
Cookiehalo's Art

@cookiehalo / cookiehalo.tumblr.com

~A page dedicated to showing my art~ Hit me up on discord at Cookiehalo if you have any questions! Or DM me here
Commissions: Closed ❌

Friendly reminder that you should

  • Write that fic
  • Draw your OC
  • Redesign that blorbo
  • Plan that comic how you want
  • Create the content you want to see
  • Be cringe
  • Be free

The only thing that matters is you having fun! Not what others think!


not sure if this will make sense to anyone besides me but: the antidote to negativity is not positivity, its warmth

positivity tells a sad person that there is no reason to be sad. warmth asks the sad person if they want to go get some ice cream

Been a moment since I saw this. Glad it’s back on my dash when I needed it.


grief is so crazy like what if i forget what her laugh sounds like. does she know i loved her. i miss her so much. i catch myself doing things she used to do. i wish i could call her. i miss her so much. i do a crossword puzzle. i cry while washing the dishes. does she know i loved her? my heart feels like a hummingbird. i miss her so much. what if i forget what her laugh sounds like. what if i forget.

i talked ab this feeling in therapy yday and my therapist asked me, “would it really be so bad if your memories changed? if they softened and faded or looked different over time? why does that frighten you so much?” and i said, “i don’t want the love to disappear.” and she looked at me for a long moment and then she said, “it won’t. it doesn’t work that way. even if the memories soften or change, it doesn’t mean the love does. that love keeps going backward in time, forever, because you love her still. all is not lost.” i just thought i would share that in case it resonated w anyone else too.


Your quality of life will increase ten-fold when you learn to appreciate the sight of a little bird

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