Makes it both Better and also Sadder

@sandflakedraws /

Art blog of Joey. Funky mix of fan art, original, and professional work. they/them //COMMISSIONS ARE CLOSED\\ (if you want an ask to stay private, you can label it DPT)
Anonymous asked:

thoughts on Brickopy?

i'm a fan ! it's cuuuute

personally love the trope of 'what if this person positioned like a threat to the otp actually just becomes part of it'. never gets old.


hickory and poppy helping branch calm down and talk about his feelings more, providing that gentle space for him to air out things that may not be so positive.

hickory and branch reeling in some of poppy's anxiety and antics before they get outta hand, grounding her in a way that doesn't feel smothering or stifling.

poppy and branch extending some of that profound grace they're so good at to hickory, something i think the man doesn't really come across, making it feel safer for him to open up, mistakes less terrifying for him....

i can see it!


hey king just wanted to let you know that today i looked at all your abot comics and downloaded them one page at a time bc i was catastrophizing and the idea of not being able to look at them whenever i wanted in the future was unacceptable. anyway truly some of the best comic work ever done (im so serious), i feel at peace with it in my hard drive


awwww buddy, y'know what. lemme do ya one better.


Ok but thoughts on John/Dickory 👁👁



okay listen listen, can u imagine dickory's fierce protective steak he has with his music, but directed towards john???

i genuinely think it would do insane things for him. healing wounds he didn't even know he had.

they both say things like "ya darn skippy, playa-play" and "ding ding" and "good gosh darned", they're both eldest brothers who are ride-or-die over a Bad Call, they both have such bravado,,,

something something john actually being able to relax a little, let someone else take care of him for a change, and dickory feeling fluffed by actually being entrusted to do so, not underestimated or looked down on. they'd make each other laugh, neither is too proud to do something ridiculous to get a job done LIKE

they compel me too okay

Anonymous asked:

does hickory have insane climbing abilities like goats have? bc the hooves?


i'm also taking this ask to talk about a related headcanon for hickory i lean into.

like, the picture i wanna paint with him (the cliff-scaling hooves, the smidge-like strength, the crazy competency with tools and whatnot) is one where all the elements are working together to hide something he's compensating for;

hickory has brittle/sickly troll hair.

roll with me; we don't see him use his hair for anything, right? he doesn't leverage it when building the raft, or when attempting to fight chaz, or the funk bubble. and even though growly pete uses his hair like a lasso, hickory employs actual rope for it.

ergo! weak troll hair.

he can barely stretch it, it hurts when he does, and it's more likely to rip out of his scalp than pull something else in.

this is a closely guarded secret in the bounty hunting world. he's told very few people, and trusts even fewer to touch it.


friend asked if the reason hickory hides this is because there's a stigma around weak hair.

to which i say no;

its more of an. occupational hazard reason why,,,


I was showing my friend Trolls 2, and I realized something that I couldn't tell her cause she doesn't know about Dickory, and I had to share with someone, so enjoy

Poppy is basically sitting/standing on Dickory's head the entire chase scene



dickory🤝hickory "sure i'll support poppy's entire body weight with my neck strength alone"

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