
needs more space trains

@bramblemantle / bramblemantle.tumblr.com

tala | they/any | main & general reblog blog. i make art and ocs @verdemoth | uhhh Blaseball brainrot hours are (STILL) 24/9 💖 spies are forever

About >> Tala! ace & queer, young adult, cool w any pronouns but especially they/them. big fan of space media and trains and funky creatures and the Horrors. pfp is a doodle a friend did for me :]

Note! for my art and ocs check out @verdemoth ! i also run a flight rising blog @scytheclaw-mantis though that is less active

Main Interests !

> terror ball (🦢 we snooze, you lose)

> blaseball (🕵️🌞👟) (RIV o7)

> various ocs

> fallen london/sunless skies

> rain world

> the strange case of starship iris

> 17776/20021

> the mechanisms

> the penumbra podcast (juno steel)

> wolf 359

> wayfarers series (the long way to a small angry planet, in particular)

> pokemon (submas especially)

> ace attorney, dgs, & ghost trick

> disco elysium

> hollow knight

> botw/totk

> animals (in particular: birds, bats, rodents, moths, mantids, azhdarchid pterosaurs, theropods, thylacines)

> other things like space & satellites/rovers and trains & boats and prehistory and historical technology & modern technology and other cool pretty things

tagged as the series name or acronym, spoilers usually additionally tagged. i also reblog other folks original content & fun posts

Common content warnings are tagged as ‘#[word] cw’, ask me if I miss something and I’ll do my best to accommodate!

BLACK METAL AGAINST BLACKOUT is a benefit compilation album comprised of many talented artists in the underground metal scene. Its purpose is to generate funds to supply Palestinians in Gaza with eSIMs - the only way they can communicate during hostile internet/communications blackouts imposed on them by Israeli forces. The compilation is set at "pay-what-you-want" pricing. ALL revenue other than what Bandcamp takes will be used to supply silenced citizens the resources they need to communicate during these attacks on their freedom and sovereignty. FREE PALESTINE! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA!

Haven't seen anything about Ingenuity on tumblr yet, so I guess I'll make a post about it

Ingenuity (sometimes called Ginny) was an companion craft to Perseverance, one of the rovers currently on Mars. As opposed to any of the past rovers, however, Ingenuity was a rotorcraft intended to fly above Mars' surface.

After landing on Mars in February of 2021 and completing its first flight on April 19th, 2021, Ingenuity became the first aircraft to fly on another planet. Its original goal was only 5 flights, but it well surpassed that number, logging 72 flights with over two hours of in-air time.

On January 18th, 2024, Ingenuity lost contact with Perseverance midway through a flight, and a few days later, NASA had confirmation that the rotors were damaged, leaving Ingenuity incapable of flight.

So long, Ingenuity. You did so much <3


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