
@though-you-try / though-you-try.tumblr.com

Rea | adult | a fan of many things
A little bit of everything here, currently mostly Buffy the Vampire Slayer, nature, Doctor Who, and Dragon Age. Supernatural sideblog here (subtextnatural)
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anti-egg vegans are always a hoot. like, she’s not using it. it’s not fertilized. it’s going to rot and attract predators. you want me to just throw it in the trash??

its still animal exploitation, is it not?


do you think a chicken with zero emotional attachment to the egg she popped out feels exploited when that egg leaves the coop?

if that unfertilized egg cracked in the pen there’s not a chicken who would wait 0.002 seconds to slurp that shit down raw and unseasoned but I’m supposed to exploit foreign children farming for slave wages and ship all of their staple crops across the world to me instead. and this feels like the moral high ground to them. alright

i feel largely similar about plastic ""vegan leather"" -- in recent years, each year, millions of pounds of cow hides have been thrown out as offal because there's less demand for real leather. none of the "cruelty-free" shit saved those cows. it just created more waste out of them.

honestly this is how i feel about plastic versions of things we used to make out of bone, like needles, childrens cutlery, etc etc etc. i think if we're going to have cattle (and theres no ethical path to Not having Some cattle anymore) then we should use the entriety of the beast or its disrepsectful, also using the whole animal means that theres no corners to be cut, if the skin is scratched you loose money, if the bones are weak you loose money, its just a good way to ensure the systemic health of the cows.


Opinions on fullmetal alchemist?


Brotherhood is the best anime ever made.

It's the most tightly-plotted slowburn mystery I've ever seen. Everything ties together. It makes more and more sense the more times I rewatch it, which in a mystery story is goddamn rare. In the very first episode, the filler villain at one point says "You don't understand the shape this country is in!" and that's a completely innocuous thing for this character to say except no it isn't

The magic system is a beautifully hard arrangement that never breaks its own rules, and it effortlessly explains everything you need to know to follow every alchemy-based twist just through the explanation of equivalent exchange and the question "what could equal the value of a human soul?" Alchemy follows equivalent exchange at all points and functions basically like Advanced Chemistry, and whenever it looks like the rules are being broken, it's just because somebody is burning human souls to do it.

The cast is massive, but never crowded. Everybody has a part to play. Even the seemingly-interchangeable minion characters all end up being unique contributers to the plot; there is truly no separation between Main Characters and Minor Characters because at any point anyone can turn out to be suddenly deeply important.

Contains a profound philosophical meditation on how even the most powerful person is not omnipotent, and the purposelessness of a power that can't be used to save the people they love, and this theme culminates in the only instance of the "extremely cool powerful badass sacrifices all their powers" trope that I actually 100% like.

Somehow this slowburn hard-magic mystery builds up to a massive anime confrontation about teenagers using the power of friendship to kill god and it never makes any buckwild leaps to get there. The resolution is emotionally satisfying and ridiculously kickass.

There are stories that I come back to more often, or hit me harder in the moment, or contain higher highs, or had more impact on their genres, but FMA:B is, pound for pound, the best anime ever made. 10s across the board.


You can try to explain different sexual and gender identities to people who aren't very accepting but at the end of the day it really shouldn't matter. The real question is "If you meet someone who does no harm but operates in a way you cannot even begin to understand, can you still treat them with respect and defend them if necessary?"

It's about humility. Why is YOUR ability to understand someone so important? Why is that the deciding factor in whether someone deserves respect and safety? Why do you think someone's life should be dependent on whether or not it makes sense to you? Your opinions and perceptions are really not that important, but their safety is. And if you can't recognize that, then no amount of "trying to make you understand where we're coming from" is going to fix whatever is broken in your brain.


21 years ago, Buffy chose her Champion.

21 years ago, she didn't go up those stairs.

21 years ago, Buffy chose the person she wanted to be with on what could have been her last night on earth.

"She'll tell you. Someday, she'll tell you."

21 years ago, she did.

21 years ago, Spuffy fans were gifted with the most romantic imagery from the whole damn show.

Happy 21 years of Spuffy being endgame.


everyone like 'oh YA sci-fi like Hunger Games where the protagonist is special" is SO wrong that's other YA sci-fi which tried to copy thg and failed. Katniss is only important because she loves her sister. The regime doesn't fall because of uniqueness or skill or some inherent difference or ability. Sure she can shoot but that's not important. the regime falls because a girl loves her sister. Don't you get it.


I think it would have been REALLY funny if Buffy at one point had been like NO! no…. I cannot date another Vampire! In crush and Spike makes an “But I’m already evil! What’s the worst that could happen!” argument In his pouty little quiet yell voice that he uses sometimes 😹😹😹

Like I can HEAR him saying it the same way he says “women marry them all the time!” And I’m DYING it’d be so on brand for him to say like yes angel was good…. UNTIL HE WASNT. I on the other hand am DEPENDABLE with my level of evil on a day to day basis no matter how much we’re fucking. Hell my evil might go DOWN the more we do it cause I’ll be too worn out and busy with you! Right now I’ve got too much free time really. Gives me so much more scheming and plotting time…👀


If people were too mean to you when you were growing up, a newborn animal will materialize inside your brain and it’s so so scared and shivering and it will stay there for years. Decades, even. And whenever you say something kind of weird but true to your heart the animal will tell you “Noo! You can’t say that! If you say that, everyone will hate you!”. The animal means well. It’s so so small and everything is so scary for them and it’s just trying to protect you. But listen to me. Listen to me. Whenever this happens, you can’t do what the animal says. You can’t. If you do, you’ll become as scared as the animal. You have to keep saying weird shit. You have to keep doing things the animal wouldn’t approve of. If you do enough things that scare the animal, maybe one day it’ll go to sleep.

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