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I just wanted to ask if you could ever possibly share all the original charts/data/etc for the Mario video? I couldn't figure out how else to contact you, sorry. I love looking at data and I would be interested in finding my own conclusions!


I'm not publishing the raw data for what I hope are obvious reasons, but the unedited video file containing all the individual-game summary charts I used is on my patreon


actually, I'm not sure what the obvious reasons would be as long as you remove the free text answers. I don't think a bunch of multiple choice questions about people's classification of mario games could identify anyone or contain any problematic content like the free text ones could


wrangling the data into form where I can read it is one thing. wrangling its into a form where it would be useful to someone other than me would take an amount of work that I'm not doing for free

couldnt you just give the raw (anonymized) form data and let the community figure it out?

it took me a lot of work to do that myself. it would be irresponsible to allow other people to do the same amount of work I did just so they can reverse engineer the things I (famously a lover of polls surveys and data collection) decided weren't interesting enough to mention in a two hour video

“If a society puts half its children into short skirts and warns them not to move in ways that reveal their panties, while putting the other half into jeans and overalls and encouraging them to climb trees, play ball, and participate in other vigorous outdoor games; if later, during adolescence, the children who have been wearing trousers are urged to “eat like growing boys,” while the children in skirts are warned to watch their weight and not get fat; if the half in jeans runs around in sneakers or boots, while the half in skirts totters about on spike heels, then these two groups of people will be biologically as well as socially different. Their muscles will be different, as will their reflexes, posture, arms, legs and feet, hand-eye coordination, and so on. Similarly, people who spend eight hours a day in an office working at a typewriter or a visual display terminal will be biologically different from those who work on construction jobs. There is no way to sort the biological and social components that produce these differences. We cannot sort nature from nurture when we confront group differences in societies in which people from different races, classes, and sexes do not have equal access to resources and power, and therefore live in different environments. Sex-typed generalizations, such as that men are heavier, taller, or stronger than women, obscure the diversity among women and among men and the extensive overlaps between them… Most women and men fall within the same range of heights, weights, and strengths, three variables that depend a great deal on how we have grown up and live. We all know that first-generation Americans, on average, are taller than their immigrant parents and that men who do physical labor, on average, are stronger than male college professors. But we forget to look for the obvious reasons for differences when confronted with assertions like ‘Men are stronger than women.’ We should be asking: ‘Which men?’ and ‘What do they do?’ There may be biologically based average differences between women and men, but these are interwoven with a host of social differences from which we cannot disentangle them.”



Here, have a study (x) showing that mothers underestimate their daughter’s physical capacity from as young as 11 months old (though in reality it’s identical to that of their son’s at the same age). And if you think that parents acting on those expectations won’t alter their children’s development, then I have a sloped bridge to sell you.


The short involves Goofy doing domestic chores for his wife, which was an odd concept in the 1950′s. So based on the Milkman not knowing who he was kissing in this bit, it implies that Goofy’s wife was fucking the Milkman.


I think my favorite culture shook conversation between myself and Joy happened when the first time she (British) was visited me (USA) for longer then a month.

Joy calling me at work in a panic: "WHY ARE THE BOMB SIRENS GOING OFF."

Me: "Oh yeah it's Wednesday."

Joy: "..."

Me: "..."


For those unaware, the first Wednesday of the month is when they test the tornado sirens.

The sirens sound very much like WW2 air raid sirens.

It was an Experience to say the least 😂


you’ve heard of the mortifying ordeal of being known, now get ready for the

one time one of my coworkers told me that she saw a preview of a show on Netflix that really struck her as something i would like and should try watching and i asked her what the title was and it was fucking Big Mouth

I think that counts as character assassination


yall gotta be nicer about m/f  bc sometimes u guys like the blandest gay sutff ive ever seen in my life

gonna add onto this you all gotta stop acting like m/f is just cishet when bisexual people exist and straight trans people exist.

last add on alot of m/f ships of poc or white/poc ship are constantly downplayed for bland white m/m or f/f ships


Tma is wild because Robert Smirk was a real ass dude and certain buildings are just real ass locations and it's really cool because it highlights modern London history but imagine if it was set in the states? Like Andy Warhol paintings can be manipulated by Leitners and all of the cryptids of the Appalachian mountains are manifestations or avatars of the Fears and considerably more characters would have guns


I think a lot of tma fans mistake what makes you suseptible to becoming an avatar and what makes you suseptible to being a victim.

In my view, being a victim is about what you are afraid of while being an avatar is about how you cope. Yes, some cope by diving head first into what they are afraid of, but not all

For example, Jonah is afraid of death, but he isn't an end avatar. Instead, he is an eye avatar because he copes by learning all he can so he can exert control.


People don't like to admit it bcs cringe or w/e but Homestuck really did revolutionize the webcomic as a storytelling medium and I am endlessly frustrated that before webcomic artists could really stretch our legs fucking webtoonz swooped in, set a new, more restrictive standard, and then monetized and monopolized the ever living fuck out of the concept of The Webcomic until it drove away anyone who couldn't be a professional quality manga artist for free, and now the only webcomics that actually feel like spiritual successors to Homestuck are so obscure they're basically cult classics that you have to beg people to read.

Like it's just so wild to be in high school and see Homestuck be like "we're using like fifteen different artistic mediums to tell this story bcs we can" and be really fucking inspired by that, only to grow up and see basically every webcomic ever have to conform to One Single Standard or fucking perish.

Actually, I realized my real point here: we all need to make our art weirder. Please make weird art. I want more stuff like Prequel Adventure and 17776 and MyHouse.wad and I want it now. Capitalism thrives on conformity. We must be weird at all costs.


it's depressing to see people eulogizing webcomics in the notes because amazing and cool and weird webcomics still exist on the internet, you just have to Visit Web Sites and i don't have any sources to cite to back myself up here but i feel that younger folks experiencing The Internet through phones & tablets rather than PCs forces them to live on apps, like webtoon, so that's where they're going to go to read webcomics

as webcomic creators, we kind of have to go where the audience is. god i know a lot of comic folks right now with amazing comics on websites starting to mirror their comics to webtoon/tapas because audiences *expect* you to be there anyway. stop saying webcomics are dead. go to websites & look at them. thank u


But *where do I find them* you ask? I've got some neat answers for you. ->Comic Fury Is a great place to find webcomics(and host your comic there with a lot of custom options) ->Spider Forest is a collective of webcomics- which means members were accepted to be in a group that support each other! They've been around since 2003, how cool! -> Hiveworks comics are curated comics who were accepted into their collection as well. The hub links to many cool and unique webcomics -> Topwebcomics is a place to find comics to read and vote for your faves -> The Webcomic Library is a place dedicated to tagging webcomics, so you can browse and select a comic that suits your fancy with the organisation all done for ya! -> Comic Rocket is a good tool to use if you'd like to bookmark your readthrough and search for new comics to read as well (feel free to add to the list for more webcomic places too!) There are SO MANY incredible webcomics out there and I would LOVE for folks to explore the net and find them again. This is the best way to keep ideas unique, weird, and most of all, loved. So go check out some comics!


I've seen 3 of the 4 john wick movies and I love how all the dialogue is like. A dude will go like "Is that you John Wick?" And John Wick will go "Yeah..." and the guy will go "You doing some John Wicking tonight?" And John Wick will go "Something Like That..." And the dude will go "Shame it had to be this way" and John Wick will go "I'm Sorry..." and then John Wick caves the dude's head in with a giant wooden mallet. And it rules.

The rest of the dialogue is just outtakes from the Vampire the Masquerade player's manual


i want to masturbate but i cant afford the name brand stuff so im always jakeing off and busting a rut and shit

such base indulgences are beneath me

now if youll excuse me. back to meating off.

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