
I do love a good pirate's tale


He/him, Jewish, not White, want my show back

Hey all, I've held off on making an OFMD sideblog for well over a year but for some reason the wait for S2 after the trailer dropped finally broke me. Just here to have a good time talking about gay pirates.

  • Name's Atticus, I follow back from @pccp-main (old blog I'm too sentimental to delete but don't really use anymore)
  • He/him, Jewish, gay, not White
  • 25+ and I will absolutely post things sexualizing those old men so minors keep your distance please
  • TERFs, racists, other generalized forms of bigotry get blocked on sight

I bet the friction from the leather cat collar feels reeeeeeal nice on ed’s neck when stede tugs on it

cock warming, and stede gives very clear instructions for ed to be a good boy and be still but ed wants to be a bad boy tonight and he really wants the friction burn on his throat and so (genius tactician that he is) he makes the executive decision to do one small half-circle with his hips and stede curls two fingers around the collar and pulls

Okay and now imagine Stede tells Ed to lay down on the bed for him and be a good boy and all Ed can think about is feeling that pressure around his neck (the pressure of it, paired with the gentle restraint because Stede's absolutely making sure he feels it but he's also being so careful not to hurt him), so Ed says "make me." And Stede looks him up and down, for just a second, and Ed thinks that maybe he was too much of a brat but then Stede hooks his fingers around the collar and uses it to manhandle him down


You accept the love you think you deserve. Maybe that's why Ed's always put up with letting people treat him like shit.

This is a fic about Ed escaping from a cycle of abusive relationships, entering a loving, mutually respectful relationship, and getting to realize that fighting back against abuse does not make him abusive.

Please do mind the tags on this one! The first scene of this fic includes depiction of domestic violence (not between Ed and Stede and Ed is the victim), and this fic is about Ed coming to learn that he was never at fault for trying to protect himself and he didn't deserve what happened to him. Rated M, 4.5k words.


It's not that I don't love a little bit of gossipy, interfering Lucius, but I got to thinking about the look on his face just before he tells Ed off in This is Happening:

He's not delighting in/frustrated by their back and forth, he's annoyed. He's looking at all the work his bizarre little boss put into trying to show Thee Blackbeard a good time, and Ed's been whining about it the whole time, and isn't seeing how torn up Stede is about the whole thing.

And like, we know for a fact that Lucius has picked up on the vibes, and not because his character is standing in for some world-weary queer who's seen it all. We know because in a previous scene (that is literally the episode title) we see him see it. Even if he had entertained the idea before, he's seeing it happen in front of his eyes. He's not saying "Oh my god this is happening" he's saying "Oh my god this is happening."

And if it's happening, that means Stede isn't just demanding the treasure hunt as another of his misguided little ideas or out of naivety (although both are definitely in play because it's Stede). It also means Stede isn't pouting just because his plan didn't pan out. Lucius, who is regularly shown to be one of the most empathetic people on the crew (aside from my beloved Oluwande), now understands that Stede is desperate to keep Ed entertained (and why) and that the plan for the Day of Adventure falling apart has much higher stakes to Stede for good reason.

So yeah, he's mad. Mad enough to tell off Blackbeard. And I feel like we Flanderize him sometimes and make him intervene in their relationship in fanon just for the hell of it. But when do we actually see him get involved?

When he's mad and feeling protective:

When Stede is sad about Ed leaving:

When he's telling Ed how sad Stede is:

And I guess in way that's less directly about their relationship and more about just being supportive, when Ed is sad in the blanket fort:

I'm not saying it's wrong to write nosy gossipy Lucius, lord knows I've done it. I just think we sell him short if we ignore his empathy and how much that motivates his actions.

Anonymous asked:

once again I am here to say how much I love love love your writing. there's so much love in how you write Ed and Stede and I know I can always count on you to write beautiful stories about healing and being loved. I especially love how you write about Ed and the facets of his identity with such care, it's always so special to me when I come across fics that touch on disability and jewishness and being trans and being a person of color with so much love ❤️

Thank you so so much for this!! I put a lot of effort into how I write him, and it means so much to me that others appreciate it!! <3


PCCP's monthly fic roundup - May 2024

Here's what I wrote in May!

Multi-chapter fics:

On a Bright Day, Next Week: a portal-inspired sci-fi AU where Stede wakes up from cryosleep without his memories and ED's the AI running the abandoned facility. Very angsty with a super happy ending! Rated M, 54k words.

A Love that's Sweet and Easy: prompt fills for Gentlebeard Wedding Week, set in a super cute t4t modern AU! T, 10k.


Just Deserts: After getting back to the ship, the crew keep giving Ed a hard time, and he's terrified they're just waiting to punish him. Ed and crew bonding! M, 4.3k, canon-compliant.

Lucky You: while out shopping at Stede's family antique store, Ed and Stede manage to turn each other's worldviews around. T, 3.8k, modern AU.

Routine Medical Exams: on his way out from his doctor's appointment, a beautiful stranger asks Stede for some help dealing with a transphobic doctor. T, 3.1k, modern AU.

Two Scoops with Rainbow Sprinkles: Ed's been looking forward to ice cream all day, but he's talked out of his fun order. Stede places his order for him, and helps Ed start to realize that he deserves to be happy and stand up for himself. T, 3k, modern AU.

Free Dad Hugs: Ed loves sneaking off to the local pride festival every year so he can get a hug from the Free Mom Hugs group, and this year, there's a hot dad in the mix! T, 3k, modern AU.

Help Me Help You: Ed runs a mentorship service for other neurodivergent people, and when Stede's shitty dad recommends him as a client, Ed helps Stede be kinder to himself and Stede helps Ed take his own advice. T, 4.5k, modern AU.

Hot to Go: Ed's hot (has a high fever) and Stede needs to take him to go (to the urgent care clinic). Classic sickfic set when their relationship is still new and tentative. T, 3.3k, modern AU.


Precious: when Ed's had a rough day, he just needs his daddy to take care of him. E, 3.6k, canon-compliant.

Jingle Jangle: Ed gets a cock cage with a bell on it to match his collar. E, 3.3k, canon-compliant.


Some of y’all have NO business writing about ofmd this well. why are these posts some of the most beautiful and affecting pieces of writing I’ve ever read. it’ll be like: “the Swede, this character changed my life. when he became hot and found love, that symbolized change and growth” And I’ll nod my head in tears like yes, yes


what i know about ed and stede is that they are constantly making thinly veiled references to sex they’ve had in the past in front of other people. so they’ll be like at a hot cocoa social (monthly occurrence in their friend group) and stede is like oh ed do you remember the time with the whipped cream and ed’s like ohhh my god yes it was so stickyyy and everyone around them is like (exhausted) what are you guys talking about and ed and stede are like heeheeheeheehee we shouldn’t say!!!!

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