
Trash Sweet Trash


Local 18 year old stimky skunk-hybrid demands fictional character brainrot and snacks. Occasional oc, repost or general shitposts. Will write headcanons for Papa Louie Games, Punch Out, TF2, TWD and Pokèmon! (Icon and Background drawn by Scentrus Darmoset :3)

God, Palestinians can't have anything

I've often seen this person's posts pop up, he's known for the number of cats he feeds, even before this, hence the username. The other day, I remember seeing that pic of him and that tiny little puppy on the beach and being cheered up by it. It's just so sad... they literally can't have anything.

If anyone wants to help this man, he has links for both an evacuation gofundme and PayPal to help feed the cats:


Genuinely the best thing for my mental health has been recognizing the innate beauty of everything. I’m about to fucking cry with joy because i have a girlfriend and am gonna eat Mac and cheese for dinner. What are the odds that i was born to live out this specific moment with my girlfriend and then get to eat Mac and cheese. I’m so blessed beyond belief

Being so normal this pride month

I wub my baby :3



Shahed Ghazi, primarily sharing her family's fundraiser on Twitter/X, is a Palestinian engineering student under a stressful time crunch -- the owner of the account hosting her campaign has given her 3 MORE DAYS to raise $30,000 CAD before shutting it down. She has raised $22,208 CAD so far, meaning she must raise $7,792 in 72 HOURS! I've seen what we can do when we all work together to show a family how much we care, so please, please, help them reach this amount before time runs out. Give what you are able to help ensure this family's survival, even if it is $5 CAD.

$22,208 CAD/$30,000 CAD.

$23,295 CAD/$30,000 CAD. 2 DAYS LEFT!!!

Please continue to donate to Shahed and her family. I know we can help her get there if we try, would anyone please match my amount of $20 CAD?

Just d0nated $60 CAD, anyone want to try to match?


Alright, this isn't a post I really wanted to be making but I feel the need to spread awareness for this. There have been accounts of people who are imitating struggling people from Palestine in order to get money. They often claim to be in need of insulin and don't say much else other than to try and get money. They will also often be relatively new Tumblr blogs who have only been online for a month or two. The fact that people are taking advantage of such a tragedy just for a quick buck is disgusting so please PLEASE keep aware of these false accounts. If you receive a random ask such as this on your inbox, just don't interact with it. Delete the ask and don't interact with the blog.



KOSA is now being discussed to go into the FAA Reauthorization Bill so I BEG you guys to MAKE A LOT OF NOISE ABOUT KOSA TO SHOW THAT WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT HOW BAD THESE BILLS ARE. the chances may be low BUT ITS NOT 0 SO BE LOUD




If we do not cry out we cannot make a change. I urge you to call and email and fax your representatives as soon as possible.


Note that they're trying to pass this bill by the 10th of May, so keep calling your reps and senators (stopkosa.com has a good call-in tool for this) until then!


Also btw fuck you very much if you’re a zionist or “neutral”, block me right now go away

FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


So I'm one of those delusional artists that doesn't know what the average person's 100% looks like for a finished piece...

How ya'll feel'n when I say this part of a larger piece, is 'Rushed' ?

Also yeah, its only one panle of a larger piece, and I'm considering completely rerendering it on a larger scale!

Basically I'm looking for feedback to see if I'm being overly critical, and if it does need to be resized.

Context will be given... Later : )


Hey everyone, please consider buying the 2024 itch.io Palestinian Relief Bundle- it's 373 games, game-making assets, tabletop roleplaying games, zines, and comics for a minimum of just 8 USD! They have a goal of 100,000 USD, and as of the time I'm writing this post, they have 8 more days to reach it.

Link will be in the reblog!

Amazing news!! They reached their goal of 100,000 USD! There is now a second goal of 250,000 USD! Remember, this is 373 games, assets, and comics for a minimum of 8 USD- a bundle of items which would normally be ~1,667 USD! Let's reach that second goal as quickly as we reached the first goal!


Punch Out Romantic Headcanons <3 (Major Circuit)

Piston Hondo: - Hondo is very respectful of his beloved but also a little shy around them. He loves them very much but, because he's always so humble about himself, he feels flustered whenever they compliment or praise him. - Cares lots about his partner and always makes sure they're in good health and feeling okay. If they do the same back, he feels like they're being way too kind to him and gets shy. - Love language is a mix of acts of service and verbal praise. He likes doing things for his partner but also likes to compliment them. He's a little awkward about physical touch but he does enjoy it. - Speaking of physical touch, he enjoys holding onto his partner's hands or massaging their shoulders. He's alright at kisses but he's shy about it in public. - When he and his partner have been together long enough, he may start showing his interests in manga and anime. He may even take them along to a manga store for a date or even ask them to cosplay with him. Bear Hugger: - A cheery and slightly giddy lover, he almost acts like a school-boy with a crush when he's in love. He's also, very fittingly, a huge cuddler when it comes to them. - Has a lot of cheesy but sweet pet names for his lover and says them a lot. Also very generous with the compliments and always showers his S/O in love whenever they need it. - Love language is a mix of gifts and physical touch. He loves cuddling and holding his partner close to him and loves doing small things for them like cooking or making them sweet little carved wooden animals. - There's a reason why his stage-name is Bear Hugger because he certainly IS a hugger. And not just any kind of hugs. We're talking the most tender, comforting and loving hugs you could ever want. - He'd love to take his partner out to as many national parks and forests that he knows of. Something about camping out in the deep forest with the great outdoors, his animal buddies and his beloved just sounds like the perfect date for him. Great Tiger: - Dating Great Tiger is never a dull moment. He'll have his S/O on their toes at all times with plenty of playful flirting, delightful mind-games and some mild taunting. It's like a fun little game between the two of you and it's worth every moment playing it. - His pet names usually depend on what his partner is like and what he thinks best suits their personality. A lot of these are often based after a type of gemstone. (ruby, sapphire etc.) - Tiger doesn't really have a specific love language, it always seems to change depending on the day. One day he'll be extremely touchy-feely with his lover and the next he could be hands-off them completely. You just never know what you're gonna get with him. - There's never a day that doesn't go by without him teasing his lover in some way or other. He's very smug about having his partner wrapped around his finger and isn't above letting them know about that from time to time. - He would definitely recreate that scene in Aladdin with the flying carpet with his S/O. It's probably the most cliché thing he'll ever do with his partner but it's sweet and sappy all the same. Don Flamenco: - Need we even explain this man when it comes to romance? Romance is LITERALLY his whole deal! Don is practically any partner's dream date. Charismatic, charming, loving and very passionate. Everyday with him feels like you're living in a romantic film. - He's ALWAYS complimenting you and calling you various sappy pet names in either English or Spanish. He'll endlessly call you beautiful and will not hear a word of what you say if you think badly about yourself or your body. - Love language is mainly physical touch with a small mix of verbal praise and gift-giving. Every time he puts his hands or lips on you, it's always so passionate and tender and has his partner craving more every single time. - Roses are a very big part of a relationship with him. Giving roses to his partner, the thorns representing the struggles you'll go through, the beautiful petals representing your beauty... They're a key theme for him.


Punch Out Romantic Headcanons <3 (Minor Circuit)

(Quick thank you to @ohshy for listening to some of these XD) Glass Joe: - A very soft and caring romantic, so enamoured by his partner at all times. - Uses a lot of traditional pet names (darling, honey etc.), either in English or French. - Love language is a mix of verbal praise and physical touch. Loves calling you all sorts of cute names and saying sweet things about you but also loves holding your hands and gently kissing you - Speaking of kisses, he's amazing at them. Very gentle but also tender - A sucker for romantic novels and movies and becomes super sappy if his partner will read/watch them with him. Yes, he cries during them ALL the time. Von Kaiser: - Kaiser is extremely respectful towards his partner at all times. He doesn't show much affection but he feels lots of respect for them and always tries to make sure they feel good about themselves. - Very traditional when it comes to pet names. He doesn't say them very often but when he does? He seems to really soften up in his partner's presence. - He struggles a little with physical touch and affection, mainly due to how he was raised and his past relationship not being too great but he does try his best with the occasional hug or kiss. - His main love language is acts of service. Cleaning for his partner, fixing things, making them meals and other such things is how he prefers to show his affection for them. - Although he's not normally one for physical affection, he does enjoy holding his partner's hands. It mentally grounds him and just feeling his partner's touch makes him feel a lot calmer and happier. Disco Kid: - EXTREMELY playful and slightly cheeky with his partner. Always wants to make them smile and acts like a giggly high-school boy when he's in love. - Comes up with lots of cheesy but endearing pet names for his partner and frequently tries a lot of lame pick-up lines on them, no matter how tacky or unoriginal they are. - Love language is mainly verbal praise with a small mix of gift giving and physical touch. He loves complimenting his partner and singing mushy little songs about them. He also loves surprising them with random little gifts and randomly cuddling them. - Very touchy-feely, loves cuddling with his partner at any opportunity he can. Also expect kisses, hand holding and naughty squeezes on various body parts. - Almost all dates with him involve music in some form or other. Whether it's at a nightclub, an extravagant disco party or just driving around at night while listening to music, there's always a form of song to connect them together. King Hippo: - In Hippoan culture, Hippoans have a high amount of respect for their partner and will always be devoted to them no matter their appearance or difference in personality. Hippo is no exception and respects their partner greatly. - Hippoans do not use 'pet names'. Instead, they mimic the noise of their lover's favourite creature as a sign of endearment for them. They may also exchange flower wreaths with pink flowers (a symbol of new love for Hippoans) and any other flowers their lover likes as a token of affection. - Hippo's love language is the same as any Hippoan. Food! Hippoans will cook their loved ones' favourite meals and feed them exotic fruits to show their love. Hippo loves spoiling his partner with hearty meals and all kinds of fun tropical treats. - Hippo is also VERY cuddly and loves holding their partner. They do have to be wary of their strength when hugging their loved one but they're usually very gentle and always aware of if their partner is uncomfortable or not. - Hippo gets rather flustered when it comes to kissing or anything beyond hand-holding. He's not great as it either, often rather sloppy and unintentionally bites or drools over their partner's mouth but he tries his best.

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