity for Palestine and to call for a ceasefire.

Look at this, they won’t be able to ignore us for much longer.

Anonymous asked:

tumblr's ceo is pro isreal. like openly so on his twitter. thats why a lot of the palestine tags and posts are being censored

Checked @photomatt likes on twitter:

and whatever the fuck this retweet is supposed to mean:

He also retweeted this weird essay, I'll only give an excerpt:

so.....? is it plausible to make the case that tumblr is willingly censoring Palestine advocates? by somehow also saying Palestinians around the globe who have been organizing for the past 75+ are actually super secret terrorists who want to blow up the whole world and have no reason to be advocating for their Land Back? Nefarious underground league of people who secretly are controlling your content to ruin your precious democracy that you've built to benefit yourselves? How offensive can you possible get?

I almost think it's useless to post this because I'll probably get nuked, but I still want to call it out when I see it because I refuse to allow the delusion that this platform is anything more than for the ultrarich techbros to make money. Corporations do not have your best interests in mind, and that goes for the people running those corporations too.

You all cry for free speech but when the speech is running freely you say it's against your better interests and shoot it in the back midstride.

If I get nuked it'll probably be because of this post. Mutuals feel free to ask for my discord or something.


Yooooo this is fucked no wonder Palestine isn’t trending


How do you live a normal life when this is happening how do you disconnect I feel like I'm going fucking crazy I need to be awake and in a fucking chem class of all useless things in a few hours but every time I shut my eyes all I can see is the bodies and the screaming and the blood and honestly I don't think anyone should be able to live normally like this I don't think there is another reaction you can really have to genocide but everyone is just carrying on business as usual like they can't see anything at all and our government is lying and lying and people are dying and dying and the death toll is increasing faster and faster and I know when I wake up hundreds more will be on the list and while I am safe in my warm bed asleep people are dying and in the time it took to write this children are dying they are dead and I am here and nobody listens and how how how could you even try to live normally like this I don't understand


You know, it's very curious how every time Hamas' freedom fighters do something, Israel just bombs Gaza Strip as a response, targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Isn't that curious?

I think it's very curious.

It's almost like they are using Hamas as an excuse, or something.

Israel does not even try to disguise how much they don't care about Palestinians. Israel does not try to hide how it thinks that Palestinians do not deserve human rights and self-determination.

Where was Hamas during the Great March of Return where people were shot by the thousands, losing limbs, being killed for having the nerve to protest, the nerve to want to be free and go back home. (wanting to go back home...now isn't that ironic? In their oh-so-righteous quest for a home, Israel destroys the homes and lives of the Palestinian people.)

Where was Hamas when journalists and medics are killed?

Where is Hamas in Jerusalem where homes are being demolished? Where people do not have the same rights as those who come from the other side of the world to take their homes as their own.

Hamas is the Boogeyman in your minds, so you can feel at ease terrorising, killing, assaulting, displacing, ethnically cleansing hundreds of thousands of people.

The word "terrorists" is an excuse to let it all happen.

The word "Hamas" is an excuse to let it all happen.

You are disgraceful.

A vile regime that cries wolf again, and again, and again.

And the world lets them.

Disgraceful. Shameful. Disgusting.

All the atrocities, allowed in the name of profit.

The very notion that Hamas is doing any of this out of their own free will is disingenuous, fueled by racism, and it ignores the 70+ years of continuous violence brought upon the Palestinian people by the illegal occupying force of Israel. It ignores what the Gaza Strip is, it ignores the mental terror Palestinians live through and are born into.

The collective trauma of the Holocaust, the collective trauma of an apartheid state itself, is being used to go through with Genocide of an entire peoples.

I hear people talking about this being a cycle. It is not.

Early on, I too thought it was a cycle, as violence begets violence, but it is not.

Palestinians are resisting their very annihilation.

I will not ask of them to be merciful, even though they are.

I will not ask of them to be gentle, even though they are.

I will not ask them to die slowly and quietly for my peace of mind as Israel chokes them of their lives, chokes them of their lands year after painful year.

I will not condemn their struggle.

Israel was not merciful to them. Israel was not gentle to them.

Israel is a state that exists on the backs of countless Palestinian deaths. That, I condemn.


An Al Jazeera reporter does an outstanding job of pressing the U.S. State Department's regional spokesman, by requesting proof of his allegations of gasoline thefts committed by Hamas.

To be clear, this is not a defense of Hamas. The gas is needed for the generators and other lifesaving machines that pump and desalinate water, and for use in hospitals.

In the past three days, Israel has allowed very few aid trucks in via the Rafah land crossing with Egypt. But no fuel. So far, the request for fuel to enter Gaza for humanitarian needs has been declined by Israel. Israel classed diesel as a “dual use” good that can be used for military as well as civilian purposes.

SN: For perspective, before October 7th hundreds of trucks per day delivered food, water, humanitarian supplies, and gasoline into Gaza. Israel has cut that number to less than 100 trucks in the last two weeks.

This is an important point because millions of innocent people who are noncombatant civilians — half of them children, the sick and disabled, pregnant women, infants and newborns, and more — are quite literally being denied basic human rights like access to clean drinking water, food and medicine. Gaza is being bombed and starved to death.

This is what collective punishment looks like.

This is genocide.


Thanks to Genocide Joe downplaying the numbers, Human Rights Watch had to vouch for the Ministry of Health regarding their death toll figures


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