
and then she took me home

@arcanistvysoren / arcanistvysoren.tumblr.com

Less (on AO3). 30s. Queer. In this house, we process emotions through shipping. Links for Mobile: About. Tags. Dragon Age blogs: kirkwall-age; DA Tarot art

so, today we, russian queers, may become "extremists" by decision of russian supreme court and thus our existence will be silenced and erased. any queer activism will be impossible for us. I don't know what to do anymore. I was heartbroken when they passed the laws about "gay propaganda" and transgender people, now I'm just numb. I don't want to escape. I just want to live safely in my own country.

please hear us.


I'm still sort of on hiatus here, but yeah.... so this happened.

Things I can add from a personal experience:

  • the ruling only took 5 hours, which is considered incredibly quick;
  • the LGBT flag is now considered as offensive and as criminal as a exhibiting a swastika and you will be fined or worse for displaying it;
  • maintaining any kind of queer organization (club / event / pride / theme party) is punishable by roughly 12 years in prison;
  • they purposefully elected to outlaw this vague and ephemeral "international public movement" because there is no such thing as an organized public queer movement, which means legally no one can contest / dispute / etc. this ruling; or, at the very least, it would be very difficult; it is being ridiculed by some sources as absurd because it sounds like Russia is afraid of some conglomerate gay boogeyman, but the wording is actually purposefully nefarious;
  • none of it is surprising because this was the social understanding in this country for years, following years of other tightening of screws; i remember the propaganda ad from a few years back which was run in support of prohibiting gay couples from adopting; it was vile; it has been getting more and more homophobic and vile here with each passing day;
  • this line in the article is crucial: "The authorities portray LGBT activism as something inherently Western and hostile to Russia." -- russia is being deeply separated from the rest of the world by governmental propaganda, and anything Western has been considered for over a decade as malicious influence; this is directly tied to the war, too, because the public outcry and condemnation of the war by the West and the withdrawing of business and other punitive reactions are just being trotted out as more proof that the West is the immoral enemy and hostile to this nation.
My best friend casually mentioned to me a couple of weeks back: You know, I accidentally rewatched “A Few Good Men”, and let met tell you, Tom Cruise and Kevin Bacon, there’s just something there… She was right. There is. And I wrote a fic about it. And my friend is a horrible enabler you can all either thank her or blame her, whichever.

can we please not. i love this movie, and i am *so very deeply* on the tommy and demi train for this particular film that it screams from the very depth of my bone structure

😶😶😶 am i having a stroke? did you reblog a post from the year of 2015 with 20 notes to tell me i retroactively shouldn't slash something? (and shouldn't have for the past 8 years i guess)

i wasn't gonna say anything 'cause it's not like i noticed it in a timely fashion but: there is a difference between voicing a dissenting opinion on tumblr in the tags of a 100k post that gets swallowed up by the amount of notifs vs this - which is like tapping me on the shoulder and personally to my face saying my shirt is ugly. like, kudos to you for shipping Danny and Jo, i don't care, and maybe make your own post next time


Lessons on Loving a Prophet, Jeanann Verlee


You know how this ends. There’s nothing you can do to change it, so make peace with it now. Ready your hands for the callus, shred the cloth for bandages, prepare the rosaries. Two. When you meet him, outside the grocery, along the boardwalk, beneath the overpass, you will not know what he is. He will be neither be too charming nor too handsome, not thunder, not polish Three. The day you fall in love, his mouth will spill your name. He will repeat and repeat. He will not touch you. He will watch your hips, study whatever ample you have, will ask to watch you dance. When you turn to leave, he will use your name like a choke chain. Four. He will call you miracle. Your face will unravel. This is his magic. When he begs you promise, say yes. Five. When he offers his lips, take them. Take his arms, his throat, take his toes when he offers. Gorge. Swallow everything whole. Gag. Vomit. Swallow more. Do not hesitate. No time for polite, or coy. Take. Six. When the minions call you whore, nod. Seven. He will tell you of the others. How they went crazy in their sleep awaiting his return. Do not flinch. Do not doubt your thickened fingertips. Stand upright. You promised. Eight. When you find him in his room, thrashing the sheets, pressing his palms into the walls, howling, his face a river… close the door. This is how he makes wine. Leave him in his sorcery. Nine. When he explains that he cannot love. That he will never be yours alone. When he tells how the meek, the gluttons, the tempted, the proud are his angels, do not mourn. Smile, feed him, wash his hair. Ten. He is a king among thieves. The leeches will hollow his skin, the crows reduce him to bones. His own heart will empty him. Allow for the bleed. Be ready with tourniquet and prayer. Eleven. In the dry burn of dawn, after the last of the lashes, the thorns and the spittle, when his limp body is laid at your feet, remember the night you loved him, the ember of his eyes and the way the words came like honey. Twelve. You were made for this.


Okay fuck so for like the entire first part I thought this person was like... Using one of those 3d pens to replace lace in this curtain somehow

Then the next couple I was like "wait are they just like painting the curtains a different color? Were the lace threads just black or something on that other one?"

Then finally it clicked and I freaked the fuck out



The artist is Leeah Joo, and she's a Korean-American painter. You can see more of her paintings on her website or her Instagram, where this video was originally posted.


padme's handmaidens are such an underrated concept. i mean, yeah you can call it women supporting women and leave it at that but like. its so much more intense than that. they basically created the persona of queen amidala together. they assigned her specific mannerisms and tone of voice and breathing patterns and all of them studied that well enough to play the role perfectly. they put all of the derangedness teenage girls put into discovering their own identity into perfecting mimicry instead & they did all that knowing that their role will always be to die in padme's place if it comes to that. idk what insane levels of devotion does it take to be like 14 and you've become so intimately familiar with your friend that you can quite literally become her. there's friendship & traumabonding and then theres "my entire life is dedicated to dying for this woman" and then there's that but with added identity fuckery and thats what the handmaidens have going on with the bonus point of being 14

ok yk what tho. thought on this more. theres something about padme growing up with her closest relationships being ride or die devoted and the way that colours her later relationships. shes a lot more isolated as a senator, with most of her friendships at the time being professional & ofc aside from that, her standards for the intensity of your average relationship arent normal so there could be some genuine failure to connect there. and thats the stage of her life where she begins her extremely intense ride or die relationship with anakin. the fandom acknowledges his attachment, loyalty & murder complexes but i think maybe we should consider that padme might have genuinely liked that about him. im straying fully into my personal interpretation here but i love the idea that on some level, the girl who grew up knowing shed have to send her closest friends off to die in her place and then carry on and do her duty would be attracted to someone who gets to lash out and take revenge and who refuses to accept loss


Oh, wow. I love this addition, especially given the context of Attack of the Clones. The movie starts with her handmaiden getting murdered while protecting her. Padme is upset and grieving literally the entire film, but trying to hold it in. The first thing she does after Anakin goes ape shit is to rush off to the planet where she knows her handmaiden's killer is to start some shit. He's, like, her inspiration.

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