


21 He/Him TW: I make sugjestive art sometimes or depressing content. Creator of Falling Cards, Escape Goat, & Jack and Kris Ongoing fan comics/AUs: FNAF Creations AU Four Swords Returns

Freakin' my favorite stupid thing in FSR is how Green's convinced he's intruding on the vidow when Vio and Shadow both want that man's lips.


Mom didn't inspire confidence with that one lmfao.

Do yall remember Mario soda? In mini cans that were maybe orange and blue. (I might be mixing this up with a different soda in mini cans)

The orange one was like, orange cream or smth.

Don't remember the flavor of the other one but the can was a soft cyan/blue color.

The flavors on the Mario Shasta one don't sound right to me.

It had to have been around 2005 to 2008 ish?

In case my soda mystery was keeping anyone up at night. Im pretty sure the two sodas I had in my head were these two. I didn't remember the flavor of the "blue can" and haven't tried this one but I'm almost entirely sure the other is Shasta orange.

Shasta orange tastes exactly like what I was thinking of. Has that exact same taste I was thinking of. And if you've had enough orange sodas you know each is different on what part of orange they lean into. (Finally, I saw a chance to try it I don't see it much.)

Only part i can't explain is why i seem to have a false memory of drinking Mario soda though.

Because the first time I saw these I said "oh like the ones I've had".

Still dunno what that's about lmfao. Guess I mixed up the bright colors of regular Shasta with the Mario Shasta.

I'm honestly amused I mixed up a soda with the same branded soda tho ngl.


Lol I've been so finicky with how to continue the scene in fsr.

Would yall be satisfied with a viogreen kiss lmfao XD

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