
Primal Incarnates Brainrot

@nzoth-the-corruptor / nzoth-the-corruptor.tumblr.com

She/Her | 18+ Blogger | LGBTQ+ Autistic as hell.

foreshadowing done well makes me go feral like there’s NOTHING better than getting to the end a book or an important storyline moment and realising that the author laced information so intricately into their writing that weren’t noticeable upon first read but when you read back sections they’re light giant red flags like wow writing is amazing

the best stories contain two stories: the one you read the first time, and the one you read every time after that


his swagless mental breakdowns this, his homoerotic patterns of grief that. what about HER grief-stricken moments of extremely poor decisionmaking? what about HER incredibly alarming isolation and trauma-driven life choices?!?!?!


once again being humbled by the fact I have to work on my skills in order to improve them


at the insane stage of character obsession where i start getting the urge to post pngs of them every five seconds like im showing ppl a picture of my stupid ass boyfriend that nobody likes but me


the best kind of media is when it’s so terrible and/or all over the place that it accidentally births really compelling characters and narrative points. it fucks severely.


I love nonfiction that I simply cannot relate to at all. "it's easy to get addicted to buying fast fashion! I used to spend thousands of dollars on it a year!" okay. you're a space alien.

"survey finds that the average person in the UK only wears a piece of clothing 7 times" what are you talking about. what are you fucking talking about. who are these people and in what world are they average.


Making a shitty one-page RPG called Oh Shit It’s the Killer. The premise is simple: you’re a high schooler spending the weekend in the woods with your besties. The Killer is there also. He is trying to the Kill you

I say shitty not to demean the quality of my work but because it’s less an exercise in good game design and more an attempt to induce paranoid internal conflict that turns into murder (in game of course). It has like three mechanics and one of them actively encourages you to murder the other PCs

Great news!

It’s done

I put like three braincells into this, so if there’s anything about it that outright sucks, uh. Sorry not sorry, L + ratio + let’s use the 1-page restriction as an excuse for any unfun mechanics

“What if there was a game about being a genre-savvy slasher protagonist murdering their way to the role of Final Girl?”

“Sounds cool when exactly does the PvP start”

“character creation”


sometimes I think it'd be nice to try some pot if I ever go somewhere it's legal, but it'd be so cruel if i end up liking it and then have to go back to where it's turbo-illegal recreationally and even medical use is severely restricted


I just think everyone should take a moment to consider the question "what is your visual shorthand for cruelty?" and then follow it up with a critical "and who taught you that?"

specific examples include but are not limited to

  1. why is an evil timeline character design disabled? (why do the heroes go through equally punishing battles and never lose an arm, a leg, an eye?)
  2. why are the futuristic scifi terrorists uniformly darker skinned? (why are the heroes so much lighter?)
  3. why is the greedy boss fat? (why are the heroes skinny?)
  4. why is the criminal mastermind heavily scarred? (why is the brooding, traumatized hero unscathed?)
  5. why is the predatory creep a bearded person in a dress and makeup? (why are none of the heroes trans women?)
  6. who taught you that this is how things are?
  7. how long do you plan on repeating it?

guys the point is "reflect on how you have learned bigotry through exposure and you parrot it in your own works and in the fandoms you engage with without self awareness" not "tell me, specifically, what random motifs you think are evil"

on the flipside, to everyone adding notes about hooked noses, turbans + headscarves, nonwhite features and cultural clothing in general, mental and physical disorders, and surely others I've missed in recollection: you are entirely right and should say it.

Forever Love by Tom Ford
“I am tired of the cult of youth. The cultural rejection of old age, the stigmatization of wrinkles, grey hair, of bodies furrowed by the years. I am fascinated by Diana Vreeland, Georgia O’Keeffe and Louise Bourgeois, women who have let time embrace them without ever cheating. Society today condemns this, me, I celebrate it. For this session of fine jewelry, I imagined a man and a woman who had been together for a long time, faithful to each other and always incandescent with desire.”
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