
y’all should watch ‘…and justice for all’

@hex-of-els / hex-of-els.tumblr.com

oh god this blog is a mess
i'm probably on a sideblog:

felt like doing a pinned post, if u see this one on the dash pls ignore

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  • heya it’s Hex
  • she/her
  • ace/aspec
  • this was supposed to be my film blog but it’s a bit all over the place at the moment
  • regardless, my film blorbos are: al pacino, tim roth, edward norton, cillian murphy, harvey keitel (‘film blorbo’ means that ive watched at least one thing that’s made me want to tear my eyes out but persisted just because they were in it)
  • dm if you need anything tagged / need me to stop tag rambling on your posts lmao


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lets give it up for pretentious bitches i love snobs who try to keep intellectualism alive gooooooo assholes

"are you serious" look like it or not annoying assholes are a vital part of the "weird art" ecosystem and without them everyone would talk about iron man dying as the modern last supper. we need these bitches


i understand the appeal of publishing "fic with the serial numbers filed off" as original work but i also feel like. what makes something a good fic is at odds with what makes something a good original story.

a good fic is in conversation with a source text, it may give a character an interesting role, it may reinterpret or subvert the rules established in the canon universe, whatever. but like. its transformative by nature. whereas original stories - good ones, anyway - have their own internal, non-referrential sense of logic and rules. it can be in conversation with the genre writ large but it has to have internal substance that can stand alone. which fic inherently cant do.


This reminded me of a passage from a book review that has stuck with me for over a decade:

I truthfully have no idea what it is that makes fanfic work but it seems to me to have something to do with potential plausibility. Scenes of certain characters doing things they never explicitly did in the books (even if this is fucking each other) resonate with you because it feels both novel and familiar... And such scenes require no build-up because the reader already knows the characters being written about. Equally, dwelling on the details, and presenting very visual, sensuous scenes, seems less purple than it does when you do it in original fiction because it helps to establish a familiar character in what may be an unfamiliar setting... Fan fiction, even if you’re looking at a 100,000 word AU fic, seems to be all about the establishment of moments, which need not necessarily (and probably don’t) exist as part of a continuum of moments. This is absolutely the opposite to a book.

I fucking hate when people say stuff like this. Especially when it's on a generally good post with valuable information. On the one hand I want to share that information because it could genuinely help someone; on the other, I don't want to spread this type of guilt-tripping and shaming and potentially trigger someone else like me. It's a lose-lose situation. No matter what I do, I am going to feel guilty. No matter what I do, I will feel like a terrible person. It sucks and I just wish people would stop doing this. I know it's shocking, but it is actually possible to make an important and useful post without guilting everyone that sees it into sharing.


[Image description. Various images with text. The text reads, you have no excuse to not reblog this. I don't care what your blog theme is! Reblog to save a life! Don't you dare fucking scroll past. Everyone needs to reblog this, idc what your excuse is this is important. Not reblogging is a moral failure! It's mandatory! End image description.]


My communications teacher told me this, and I think it applies here:

“If you accuse someone, expect that they will immediately retaliate. We’re wired to growl back if someone growls first.”

When posts say, “you have no excuse,” the most common first thought will be something along the lines of “well maybe I do!” By framing the need to reblog as an accusation if one doesn’t, it actually drives away the otherwise passive audience that would’ve reblogged the post.

A much more successful addition to a post is something along the lines of “It would really help me/the cause out if you reblogged!” With this phrasing, it makes the passive audience feel more inclined to reblog because they will feel like they are helping you/the cause. So, it benefits both the audience and the cause

“If you accuse someone, expect that they will immediately retaliate. We’re wired to growl back if someone growls first.”


If you start with fighting words, don't be surprised when you get a fight.












Sylvia Plath // Holly Warburton // Working for the Knife, Mitski // Are You Satisfied?, MARINA // House of Hummingbird, directed by Kim Bora (2018) // Lady Bird, directed by Greta Gerwig (2017) // Tender Offerings, First Aid Kit // Play it Again, Sam directed by Woody Allen (1972) // Ruins, First Aid Kit // Ikiru, directed by Akira Kurosawa (1952) // Nightlife no. 1, Sangram Majumdar // Sorry to Myself, Alanis Morissette // Sabrina, directed by Billy Wilder (1954) // The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa (1982) // Rashomon, directed by Akira Kurosawa (1950) // It’s Not, Aimee Mann // Les Animaux de Distance, Paz Boira

The complexity of being free, but forever imprisoned by the idea of not knowing what you could or should be
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