
Always need requests

@pleasantlycrazyworld / pleasantlycrazyworld.tumblr.com

Give me things to write about 20/She/Her !NO MINORS!


Request are open!  Prompt List


The babysitting hellfire club 

Brutal Betrayal 

Stranger things 

Snow ball fight (fluff) 

Eddie Munson 

Flowers for comfort (fluff slight talk of exam stress)

I just need you (fluff--> talks about mental health) 

Spider (super short) (blurb, fluff)

Eddie has PTSD (angst ends with fluff)

Saves you from bullies (Short) (fluff)

Birthday love  (fluff)

Prom (a bit angsty, fluffy)

Insecure reader  (Angst, Fluff)

Wayne to the rescue  (Talks about mental health, fluff) 

First Smut I wrote  (Smut 18+) 

Cheerleaders can be mean (slight angst, fluff)

Blizzard  (fluff)

Gossip (fluff)

Get some rest (reader is sick. fluff)  

Body positivity  (fluff)

Keeping warm (fluff)

Scary cat (fluff)

Damn cat (fluff)

Bad day (angsty fluff)

Idiots in love (Part two) (fluff)

Wayne and Eddie helping you (part one) (mental health talk, slight angst)

Wayne and Eddie helping you (Part two) ( mostly fluff, mental health talk) 

Plus size reader (first thing I ever wrote!) (fluff)  

Wayne and Eddie (from prompt list!) (slight angst, fluff))

Hallway run-in (fluff) 

Steve Harrington

You were a bet. (angst) 

Vacation time  (Fluff) 

Unrequited love?  (angst with fluff)

Reader has anxiety  (mental health talk, fluff) 

Friends to lovers??? (part one)  (fluff? maybe angst?)

Friends to lovers confirmed! (part two) (fluff)

Anxiety is lying to you (mental health talk, angst with fluff)

Miscarriage  (angst) 

We got each other  ( angst, fluff)

Birthday girl (Smut with Mommy kink)

Billy Hargrove 

Helping with Panic attack (fluff with mental health talk)

Bikini (fluff)

Robin Buckley  

Just friends? (fluff)

All three boys 

Helping you through your panic attacks  (mental health, fluff)

Them as dads  (fluff)

You’re the big spoon (angst with fluff)

Baby fever (just Steve and Eddie) (fluff)

Valentines day (fluff. slight smut mentioned) 

Their kinks  (smut)

In a band (fluff)

Road trip (fluff)

Bucky Barnes 

The to-do list  (fluff)

Stressful day  (fluffy)

Kiss the girl  (fluff) 

You pick your man 


Loki was never the brother that many people fretted over. He had his mother and after losing her he didn't feel like he had anyone. But things change.

He met you at a party that Thor forced him to go to. He was never one for Tony Stark so being at his place, being surrounded by his peers and decor was not his definition of a good Saturday night. As he was looking around the room and mapping out his escape plan his eyes land upon a beauty. He feels his chest tighten and it feels as if he couldn't breathe. He didn't know what was occurring but he did know he had to find out what this beauties name is. He wanders over to her before the end of the night and seeing her smile grace her face made his heart go into overdrive.

After that night it was like his world was flipped. The dull is now vibrate and worry seems to wash away with a simple greeting from his love. However, with this comes a new sense of protection, of worry, one that she can't wash away.

His beauty is the complete opposite of him, Loki realized this within the first minute of talking with her. She smiles at everyone, always lends a shoulder for anyone to lean on no matter what is going on in. Loki glares at any man or woman that comes near her. No one deserves to breath the same air as such a goddess let alone get her help while giving nothing in return. Thankfully she has a way to calm him down by just a glance and a soft brush of her hand against his skin, if she wasn't already his he believes he'd kill one of the leeches she calls friends by now.

He past the living room on his way to the kitchen and he freezes. What is he doing to her? He instantly glares at the back of Thor's head as he approaches the pair from behind. He overhears Thor telling his love all of the problems going on in the blondes life and he is enraged. Anyone with eyes could see how exhausted his flower is but for some reason this doesn't stop the yapping.

"May I help you?" Loki asks, finally letting his presence known. Thor leaps into the air almost comically. Loki smiles hear the sweet sounds of euphonic giggles leaving his goddesses mouth. Thor turns to Loki to see if he is still behind him, as he turns to face his brother, Loki's smile falls and a glare hardens once again. "I was asking your lady for advice. I have a date." Thor explains sounding proud of his choices once again. With that he leaves and calls out to thank the hero of his love life once again. Loki feels his shoulders drop and he reaches out for his loves hand. "Let's go finish that book my darling." He speaks softly in whispers as he leads the way to a nice spot that hides the couple from the rest of the world.

It's not too selfish to want your loves attention all to yourself, is it?


Losing your pet.

Triggers: pet loss; talks of depression.

Author note: I had to put my cat to sleep at the beginning of the month, he was my baby so things have been really rough lately. I'm hoping writing this will help with grieving and it may be posted it may not be. If it is I hope it helps anyone who is also experiencing something like this.


  • You call him when you were freaking out about what to do. You were awoken by your animal crying out and knew they needed a vet but it's so early in the morning you don't know where to go.
  • When he got the call he was instantly worried for you. He knew how much having your animal helped you cope with your depression and he didn't know how losing them would make you react.
  • He rushed over and took you two to the 24 hour vet.
  • He was there to hold you as you cry, he talked to the vet for you, he called the place to make arrangements for the remains
  • He'd offer to have you either stay at the trailer or for him to stay at your house. He thought being in a quiet house would make you feel worse and since it happened in your room he knew you wouldn't be able to sleep in your actual bed for a while.
  • The two of you slept on your couch for a week after everything happened.
  • He would set even more reminders to help remind the both of you that you need to take your medicine
  • I think he would have you come and sit in on a DnD session to give you entertainment and take your mind off of things, he'd feel pretty prideful when it works
  • He wouldn't rush you to do anything. There is still a box of litter, still a collar, still toys on the floor oh thats fine! We can get rid of it whenever you are ready to. You want to get a new pet great! Let's get into the van! You don't even want to be around animals that's fine too!
  • He will map out the store trips to make sure you do not have to even walk by the pet supply aisle if you can't handle it


  • He paid for everything. He knows money doesn't fix much but he didn't want you to be worried about paying for anything.
  • He never had a pet but he knew how close you were with your pet and he knew you were going to take it hard.
  • He would make sure you ate and took your medicines, he isn't the best cook but he can do basics so it was about a week of mac and cheese before you started cooking again.
  • He had you stay at his house, he would worry about you being alone so he made a plea deal and convinced you to stay with him. It's already pretty big and there is more than enough room for the both of you
  • He would try and get you a new pet better soon after everything happened
  • I think he would try and get you to talk about your feelings, either by making you therapy appointments or getting you stuff to journal he doesn't want you to keep things bottled up
  • He tends to treat it as any other heartbreak. There will be days where you two just eat junk food and watch sad movies and when that happens he doesn't mind holding you as the both of you cry into your bowls.


  • Alot of people would probably say Billy wouldn't be that helpful.
  • I think he would struggle with knowing what to do, he could tell you were struggling but he freezes when he doesn't know what to do.
  • He would make some sort of comment that made you start crying and that is when he realized how serious this situation was. "It was just a cat/dog/bird/lizard/etc. get over it." Seeing you break down in front of him was his wake up call.
  • He would bring take out everytime he came over, he'd act like it wasn't a big deal but he knew how much it meant to you.
  • I think if you were to journal it would be because of Max and if/when Billy tried to make fun of the new habit you both would give him a look that made it clear to back off and he took the warning loud and clear.
  • I think the next time he sees a stray he would pull over and try and take it home for you. He either comes home with the animal successfully or he comes home covered in scratches and is refusing to speak about what happened.

Imagine a meet cute where Eddie is alone on a stormy night and he thinks someone is breaking in, but you’re just crawling under his trailer because there’s a stray animal under there and your rescuing it!!


Eddie usually didn't mind being alone in the trailer, being alone meant he had a sense of freedom to do whatever he wanted, but tonight is one of the nights he really wished Wayne was home. The news issued a severe thunderstorm warning that lasted from 2pm to 2am so Eddie made sure to have everything he needed prepared ahead of time. Pizza was on the table as was a few beers and all the movies he could ever want to watch was on the floor next to the couch. He settled in around 7pm and all was going as planned.

That was until 11pm rolled around. The storm was getting worse and there was so much noise surrounding the trailer that Eddie was starting to freak. As a trash can knocked over right outside of his window, Eddie finally decides to investigate. He puts on shoes and a sweatshirt and starts mumbling to himself about how stupid he is acting, "Why am I doing this? It could be a killer or some shit, what the fuck am I doing? Getting killed that's what you're doing Eddie my god." As he turned the corner he nearly screams as he runs into someone. He took a step back and realized that it was the newbie that just moved in the week prior.

He bite backs his scream and watches your movement. You lay on the ground and stretch your arm out as if you're trying to grab something that is under his trailer. "Oh sweetie come out please, it's okay I promise." He grows even more confused and curious as he watches you scoot to be closer to the side of trailer home. "It has to be scary out here all by yourself sweetie, I have some food you can have..." You call out trying to ease whatever is under the trailer.

He clears his throat and finally gets your attention. "Uh...What are you doing under my home?" He asks and if he looked any closer he would've been able to see your cheeks redden. "There's a baby possum...it's mother, well she didn't make it." You stand up, brushing off your jeans and start to explain more of the situation. "You know Susan? She lives like three trailers down I think, anyway she ended up hitting their mom and now it's alone and it has to be terrified! I mean look at this weather!" You started sniffling and Eddie couldn't tell if it was because you were crying over the situation or if it was because you were getting sick from being outside for so long. He really hoped it wasn't either, he'd hate for you to get sick but he also couldn't handle seeing someone so pretty and clearly so sweet cry.

"Look, I can try and help. I think I have some I don't know maybe some cat food? Would that help l think I have some, I know we have grapes..." You two finally agree on the grapes and about an hour later you finally rescued the baby possum from under the trailer. Eddie walked you and the baby that was just rescued to your trailer and you properly introduce yourselves. By the time you got to your front door the two of you seemed pretty smittened with one another and a date had been planned for the next night. Hopefully the storms would be passed by then and neither of you ended up with a nasty cold.


Summary: Eddie has been your best friend since middle school, he's been in love with you since freshman year. Now you two are in your twenties and he is finally going to do something about it...his plans backfires.

Note: You are purple. Eddie is red.

It's was your birthday week and Eddie was thrilled. He showed up at your house and dragged you into the van saying that he has a trip planned for the two of you. "Should I be scared?" You ask him trying to not laugh as he rolls his eyes dramatically. "Am I ever scary...you know what, you just hush." He says waving you off, "I have your bag already packed and I have three bags of snacks and drinks in the back so you just sit there and look pretty princess."

You two were on the road for a few hours before he pulls into the motel parking lot. He rushes out of the van and opens your door for you, "My lady" he bows as you walk out and smack his shoulder laughing at him. He grabs the bags and your hand to lead the way to the front desk.

Once you two are greeted he informs the young employee of his reservation. "One room for Munson." He gets handed a key and gets even more excited. "What are you planning Munson?" You question him and he acts shocked, "Me??? I can't believe my ears, you have no reason to be questioning me ma'am." Once you two get to the room he opens the door for you and lets you walk in first, as he follows you his heart falls. There is two beds...he booked this room specifically because it was one of the few with only one bed. You can tell something went wrong as the mood shifts in the room. "Ed's?" You ask concerned and you softly holds his arm, "Is everything okay?"

He shrugs off your arm, he feels so stupid now that the plan is unraveling. He had two options. Act like nothing's wrong, or confess and rish you being weirded out...you know him too well for the first option to work sadly. He sighs and sits on one of the many beds. "I...Iwantedtosleepnexttoyou." He rushes out way too fast hoping you don't catch a single word he says and it works. "What was that?" you ask clearly worried for him. He starts to chew on his lip and looks up at you, "I was hoping that...we ya know...would cuddle." Your heart melts hearing his confession and seeing his big brown eyes, "Oh Ed's" You walk to stand between his legs, "You could've just asked you big dumdum." His eyes widen at your confession, "R-really?" he asks. Instead of answering you roll your eyes playfully and softly push him onto the bed. He pulls you down with him as he falls back. "I'm never going to let you go just a quick warning" He threatens jokingly and you kiss his cheek, "You better keep that promise" You softly speak against his form and as you snuggle into his chest you miss how bright he begins to blush.

As you fall asleep in his arms he breaks the silence and whispers "I love you." He leans down slightly and kiss your head. One day he'll get the nerve to confess his feelings to you when you're conscious but today is not that day.

^^^Him when his plan didn't work


dad!eddie going to toys r us and fighting everybody off to get his daughter cabbage patch dolls 💕😭

His princess is getting the doll she asked for! old lady Susan be damn he will run her toes over with his cart to get the doll before she does

susan will get a knuckle fist sandwich if she doesn’t back off! imagine if he has to race to the toy aisle as soon as the doors open 💀

He does! He is pissed when he finds out that the one doll she wants is a toys r us limited edition. "Is this the only one you want? Why not a strawberry shortcake?" He sighs and leaves for work earlier than he has to so he can go and find the damn doll


dad!eddie going to toys r us and fighting everybody off to get his daughter cabbage patch dolls 💕😭

His princess is getting the doll she asked for! old lady Susan be damn he will run her toes over with his cart to get the doll before she does


Change My Ways For You

Pairing: College!Fuckboy!Bucky x college!fem!reader

Summary: One of the only girls in school that didn’t want Bucky Barnes was somehow the one he fell in love with

Warnings: Smut, fluff, reader doesn’t take any of Bucky’s shit, himbo!Bucky, Bucky being a fuckboy,a bit of forced proximity, small part where Bucky is fucking someone else (ew), pinning, Bucky proving himself to be a sweet boy, non consentual kissing, Bucky being tooth rottingly sweet, Bucky calling reader sweets sweetheart and sweetcheeks, Steve is a dick (sorry not sorry), PROTECTED p in v (they are responsible in this one), fingering, fluffy smut, dirty talk, cockwarming?, so much praise, talk about STDs, delayed aftercare, talk about no aftercare, Bucky learns about aftercare so all is good








and a gentle reminder to take breaks, and get a snack and some water. Don’t forget to take a moment to breathe.

and if you can, try to do something nice for yourself after its all over. No matter how it turns out, you struggled and you survived so you deserve something nice :)


Ok so what if Eddie had a cat that was a thief, but he got blamed for it, or was afraid he would get blamed for it.

Imagine everyone in the neighborhood talking about their stolen items and looking out for someone doing it, and here he is with all of this loot, all of this random stuff stashed in his room because of the cat.

What would he do and how would he react?


Eddie found this cat. There's no doubt that he found this cat in like a sketchy alley way after a show, and he took it home. Wayne was pissed that Eddie stole a cat and made sure to make it clear that the cat was Eddie's responsibility. That's why Eddie panics when he wakes up and the cat is missing.

He searches EVERYWHERE the longer the cat is missing, the more he panics. "Where the fuck are you Missy Whiskers?!?!?" He finally finds her walking into his room while he's on his knees looking under the couch. He sighs in relief, not thinking anything of it and goes back to bed.

This becomes a regular occurrence. He would search and search for missy, and then when he's about to give up, she comes strutting in and shaking her butt like nothing happened. And each time he would pick her up, kiss her head and mutter the same thing, "You're going to give me a damn heart attack" but he never thinks anything of it.

That is until shit starts going missing. First, it was at his trailer. He couldn't find a guitar pick or a ring, and then spoons started disappearing. Honestly, he just thought he was forgetting stuff, Wayne thought Eddie was hiding things while high again. Neither cared that much, but then the neighboring trailers started complaining about things going missing.

"All of my hair ties are gone!" "My sons stuffed animal is missing!" "Has anyone seen my keys???"

Eddie was starting to worry that someone was breaking in and stealing from people. What if they stole something more valuable than just a few spoons? Shit what if they stole missy whiskers?!?! He would die. So he decided to try and stay up to see if he could catch them in the act. And he did.

His eyes squint as he watches his cat, the princess of the trailer, walk into his room and go straight under his bed. From where he sat, he could see something in her mouth, and he was hoping it wasn't a dead animal - his heart could NOT handle a dead mouse. He tipped toed into his room and lifted his mattress up, and he gasped at what he found.

It's a fucking treasure chest under there. A rainbow of different hair ties, all his guitar picks, so many spoons and...is that car keys? Where did this come from???

He searches some more and is met with the suspect. Sitting right next to him is missy licking her paws and meowing at him when their eyes meet. She rubs up against him and starts to purr, and his heart melts. "Aw princess," he pets her softly before his hand freezes. "Am I an accomplice???" He panics a bit trying to think about how long the jail time would be for being an accomplice to his cats crimes. He considers hiding this stuff. No one will miss....car keys? Will they? He grimaces at the thought of that and sighs, knowing he has to return this stuff, but how is he not going to get caught....


Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.

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