
Gender is a game and I looked up all the cheat codes

@punkrockbuttrfly / punkrockbuttrfly.tumblr.com

Trans writer who plays too many video games and watches too much Doctor Who. | She/her | plural | 20s | Avatar and header by @strange-destinations

what i love about mlp fim is that the power of friendship is not a symbolic thing it is a real and tangible force so potent it can be channeled into killing people

friendship beam. explode


it mostly turns people to stone or in luna's case eliminates the villainous side of them. for whatever reason however it just fucks sombra's shit up and tears him apart limb from limb


I know people won't care because you all assume every country that isn't in the west is automatically homophobic and/or transphobic, but enshrining this bigotry into law, enabling more institutional and state violence is making my heart weep.

for those who do care, Silent Majority is actively fighting against this bill and I do hope people can support them.


my unpopular opinion is that i hate tiktok because now people just publicly watch loud ass videos in public spaces with no regard for anyone else. 100% it was not this bad with youtube, it’s such a different thing with tiktok. put on headphones. you are grown.


This is it! This is what social media/smart tech have done! They’ve rotted away any distinction between private and public.

Yes, we do have the right to make demands on public behavior. Of course we do. Have you never heard of laws and etiquette? I’m not allowed to grocery shop naked. You can’t rummage through my purse. I can’t have a work meeting in the middle of a movie theatre.

I remember when it was taboo simply to answer your cell phone in public. The person answering would apologize and try to go to a more private area. Then public calls were normalized. Then putting people on speaker. Then listening to music without headphones. Do you know how many times I have hiked up a mountain or driven to the beach, only to be met with someone blaring shitty top 40 music from their portable speaker, because Heaven forbid you go one hour without noise?

Old woman yells at cloud and all that, but I can’t believe someone is not only admitting this behavior, but saying it’s a good thing! No one likes you! You’re a menace!



It was obnoxious when it was youtube.

It was obnoxious when it was music.

It was obnoxious when it was the radio. 

It was obnoxious when it was dudes wanting to talk to you instead of letting you just read your freaking book.

Do you want to be this guy? Because being obnoxious in shared spaces is how you become this guy. 

Wear your damn headphones like an adult participant in the social contract.

Best art history lesson ever, thank you


there's a massive cadre of people on here who can best be described by the phrase "be gay do war crimes"


this is not intended to be a funny quirky joke meme phrase it's a description of american or otherwise western gays with deeply imperialist and racist tendencies, you do not want to say you're this person


Genuinely can you shut the fuck up. do you hear yourself rn

@clarissa39 are you sure you kicked the racism and imperialism? Cause it sure doesn't fucking seem like it


Yeah you're right, it's an ongoing process to correct my attitudes and it's going to take a lot of time and effort but is very much the right thing to do. What I mean here is what I have done and been complicit in in the past doesn't go away because I'm getting better and trying to correct my past errors.

Also because I was involved in the YPG in Syria as an irregular, so an illegal combatant...you know, a war criminal

Like very literally this is why I joke about it.

you could've led with that last part and saved everyone a lot of trouble but it is admittedly very funny that you didn't


we can't even get you to stop calling us "dude"

i've said this before but if you can't even be told "please do not use the word dude or bro for me" without starting an argument you are a fucking danger to the trans women around you.


actual responses to when i went on social media and asked to not be called dude cuz it makes me uncomfortable

The one saying “It’s kinda hard to tell, but sis just doesn’t flow together :)” is astounding. No reflection or attempt to consider why men’s terms are the default and only ones that sound “natural” or get to be “neutral.”


Please share, tag someone who could bring this to a lot of people, and post to other platforms. Not originally mine, idk who is the source of the screenshots.

Image ID:


Text is broken and in the middle is an excerpt from a leaked nhs document-> a) For medication sourced directly (e.g via the internet), explain the increased risks of harm due to the unregulated nature of these medicines/products. These may include the use of counterfeit chemicals, unsafe/unknown ancilliary ingredients or variability of potency etc. More information can be found here (link to nhs website). // b) Do not initiate or continue prescribing puberty surpressing hormones or gender affirming hormones. The General Medical Council's guidance to medical professionals on 'bridging prescriptions (a course of endocrine intervention managed by a healthcare professional outside of the specialised gender service while an individual is waiting to be seen) does not apply to care offered to young people under 18 years of age. // c) If the child/young person or their carer disregards your advice and you consider that this puts the child/young person at increased risk, then a safeguarding referral might also be appropriate in line with standard safeguarding approaches. Discuss with your line manager and your organization's safeguarding team.


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In black text on white background, from the news article linked above-> It seems to us - and to those inside the NHS who have leaked the document to us - that what purports to be an "assessment" in fact an exercise in bringing very significant pressure to bear on trans youth and their families to cease private treatment, backed up with a threat of a safeguarding referral to social services if they do not. // We are concerned about what appears to be a misleading exercise in gathering data on which trans youth are obtaining private treatment from abroad, for the purposes of seeking to cause or compel them to stop treatment.

In the same thick white text on black background as previous image-> So an internal NHS document has been leaked basically asking trans kids on excruciatingly ling waiting lists to come to a 'mental health assessment' where the NHS will harvest their personal information & threaten their families with a social services referral if they're found to be on private blockers/hormones & refuse to come off them. // This country is for dogs i swear.


This country is incorrigible when it comes to wrecking the lives of trans people. Now we can have a tendancy to become a bit danger blind when it comes to the NHS as a stronghold of a welfare state. But this is not being planned by your local NHS GP it is being planned by the established network of powerful privileged people who run everything in this fucking country and always have. This is the country of bloody agendas so no matter how nice or respectable the source, for your own safety, SHUT THE FUCK UP

Email from a respected newspaper? SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Your CAMHS worker asks you about HRT out of nowhere? SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Teacher pulls you out of class to ask you about your plans for transition? SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

What they are doing here is trying to slowly build more and more demonisation of trans people as an insidious coercive force threatening kids, for an end goal that includes in this instance, taking trans kids transitioning on private healthcare away from their families.

Stay safe punks, keep fighting. Luv ya


Do you think tumblr will ever learn the difference between “I’m defending this person because I agree with them wholeheartedly and I am also like this person” and “I’m defending this person because your behavior is dangerous and you need to stop”

IMO, blurring the lines between “I’m defending them because they’re right” and “I’m defending them because you’re taking this too far” is step numero uno to cutting down the very existence of fair trial and democracy–even in places where saying that might seem a little dramatic. 

Mob mentality is extremely strong in humans and it’s also extremely dangerous. Mobs don’t think things through. Mobs kill and they destroy and they can’t be reasoned with. Someone trying to calm a mob down isn’t someone defending the ~problematic party~ It’s time we re-learn that.


“even IF the guy did whatever you’re accusing them of, mob violence isn’t a fair or proportionate response, and you guys need to go home and mind your own fucking business” is a thing absolutely no one likes to hear but frequently needs to be said regardless

So you literally do not agree and have learned nothing


You again?

Oh my god, wait, was this directed at me personally?

I literally did not notice until someone pointed it out. I think my eyes glazed over when I saw a lot of spew from True Art anon again. (Look, I get a lot of asks. I don't read them carefully if they're obviously nonsense other than skimming for hate speech and such.)

To think that my shamefully sporadic and pathetically short replies to comments brought on this!

Also... uh... anon... I have bad news about that last sentence. ;)


This persistent "no true artist" anon really reminds me of the adult women who used to be absolutely savage in trying to persuade me that I was too old for my hobbies as a teen. But they did that because they felt that the way they gave up all the things they enjoyed to marry a guy they kinda maybe liked a little and clean all day and have babies and hate their mothers in law and go to parenting groups where they hated each other with identical small-minded viciousness was the One True Way of existing as a responsible (specifically AFAB) adult in the world.

This was not actually true of all adult women then any more than it is true of all adult women now. But goddamn if they weren't absolutely convinced it was, because if it wasn't, then they had no alternative way to explain what they'd done to themselves.

I think that's also what old mate here is doing. By lashing out at people who have achieved things they would like to achieve — which seems to be everything from "making friends via fandom" to "publishing fiction with confidence" — they are responding to the sense of threat they feel when they encounter evidence that their (joyless, miserable) way of adult art is not the only way of being an adult or making art.

It can be really hard to let your core beliefs go, especially when those beliefs tell you that you are correct and righteous in your misery — that your suffering is required, that it has a purpose. After wasting so much time and energy being miserable, it's really upsetting to absorb the idea that there is some other way of being and you could have done that all along.

Ideally this is a feeling one works out with a therapist, not by harassing strangers one feels are doing art, gender, food, sexuality, race, career, etc., "wrong". But it's always interesting to watch someone see their own core beliefs challenged and react like a kicked dog in public anyway I guess.

Oh yes, that's exactly the pattern here.


As a Reaper, you’ve run into quite a few souls who demand a trial by combat. Normally, they don’t even compare to you and lose very quickly. This time, a hardened warrior is determined to rise from the dead, and they have you on the ropes.

But you are a heel and you have another Reaper come out of nowhere with a steel chair!


I just love it when video games let you do really stupid shit that kills you immediately. I love being like "oh this is a terrible idea" and being able to do it and then die. It's good game design.

Highlights from the notes:

- Mouthing off to a literal god in Baldur's Gate 3 so badly that she undoes your very existence. Also making out with a mindflayer and letting someone perform an ice pick lobotomy on you.

- The joke endings in Nier Automata, specifically the one where you eat a fish after being told it will kill you which immediately kills you and removing your OS chip for funsies. Gotta say tho, I'm kinda bummed none of you mentioned self destructing on the Space Station, which is my personal favorite Dumb Ending.

- Having sex with an alien that kills everything it has sex with in Mass Effect.

- The seemingly hundreds of you who, upon being given control of Link, immediately ran off the cliff at the start of Breath of the Wild.

- Sierra Games. Just...Sierra Games <3

- Jumping into the toilet in Fear & Hunger. (Huh???)

- Disco Elysium killing you for the crimes of *checks notes* sitting in a chair or turning the lights on.

- Fallout 4 letting you jump into a forge full of molten metal. Also honorary mention to the Fallout series as a whole, aside from Sierra they really are the kings of this. (Shoutout to the legends who take the Black Mountain/Quarry Junction route to Vegas! Sure is a great way to Die Badly!!)

- Whatever the fuck kind of softlock mind games are going on in Sunless Sea. Truly the most "damn bitch you live like this??" shit I've ever heard. 100/10

- The absolute CHADS who mentioned how you can just refuse to try to save the world right at the start of Golden Sun which gives you a unique ending telling you how fucked everything gets bcs you decided to be a lazy piece of shit. (My fiancé is giving you all a fist bump bcs this is one of his favorite games of all time.)

- Eating the jarrin root Astrid gives you to poison the Emperor in Skyrim. (Like yeesh you just hand me poison and expect me not to shove it in my mouth as fast as I can??)

- Minecraft blowing your ass up for trying to sleep in the Nether and the End, specifically for giving you the death message "[Player] was killed by intentional game design".

- Being able to pilot the ship in The Outer Worlds right into the heart of a star bcs you decided you were smarter than the autopilot.

- Portal 2 my beloved for giving you so many chances to just let GLaDOS and Wheatley kill you. You even get an achievement for it!!

Please keep the stories coming these truly are delightful <3

Additional stuff I forgot:

- The Paper Mario series also does the yes/no prompts where no leads to instant death.

- Plenty of people mentioned Soulsborne games, which, for those unaware, are as batshit hilarious as they are brutally hard, and being curb stomped by enemies is absolutely not the only way to eat shit and die. My favorite is the random bottomless pit in the starting area in Elden Ring that is just out of place enough you'll probably jump in it to see if it leads to something cool. It doesn't tho. It just kills you.

- God of War telling you not to jump off the world tree bcs you'll die and then just...letting you do it anyway. Also one of the games apparently has a level where if you deviate from the marked path you will die, and like 90% of you deviated immediately and died.

- They aren't technically deaths but multiple Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games will let you say no to taking over the farm, which sends you back to the title screen. However the best one is Harvest Moon DS(I believe?) where you can straight up let your dog kill the Mayor, which gives you a Bad Ending.

- Red Dead Redemption for letting you jump into a geyser full of boiling water or join a death cult right as it's about to get to the death part.

- Scribblenauts lets you nuke yourself. And also kill yourself about 50 billion other ways.

- The only thing I know about Lethal Company is that it's "die badly" the game.

- The Stanley Parable(my beloved <3) also has many moments where you can kill yourself doing something stupid, and The Narrator usually makes fun of you for it. (This ofc makes the time when you have to do it that's explicitly not funny even more harrowing.)

- Shooting the lake in Resident Evil 4 after being told not to, which summons a monster that kills you.

- MANY horror games that give you a unique ending if you simply choose to immediately hit the bricks rather than go into the spooky forest/building/town.

- Amnesia however is not one of them; if you jump out of the open window you find in an attempt to get the fuck out of there you die.

- These:

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