@nuwanders / nuwanders.tumblr.com

frances, 20s, she/her | UK | mostly elder scrolls
| tes AO3: nuwanders

thinking abt that vulture article where the author said chuck is the BCS equivalent to skyler. at first I didn't see it, but the more I thought about it the more i was like yeah... and that got me thinking, not that there are always going to be direct equivalents, but if we were to look for them, like pairs of characters that play a vaguely approximate role within the narrative, who would Kim be ??

and then it hit me. Jesse :((


WIP Whenever

It's been a while since I did any WIP days, so...yeah. taking some days off from writing to recharge and working on this monster again :)

There's so much irony packed into durge!Tat holding a bouquet of lilies


wip wfriday

thanks to @sylvienerevarine for the tag <3 here's a bit from abi's story. tagging back: @ehlnofay @dirty-bosmer @nuwanders @jiubilant @zurin I've been writing short interludes at the end of each section featuring Tanis and Martin. I want to incorporate more of the cosmology than I did in Idle so this is the framing device. Also this will ultimately be a story about Going To Your Stupid Fucking Job and neither of them are really doing theirs. Benefits of being a god, I guess. Abi is scion to both of them as both prisoner and dragonborn, so they have a bet going over who gets custody of her soul. Sheo has to work for it, but has the agency to do so. The Avatar of Akatosh would win the bet by default, but can't act on the mortal world. So they get together from time to time to do their favorite activity together, which is bickering.

Text below the cut.


Seeing people decide to watch Breaking Bad based on the Tumblr memes is especially funny when they do it specifically for the memes about Jesse, because... well, let's put it this way. Aaron Paul, the guy who played Jesse, was nominated for a Primetime Emmy award for best supporting actor in a drama series for his work on Breaking Bad on five separate occasions, including twice in one season, and won three of those nominations. He was the first person ever to win that award three times for the same role. Like, Jesse's storyline is so viscerally unpleasant that it set industry records.


how hot do the Vvardenfellian Dunmer serve their food. (racial 75% resistance to fire damage.) how does the scarcity of timber impact their mealtimes: are we sitting on chairs from imported wood, or on cushions on the floor. what do they age their alcohol in? shein is comberry wine, if you're fermenting wine you have to accept that sometimes, the cask will explode. are wooden and corkbulb barrels meant for bougie greef aged for fifty years before it's first served. what are we brewing shein and sujamma in. ("liquor made from fermented saltrice" is sujamma Fantasy Sake.) what are we using to fuel our cookfires and our pottery kilns. does "chitin" behave like eggshells when exposed to vinegar. I am losing my mind



i've put a bit of thought into that first question...i don't always interpret game mechanics as canon but i think that the velothi resistance to fire is a fun detail so i've folded it into my worldbuilding to an extent

my take is that only a dunmer's skin is resistant to fire (so eating scalding food would hurt), and only somewhat; dunmer can't walk through infernos unscathed, but they can reach into the hearthfire to snatch out something important that was tossed in (the fire would still burn their hands, but not as quickly and painfully as it would burn ours). ravi does this in the wip at least twice and both times is like "it's all right dears we're born with oven mitts on in deshaan—oh god oh fuck"


made a new eso character last night. wanted to make a spellcaster bc i normally go for fighter types, and i also wanted to move out of the daggerfall covenant for once. but i couldn't make yet ANOTHER dunmer oc so have gone for a Nord instead. his name is farro and he grew up as an urchin/pickpocket in bruma before being taken under the wing of a prominent mages guild scholar. there he blossomed into something of a magical prodigy, but he is considered to be a little "rough around the edges" by his academic peers :(

he is tall and gangly and ginger and has big ears and a buzzcut. and he's scouse. :)


i basically never have dreams about my OCs, despite how frequently i think about them. HOWEVER last night i did dream that i was raydrin, and that jórunn and i were exploring this big old castle alongside a party of adventurers. and i can't remember a lot of the details but at one point the group got split into two, separating me and jórunn, and we didn't reunite until much later when the two groups happened to meet again in this underground bar / thieves' den thing. jaheira baldur's gate was there ? anyway. when i saw jórunn across the room... my god, the relief ! the sheer relief! i ran to her, embraced her, held her to me and she held me back. it was a hug to surpass all other dream hugs and left me feeling all warm and fuzzy when i woke up. im literally obsessed with them. they love each other damn it 🤧🤧🤧

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