


italian with moroccan origins, 17y/o boy who likes indie/R&B/hip-hop music, from Geneva. JUST BE YOURSELF, I WILL APPRECIATE U FOR WHO U ARE. looking for new friends chat group πŸ˜”βœŒοΈπŸž.

quarantine just finished here.

Should I be happy?


who wants to be a kid again???


if I could choose I would live in the 80s but with people with a 2030 mentality, open-minded.


Is tumblr a kind of safe place?

people here saying what they think with no filter, i definitely rly like it


hi, I'm new on tumblr, I only know one person who uses tumblr that i know of.

this is loneliness, isn't it? luckily we are on tumblr and not in real life.

hi alice, how does it work here?


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