

@footsteps-on-the-dance-floor / footsteps-on-the-dance-floor.tumblr.com

Ash 29 icon by @guttersblessing check out my other blog @sonic-gems-collection

you don’t deserve to be confined to some bleak room playing video games for the rest of your lives. you don’t deserve to live in a world where cis people and men project their fantasies and disgust onto your bodies. you don’t deserve to merely survive. you deserve to grow. you deserve to feel your own feelings without shame. you deserve the freedom to cry out and take up space. you deserve joy 

“The daily routine of most adults is so heavy and artificial that we are closed off to much of the world. We have to do this in order to get our work done. I think one purpose of art is to get us out of those routines. When we hear music or poetry or stories, the world opens up again. We’re drawn in — or out — and the windows of our perception are cleansed, as William Blake said. The same thing can happen when we’re around young children or adults who have unlearned those habits of shutting the world out.”

— Ursula K. Le Guin 

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