

@aphfroghat / aphfroghat.tumblr.com

hetalia nowy so silly

I can just imagine sometimes Denmark and Norway bond by just being in the same room even while doing different things

They're just



Watching star wars for the 20th time that month and reading books about mythology respectively

And they're happy that way


I dont gave proper art or anything for denmerk but have doodles!!!

I just decided I'll do a joint birthday art with Sweden tomorrow to celebrate both of their birthdays...

But for now, happy birthday, Denmark!05/06/2024.


Aight i went back to my b&w theme 😬😬

As much as I love purple this looks just better


Sexualities+identities headcanons!

Norway - genderfluid bisexual

Iceland - transmasc demisexual

Denmark - cis male, omnisexual

Sweden - cis male, homosexual

Finland - cis male, bisexual

Hong Kong - cis male, asexual, demiromantic

Taiwan - cis female, homosexual

Korea - cis male, disaster bi

Hungary - demigirl, heterosexual

Belarus - cis female, homosexual

Ukraine - cis female, heterosexual

Russia - cis male, heterosexual (surprising isnt it)

Romania - transmasc, bisexual

Bulgaria - cis male, bisexual

Romano - transmasc, heterosexual

Veneziano - cis male, bisexual

Poland - some sort of gnc ("what's in your pants?" "Lithuania"), homosexual

Lithuania - cis male, bisexual

(Right for pride month)


Once I was interrogated in German and instead of saying Ich spreche Italienisch like I was supposed to I went Ich spreche Italiensk confidently

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