
Pinkie 62


A Lover of Almost all things Middle Earth And Pink

2 / 12 (May)

flower language | sick fic | pet/child acquisition | "who are you?" | sunshine | fantasy/medieval/dark knights of steel au


Pairing: Fili/Kili Rating: ? Words: ?


Summary of Night Action

This is not the job that Fili thought he would be doing when he took a job with the Bureau. He had chosen his college major with care, taken an internship, spent his free time mastering relevant languages, and steering clear of anything that could possibly disqualify him from the job he wanted.Β 

No activities that he’d be ashamed to admit to.

Outed himself at every opportunity so it wouldn’t be a secret and he would not be blackmailed over it.

And now he sat in a room in the basement of the White House with a phone that never rang. He sat there all night reading whatever had caught his attention at the library. He spent the time marking up reports.Β 

He had been on his way to a promotion.

Until he wasn’t.


This is exactly what Kili thought he would be doing. He just had not expected to be happening already. He was only 24 and he was heading a meeting at a cybersecurity startup that had a meteoric rise over the past two years.Β 

He was declining job offers, telling headhunters that he was not interested, telling them that he was happy where he was.Β 

And then he wasn’t.


Ooooh this is intriguing! And Fast Cars you say? You know how much I love that one! πŸ˜πŸ˜‰

FiKi Week day 2: Under the stars


@vitiscousoΒ you need to reblog this with your new name. It’s so gorgeous you must get the credit for creating it.Β 

Thank you @drakkhammerwrites . I believe that if it is reblogged anew from the original post, it appears with the correct url now :) What is still wrong is the signature in the image… ah, I should change that…

This one here is also the original post, it is not a repost. The only problem is that it is old heheh.Β 


This is so amazing and it does so many THINGS to me everytime it comes up on my dash…..

If that was the teaser of an animated movie I’d be camping in front of the theater to get a front seat.


Ooooh!! 😍


Indonesian fiber artist Mulyana has taken over the Fisher Museum of Art with colorful, hand-knitted and crocheted aquatic life.Β 

With the duality of life and death as a recurring theme, Mulyana crafts a tactile, mystical world in which fish, whales, and coral reefs coexist with sea monsters and slow states of decay.Β 

Read RenΓ©e Reizman’s review of Mulyana: Modular Utopia.


Hand knitted and crocheted?!? 😳πŸ₯°


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