


21 Spa/eng

on this day, 11 years ago…

“There are lots of things I still want to do. I want to continue expanding as an artist and achieve even greater things” - Jeon Jungkook

(cr: 0613data)


You´ve got to be kidding that´s my birthdayyyyyy. You´re telling me that 11 years ago I was celebrating my bday while Kookie was being casted? This is destiny


I feel like their insta accounts are just validating aspects of their personalities that we kind of knew but couldn't be sure of? Like fuckboi!Hobi wearing a condom shirt?? Shitposting Jungkook? Dilf!Jin just posting whatever he finds in his gallery and trolling his kids? "You don't know what a floppy disk is" Yoongi basically giving up? J-I-M-I-N basically googling "hot Jimin pics" and posting an edi as his pfp? Tae being all over the place and being the social butterfly already? Boyfriend!Namjoon being actual boyfriend Namjoon? What fanfic is this


For real the first thing I said when I saw them was that this was a bit too much like a social media au 😅😅😅 like even the names (I could have sworn I have seen social media aus with taehyung having the username thv and I have definitely seen Yoongi as agustd), the profile pics, the comments.... namjoon tagging Yoongi as a cat????? I can't. This is army humor, I just didn't know it was theirs too.

Anonymous asked:

In case you wanted to give people an over simplified version of why NFT is bad

In short any NFT transactions go through Ethereum (yes Elon Musks crypto make of that what you will) and you end up having to pay a fee to Ethereum for facilitating that transaction.

For crypto currency like Ethereum and Bitcoin to secure their data and ensure that their records are safe (they are self sustained with no external third party - like a bank) they use tons of power at a time.

"To keep financial records secure, the system forces people to solve complex puzzles using energy-guzzling machines. Solving the puzzles lets users, or “miners,” add a new “block” of verified transactions to a decentralized ledger called the blockchain. The miner then gets new tokens or transaction fees as a reward. The process is incredibly energy inefficient on purpose. The idea is that using up inordinate amounts of electricity — and probably paying a lot for it — makes it less profitable for someone to muck up the ledger. As a result, Ethereum uses about as much electricity as the entire country of Libya "

As uncorrelated as it may seem, Crypto and NFT has driven carbon emissions up. If it continues this way we won't have a planet left, Ethereum has offered to 'pay' damages for their carbon emissions but that's the equivalent of burning down a forest and then placing a few potplants around the area to 'offset' the damage.

Unfortunately, ours is a capitalistic society and BTS is under a multinational label whose goal is ultimately to see profits. By all means, enjoy the content and merchandise that they put out, but please be conscious with what you purchase. NFT = BAD

Please do your own research on NFT and don't be blind in assuming that just because it's BTS related 'it's all good'

There are also issues with a purchase having no tangible value. All you'll essentially have is bragging rights and 'ownership' to any piece of digital art. So you can literally have something worth 2.5 million but at the same time, it wouldn't be worth anything because it's extremely extremely unlikely you ever get the same value back from that piece.



This is a cry for help, lately I’ve trouble finding a good fic, I just want a long-ish already fisished BTS fic, I’m not asking for much but I’m about to give up. If someone has any recommendations I would truly apreciate, either on tumblr, ao3 or any other platform, my usual genres are smut and angst but I’m open to anything at this point. HELP




I am not surprised that anti-choice zealots would hypocritically obtain abortions, but I am thoroughly fucking shocked that they wouldn’t even attempt to hide their anti-choice views when doing so. 

Read “When the anti-choice choose,” a collection of anecdotes from abortion providers about serving this kind of patient.


Incubus [4]: Bucky x Reader

Previous Parts: 

Word Count: 4355

Warnings: not much… getting attacked at night, i guess?

The gentle rise and fall of your head against Bucky’s chest keeps you relaxed, the rhythmic exhales of his breath brushing ever so slightly against the crown of your hair.  He’s got one arm curled underneath you, his hand pressed to your back to keep you close.  Your legs are a tangled mess beneath the sheets of his bed.  His body heat engulfs you with warmth and a sense of tranquility you know you won’t find anywhere else.

“Bucky?” you voice quietly, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere that’s been created between you two.

“Hmm?” his hum is so low, it’s almost a growl.

“Can I ask you about being an incubus?”

He can’t help but smile, amused by your inability to control your curiosity.  “Of course, Lumina.”

“What’s it like for you?”

“What’s what like?”

“The sex.”  You run your hand over his bare chest, watching your fingers dance across his skin.  “Like, is it as intense for you as it is for me?”

“It depends,” he starts. “With you, yes, things are rather intense.  It feels better and the energy lasts longer.  The transference is stronger with humans than other creatures of myth. With only one exception.  At least in my experience.”

“What was the exception?”

“An ethereal.”



Warnings: Drugging, Kidnapping, Eventual Dub-Con, Eventual Stockholm Syndrome, Being Restrained.

Word Count: 4.5k

Summary: After failing to fulfill his contract, John takes a liking to y/n and his liking soon turns into a dark obsession.

A/N: With all the shit going on in the world right now, I want to give you something else to worry about. I know this type of thing isn’t for everyone but this is what the warnings are for. If things like this make you uncomfortable, then simply do not read it. This is only for fun. I write plenty of fluffy fics as well. Nonetheless, I did enjoy writing this and I’ve been thinking of this idea for a while now so I hope you all enjoy it ❤️

Theme song: Pet ~ A perfect circle

<< PREQUEAL                                                                                            Chapter Two>>



Love Notes (Poe Dameron x Reader)

  • Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, BB8, mentions of Rey
  • Fandom: Star Wars
  • Tags: Reader Insert, Female Reader, Fluff, Love Notes, Confessions
  • Warnings: None
  • Word Count: 1,7k words
  • Requested by anon: Hi! If you’re taking Star Wars requests, could you please write an oneshot, drabble or ficlet with Poe Dameron, where Poe uses BB8 to run love notes to the female!reader who’s a nurse for the resistance back and forward between the two of them all day, as they work on different sides of the base and she figures that the notes are coming from Poe and she admits she likes him too. 
  • A/N: I quite like the result of this! Hope you enjoy reading it!! 

Poe Dameron x Female!Reader

You were extremely delicate, yet he still hissed through his teeth as you treated him. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you focused on putting extra care on the task.

“Sorry” You rushed to say, cringing on the inside at the state his bloody face was. “I’m sorry, I’ll be more gentle” 

“I’m teasing you, Y/N” Poe said with a chuckle, making you sigh in relief.

“It’s not funny” You shook your head, continuing to treat him. “You are far too reckless, General Dameron” 

“I told you a thousand times” He showed you a dashing grin when you finished healing all the wounds on his face. “Call me Poe, you’re my favorite nurse after all” 


Misconceptions - 5/?

Characters: Y/N, the Avengers

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Series Summary: Bucky Barnes overhears a conversation that he shouldn’t have… and now he regrets his reaction…

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: Injuries, angst…

Beta: The always lovely, Stacey - @princessmisery666​ // all mistakes are my own.

A/N: here’s part 5 - thank you for sticking with me! As always, I love to read your feedback and thoughts ✌️

Series Tag List: OPEN

Catch up with the series here: Misconceptions Series List

Previously: “Wait until we get there.” Steve commanded.

Bucky ignored the order and burst into the room to find Y/N chained to the wall and Davenport beside her, a gun pointed at her head.

Y/N’s eyes widened at the sight of Bucky, his gun raised at Davenport. She shook her head in fear. Bucky looked at her briefly, eyes back on Davenport in a flash. She could feel the gun pressing into her temple and the tears fell down without a sound, the sharp salty sting against the gashes across her cheeks.

“Put your weapon down,” Davenport demanded.

 Bucky hesitated. The click of the hammer being cocked on the pistol stopped his heart. He lowered the weapon, arms raised. He knew that he had to make Davenport believe he had the upper hand, keep his ego sated long enough to be distracted from holding the gun so close to Y/N.

“Good soldier, always so compliant.” Davenport smirked, glancing back at Y/N. “She was a pretty one, but look at her now.”



—tommy shelby x oc x luca changretta fanfiction.

— [wattpad link // spotify playlist] : the photo above is the book cover, youokmk is my wattpad account.

summary: teresa’s permanent resignation from the peaky blinders leads her to a whole new chapter of working in an art museum. but little did she know her best life would be butchered some time later when her former lover tommy shelby gives her no choice but to return to the peaky blinders after they make new enemies, with the leader, of all people, being the man teresa fell in love with one night after a wedding reception back in post world war; luca changretta.

—erin richards as teresa griffith.


this is # fLOppING

I don't write for Peaky Blinders, but if you lovelies like it, give this some love! MK is an amazing writer too! :3

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