
Adil Badawi & Ethan Ramsey’s Personal Simp™


Literally losing my sanity over fictional, pixelated men and there’s nothing I can do about it.

I have no idea who made this absolutely beautiful piece of art but thank you whoever you are (if you’re the artist please let me know so I can give you credit!! ❤️). Adil Badawi is truly the most beautiful rc li I have ever seen (inside & out). I am so unwell.

every single day of my life I wish this man was real


Episode Release Schedule #BFFR

BESTIES I know y’all work hard and I love the stories you write for us(fr fr im so grateful for all the authors’ hard work) but I’m DYING OUT HERE you’re telling me we get

- ONe (1!) ep of TDR ?????? HUSBAND ADIL WHEN????

- OnE (1!!) EP of DALS - by the time this damn book finishes it’ll be Christmas 2037 istg

- NO? New? ePs? Of? SOTCN?? Now that Vicky is gone, Eva has been my fave girlfailure what do you 😭🫵 meaN I can’t watch my bestie girly pop do dumb shit in front of Amen and Set and Livius for MORE MONTHS

Literally Kali and Requiem are carrying 👏 the 👏 fucking 👏 team👏 (even with 2 eps but we’ll take what we can get!)

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