
Requests = Open


no discourse please
Call me Zen!
credit me if possible | requests are open!

Do you take flag requests still? If so, could you make one for me, because I'm not sure what to call myself😅 I'm a demiflux masc girl, my pronouns are zhe/zheself, and I'm only really attracted to NB vegans. I havent found any flags or terms for anything related to me, please help!!


do you want like a demiflux flag or like a nblnb flag? The vegan thing isn’t really a sexuality, mores of a preference, but I’ll still make a flag if that’s what you’re looking for


term for dating an alter?


I’m not sure if there’s a term for that that I know of. I’ll see if I can find one and I’ll update this post


hello! could i get some pronouns validation for vir/virs/virself and fae/faer/faeself? i use the names leviathan and wyborn!


Hi Leviathan!

My friend Leviathan is very cool. Vir also goes by Wyborn sometimes. Fae is very nice!


Hello! Do you know any sexualities where like, I'm both Allo and ace, in a way? What I mean is that I can be alright with an allo relationship but im also ok with an ace one. (Basically, I'm good with both sex and no sex, im sorry if this doesn't make sense ajsbsbshsbshsbs)


I think that might just be allo if you have sexual attraction at all. I’m allo but I would be okay with no sex. it’s just if you feel sexual attraction at all or not but I may be wrong lol


I was also wondering if you could make also make a strong man/woman/non bianary flag. Basically I want it to have blue for masc and pink for fem and the third color can be black for strong and the fourth color be yellow for Non bianary and the fifth can be purple for united




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