


she/her • 18 • baby. that's it

Reading Guide: Loki

  • journey into mystery (1962) [#85, #88, #91-92, #94, #96-97, #100-104, #107-108, #110-125]
  • thor (1966) [in particular: #263-266, #327, #337-341, #344, #375-382, annual #11]
  • thor (1998) [in particular: #80-81, #84-85]
  • thor: son of asgard [#1-2, #4-9]
  • thor (2007) [#5-12, #600-607, #609-610, #612-616] 
  • read alongside thor (2007): [mighty avengers #29, thor: giant-size finale, origins of siege #1, siege: the cabal #1, siege #1, siege: storming asgard - heroes and villains, avengers the intiative #35, siege: loki, siege #4]

Kid Loki:

  • thor (2007) [#617-619, 621]
  • journey into mystery (2011)
  • mighty thor (2011) (read alongside JiM) [#1-6, #8-12, #18-21]


  • journey into mystery (2011) [#622-645]
  • young avengers (2013)
  • loki: agent of asgard
  • original sin: thor and loki 
  • avengers & x-men: axis 
  • mighty thor (2015) [#1-7, #9, #13-14, #19, #22, #700, #704]
  • mighty thor: at the gates of valhalla
  • avengers (2018)
Writing fight scenes
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram

1. Pacing

A fight scene should be fast-paced and intense. Unless it's a final battle with numerous parties, a fight scene that's too long tends to take away suspense. To speed up your pacing, use active voice to describe movement and don't overdescribe your characters' thoughts. Excessive inner monologue will be unrealistic, as people usually have no room to think during intense combats.

2. Character mannerisms

Here's a point that people often overlook, but is actually super important. Through fight scenes, you should be able to reveal your characters' contrasting mannerisms and personality. A cunning character would play dirty - fighting less and making use of their opponent's weakness more. A violent character would aim to kill. A softer one would only target to disarm their enemies, using weakened attacks. A short-minded character would only rely on force and attack without thinking. This will help readers understand your characters more and decide who to root for.

3. Making use of surroundings

Not only the characters, you also need to consider the setting of your fight scene and use it to your advantage. Is it suitable for fighting, or are there dangerous slopes that make it risky? Are there scattered items that can help your characters fight (e.g. nails, shards of glass, ropes, wooden boards, or cutlery)? Is it a public place where people can easily spot the fight and call the authorities, or is it a private spot where they can fight to the death?

4. Description

The main things that you need to describe in a fight scene are :

• Characters involved in the fight
• How they initiate and dodge attacks
• Fighting styles and any weapons used
• The injuries caused

Be careful to not drag out the description for too long, because it slows down the pace.

5. Raise the stakes

By raising the stakes of the fight, your readers will be more invested in it. Just when they think it's over, introduce another worse conflict that will keep the scene going. Think of your characters' goals and motivations as well. Maybe if the MC didn't win, the world would end! Or maybe, one person in the fight is going all-out, while the other is going easy because they used to be close :"D

6. Injuries

Fights are bound to be dirty and resulting in injuries, so don't let your character walk away unscathed - show the effect of their injuries. For example, someone who had been punched in the jaw has a good chance of passing out, and someone who had been stabbed won't just remove the knife and walk away without any problem. To portray realistic injuries, research well.

7. Drive the plot forward

You don't write fight scenes only to make your characters look cool - every fight needs to have a purpose and drive the plot forward. Maybe they have to fight to improve their fighting skills or escape from somewhere alive. Maybe they need to defeat the enemy in order to obtain an object or retrieve someone who had been kidnapped. The point is, every single fight scene should bring the characters one step closer (or further :D) to the climax.

8. Words to use

• Hand to hand combat :

Crush, smash, lunge, beat, punch, leap, slap, scratch, batter, pummel, whack, slam, dodge, clobber, box, shove, bruise, knock, flick, push, choke, charge, impact

• With weapon :

Swing, slice, brandish, stab, shoot, whip, parry, cut, bump, poke, drive, shock, strap, pelt, plunge, impale, lash, bleed, sting, penetrate

As someone who struggles to write fight scenes, this is absolutely amazing!!


“You break the rules, you become the hero.  I do it and I become the enemy.  That doesn’t seem fair.”



WANDA, honey, literally every time you fuck up you have the “heroes” crying, “Aww, you poor sweet baby, you’ve been through so much, you can do whatever you want.”

When people fuck up and hurt people, whether intentional or not, they have to face the consequences of their actions, and most of the time, try to do better. Wanda Maximoff has not only never faced any consequences, but is constantly absolved of any guilt by the characters of the MCU and the fans.

It’s absolutely fucking insanity.

To make it even more insulting, this line was presumably written by the same guy who chose to villain-code Loki in his own show; retcon his motivations into being a power-hungry narcissist who betrays everyone he meets instead of a victim of centuries of neglect and emotional abuse who was pushed over the edge by the revelation that he was kidnapped as an infant and lied to his entire life by the parents he loved, before then surviving a suicide attempt and falling into the hands of a genocidal cult that brainwashed (implied), threatened (onscreen) and tortured (onscreen and implied) him into compliance; and have the evil™ literally and figuratively beaten out of him.

so a character who’s been held perpetually accountable by the narrative and never been allowed to forget he’s a villain™ for a single second gets six full episodes of torture and insults in his own show. and a character who’s never been held accountable for a single thing gets to… whine about accountability. okay.

Anonymous asked:

“You break the rules and become the hero, I do it and become the enemy.” What do you think about this Wanda’s words from the trailer? You’re agree?

of course I don't. and her fans, repeating this as a new mantra left and right, have already managed to annoy me.

the essence of the hero is to help people, to put their priorities above your own. and sometimes to help you need to cross the line. Wanda breaks the rules for her own benefit, Stephen doesn't. Wanda's actions cause people to suffer, Stephen's don't. see the difference? I do.

Anonymous asked:

Loki is not ooc, just because he doesn't fit your headcanons doesn't make him ooc. I would agree if he was drastically different from what we've seen already (aka Steve) but he's still the same, his "motivation" of wanting to be King/is whole persona is an act. He even says it in the episode.

lmao. you're allowed to have your own opinions but this is kind of a pointless ask to send imho. I know the difference between my head canons and canon thanks. I don't think Loki is ooc because he doesn't match my head canons. I think he's ooc because he is drastically different from how he has previously been characterized. Watch some clips from Thor 2011, Avengers, and TDW and then watch a scene from the Loki show. The difference is jarring.

Movie!Loki always stands with a straight posture, as befits his royal background. His expressions and the way he emotes are also very subtle. He tries to hide his true feelings and the feelings he does reveal are often to a certain extent performative in order to deflect from deeper issues. There is a stillness to him. He has tremendous economy of movement, even in a fight. He has a confident, artful speaking style. There is tremendous depth to him; he rarely says what he means but you can see all that conflict flickering in his eyes. He affects an insouciant manner. He makes a great show of being externally cool and collected and has a dry wit. He exudes charisma.

TV!Loki has none of this. He doesn’t stand straight and command the room. He doesn’t exude charisma. He’s not still at all; he constantly flails about, making grandiose over-exaggerated gestures that might work in a comic panel but feel awkward in live action. His facial expressions aren’t subtle at all nor is he guarded with his emotions. Instead he pulls clownish, comedically exaggerated expressions that are really only suitable for slapstick comedy. He doesn’t hide his vulnerabilities but instead openly shows fear, surprise and alarm, in a manner that is often meant to be silly and comedic. He also doesn’t talk at all like Loki. He uses casual earth slang - things Loki would never say even in Ragnarok which gave the Asgardians a somewhat more casual speaking style. There is also no real depth.

TV!Loki is not performative in his emotions. He just openly shows what he’s feeling at the moment. He’s not cool or collected or confident, nor does he pretend to be. He yelps in alarm. He gasps in annoyance. He grimaces and gapes in clownish fear. He doesn’t feel otherworldly or dangerous or regal. There is no sense of danger and coiled threat; he doesn’t snap and snarl when challenged but rather gapes like a fish because he can’t think of a comeback. He just feels like a regular guy who is out of his depth. A very human guy. Except he doesn’t even ring true as a human because the performance is too slapstick and comedic and over the top. He feels like a caricature. His fighting style is also totally different.

The character in the tv show doesn’t feel like Loki to me. He doesn’t stand like him or react like him or talk like him or move like him or emote like him. Other than the name and the actor they have nothing in common.

Now. You don't have to agree with me. But it has nothing to do with me being unable to distinguish head canons from canon.


It's so weird talking to people who's view of "here's the way life is for everyone" is shattered as soon as they talk to someone with disabilities (physical, mental illness, any). Like you'll say you'll have a problem and instead of helping you they'll argue with you about how you're not actually facing that problem. Like,

Me: Hey, I'm really struggling to find a job and a part of it is my resume. I was depressed & psychotic during highschool so I didn't do anything to gain skills or achievements to put on my resume. I also don't have anyone to put as a reference. What can I do?

Them: You can add your skills, hobbies, clubs you're in, and different volunteer work you've done! You can also get your teacher as a reference.

Me: I already know what to put on a resume, my issue is that I don't have things that I can use. Also, I'm in my mid 20s so I don't know if I can put my highschool teacher as a reference.

Them: Well if you're a part of a church or an activity group, you could add that. Also, think of any projects you've worked on in the past.

Me: I already know you can put these things on a resume. I'm not looking for suggests of things I've already done, I'm looking for what I can do now if I haven't done anything.

Them: There's no way you didn't do anything during highschool?? What about some odd jobs you definitely did for extra money, like babysitting or mowing the lawn?

Me: I spent all of highschool either in modified classes or in bed doing nothing - not even hobbies, what about that do you not understand?

And then you talk to someone who's also disabled and they're like "Here's a bunch of jobs you can do from home that don't pay much but look good on a resume, here's some free online courses that also look good on a resume, here's how you can be making small amounts of money in the meantime, here's some things you can put besides a professional reference, and here are your rights if your future employer tries to take advantage of your disability - which you probably shouldn't tell them about unless you need accommodations."

And suddenly my will to continue trying returns!

c...can we maybe get some of those ideas in full? Pls?

Two other people asked as well so okay! Though this post will be rather long.

Freelance Jobs You Do From Home That Look Cool On A Future Resume

Please research any company before sign up with then. So many companies are scams and pay you way less than you deserve for your work. Go to r/freelancers and search to make sure nobody has had some horrid experiences. There's also usually reviews of a company on YouTube as well.

  • Transcribing - adding subtitles to videos for deaf and other hard of hearing people. You usually read a big instruction manual, do two or three tests to see how well you can follow the instruction manual, and then get an e-mail if you can work with them or not. Depending on where you sign up, you can also fill out which topics you're knowledable on and less likely to make mistakes on when transcribing.
  • Translating - same as transcribing, but now you're translating one language into another. I have not done this before, so I'd suggest talking to people who have.
  • Article Writing - there are different websites you can sign up to work for where someone sends in a request for an article about a certain topic, you can write that article, and if they like it they can purchase it from you. Some websites have a ranking system where the more good reviews your article gets, the more money you'll get paid.
  • Article Editing - you can also get payed to fix typos and reorganize an article (or list) if writing isn't your thing.
  • Top 10 Lists - There are different sites that will pay you to write 10 ten lists. They usually require a specific amount of words and have an author's guide on their site.
  • Graphic Designer - if you go to different generic freelance websites, you can often find people who are searching for someone to design logos for their company or banners for their websites. It helps if you have a portfolio as well.
  • Virtual Assistent - scheduling appointments, answering calls, and managing email accounts from your own home. I haven't done this one so again, do more research.

Small Amounts Of Money

  • Qmee - I've been using this app for awhile called qmee where you do surveys for money. Surveys usually pay anywhere in between 30 cents and 2 dollars, and they have a feature where if the survey asks you anything sketchy then you can report them. You can also cash out whenever, like you don't have to build up a certain amount. (If you aren't American, you may only get a couple surveys per day.) An extra 20 dollars a month isn't much but it's nice.
  • Fiverr - A website where you state your talents and you can take on other people's smaller projects for small amounts of money. A funny example is this YouTube skit where someone paid some people on fiverr to come up with a break-up letter. I believe you can also keep a portfolio for any projects you make during your freelance jobs on fiverr too.
  • Redbubble - this is where you can put different designs onto different types of clothing, notebooks, mugs, hats, etc. It helps if you have a design that's from a fandom, references a meme, or fufills a niche. You can also go to TeeSpring if you want to put multiple designs on one item, but you'd have to promote your items yourself as TeeSpring has this issue where you can't search for new stores who aren't already popular.
  • Test Products - once again, please research any company you're going to do this for. There are companies that will send you products for a week or two and ask for a report on how well it works, what you like/dislike, etc.

If You Don't Have Anyone To Put On Your Resume As References

  • Volunteer Somewhere - animal shelters, tutoring, soup kitchens, summer programs, public libraries, etc. If you're able to volunteer somewhere, you can ask the people there if you can use them as a reference.
  • Volunteer Online - you can also do online volunteer work if you're unable to do physical volunteer work. Here's a list of examples of online volunteer work which includes things like creating a large amount of thank-you cards, transcribing books into digital form, or answer texts or calls on a crisis line. This may be a better option due to covid.
  • Add Personal References - friends and family members do work (just don't list them as professional references). It's especially helpful if you've done a project for/with them as well.
  • Or don't add references at all - references look good on a resume, but unless you're writing a federal resume you kind of don't need them? If someone is interested in hiring you, they may ask if you have any references. You can just say "no, this is my first job" (if it is). They might ask why you haven't worked before, but you can just say that it's personal or private information. Or you can give a vague answer like dealing with family matters.

None of these are long term solutions and not everything will work out for everybody. These are just helpful suggestions I've received over the years!

Simulacra: Part Eight
Loki took a deep breath. A monster he might be, but he refused to be another tool at the TVA’s behest. Not again. The fangs he bared and the claws he brandished would be wholly his own this time, and the TVA would soon realize that it would be their flesh he tore apart. They weren’t entirely wrong when they called him a villain, after all.

taglist under the cut:

Simulacra: Part Six
Then: a rustle in the distance. The sound of footsteps, of quick, sharp movement. Movement that shouldn’t be possible, not with time on pause for everyone except him and his platoon.

taglist under the cut:

Simulacra: Part One

aka: the first part of Episode One.

His heart throbbed in his ears. His head still reeled with incessant, throbbing pain, his mind still bleeding from the scars left by the insidious tendrils that had only recently been torn away from his brain. Every muscle in his body ached with a pain that had been his most constant companion for an eternity; every bone within begged for rest and screamed for respite, the throbs of the countless ugly burns that still marred his back both a reminder and a testament to all that he’d suffered. Yet Loki knew he could not rest yet. Not when his mission—a glorious purpose entirely his own—remained unfulfilled.

taglist under the cut:


how to draw arms ? ? 

holy fuck

holy fuck is right… but… does it work with legs???

yes !!


but how much extend






finally. i can be accurate

This is too fucking great to not reblog


I give it MASCLES





Okay but for anyone who legit wants to know how to calculate it correctly:

The elbow joint on average rests a couple inches higher than the navel, so if you measure how long the distance is from the middle of the shoulder to that point then you have the length of the upper and fore arms!

So if anyone’s wondering about legs too, the simplest rule of thumb is that the length from the top of the leg to the knee is equal to the distance between the top of the leg and the bottom of the pectorals:

And I wanna stress that when i say “top of the leg” i’m not talking about the crotch (please don’t flag me tumblr it’s an anatomical term) i’m talking about the point where the femur connects to the pelvis, which is higher up on the hips:

It’s easier to see what I’m talking about in this photo of a man squatting: 

So yeah if you use that measurement when using this technique you should get fairly realistically proportioned legs:

But remember! messing with proportions is an important and fun part of character design! Know the rules first so you can then break them however you please!


Licherally in the midst of drawing a guy and crying at how bad the arms are. Thanks Tumbles


I only ever saw the part where people started drawing the limbs outrageously long and genuinely wanted to know how to fix that, so I’m really thankful to see the rest.

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