
evolutionary dead end

@lostlovepunk / lostlovepunk.tumblr.com

| my human shape is only a facade | spike | it/its + es/ihn | so called adult (early 20s, so do not follow me if your blog says adults dni for fuck's sake) | sexier karkat (according to reputable sources) | "spike spoke" is the tag for my own stuff | header ID: a tweet by Dead Poet Society reading "fuck your feelings honey i don't loveyoulikethat", icon ID: a karkat vantas, very annoyed, and a very smug looking gray cat are surrounded by knives, in front of an aro flag. end IDs

edit: this post is not for terfs. trans women are women.

you ever just think about how across the whole of human history, the window of time where women have been able to choose not to spend their lives cooking and cleaning and being pregnant for men they never wanted to marry is so vanishingly small, and even then that’s not an option for women in lots of areas of the world, and there are girls being taken out of school and forced to marry at 12 years old, and if nothing changes for them then all they’ll ever know is a life of forced servitude and abuse and rape, and how some men just see this as fucking normal

you ever just think about how the gulf between women’s rights in different countries is so massive and there are men working their fingers to the bone to strip back reproductive rights because they look at their society where women can live their lives free from being shackled to men through financial dependence and constant pregnancy and childbirth and think ‘this won’t do at all’

you ever just think about the surge of ‘tradwife’ propaganda and how people are romanticising the vulnerability and dependence that some women would kill to break out of. how women are romanticising their own oppression

Anonymous asked:

i just wonder if self-checkout and ai art maybe serve different purposes in society? like did you consider that they don’t do the same thing.

does self-checkout have the water and electricity use footprint of a small country? ai does! does self checkout unconsensually steal art? ai does!

i just don’t think ‘ethical use of ai art’ is actually possible. not with the human and environmental toll it takes

did you know the manufacturing of a single t shirt takes 7,000 liters of water? did you know generating a single prompt in something like chatgpt takes less than half a liter? how about the computer in that self checkout machine that makes it run - that can take hundreds of thousands liters of water!

to be clear: i'm not disputing that data centers use a ton of water in a year - they absolutely do, and always have, even before AI took off - and it's true the addition of servers and computers for AI have thus increased the amount of water the likes of microsoft and google use.

but like! are you actually concerned about water usage? or did you just start caring when you read the headline of an article you didn't read proclaiming ai uses MILLIONS OF LITERS OF WATER EVERY YEAR (what company doesn't)?

i live somewhere experiencing severe drought. i am deeply concerned with water misuse. but this just ISN'T UNIQUE TO AI EVEN REMOTELY A LITTLE BIT.

(not to mention: you can run stable diffusion on your own machine! there's ways to use AI image gen locally without use of an offsite data center - so there's ways to use it without using up that water!)

if no ethical genai can exist because of its environmental impact, then neither can ethical agriculture. or fashion manufacturing. or hell, ANY manufacturing. or youtube videos (how much server space do you think that uses), or smartphone production, or website hosting, or video games, or..........

just. ask yourself. what are you criticizing? what are you upset about? capitalism's effect on our environment, or just genAI? why be so selectively angry?


for anyone who hasn't gotten access to the feature yet—discord is testing out a new feature that tells you when a user was last online. it's visible both in DMs and in servers. the activity tracking seems to be done client-side, and closing/refreshing the app will refresh it. all users, even those who can't see the "recently online" status yet, currently have this activity shared.

if you're like me, you probably don't want everyone you share servers with or DM to be able to have this level of access to your activity. there is currently no setting that allows a user to turn off this feature. I've changed my status to invisible for the time being, and I sincerely hope that this feature is either rolled back or becomes opt-out


One evening, in the sky, a message appeared: “In 24 hours, a billionaire will die.” Everyone everywhere on Earth could see it, in every language. Nobody could explain it. The next day, one of the richest men passed away. “In 24 hours, 2 billionaires…”

like to charge reblog to cast


Death Note if Light wasn’t such a fuckin loser with a cop for a dad and his head up his ass

“Rich kids should go to public schools. The mayor should ride the subway to work. When wealthy people get sick, they should be sent to public hospitals. Business executives should have to stand in the same airport security lines as everyone else. The very fact that people want to buy their way out of all of these experiences points to the reason why they shouldn’t be able to. Private schools and private limos and private doctors and private security are all pressure release valves that eliminate the friction that would cause powerful people to call for all of these bad things to get better. The degree to which we allow the rich to insulate themselves from the unpleasant reality that others are forced to experience is directly related to how long that reality is allowed to stay unpleasant. When they are left with no other option, rich people will force improvement in public systems. Their public spirit will be infinitely less urgent when they are contemplating these things from afar than when they are sitting in a hot ER waiting room for six hours themselves.”

smth happened to a friend of mine that i have to describe in greentext form bc i feel like it’s the best medium for the story give me a minute

>be me


>recently out

>at my first pride

>having a good time

>someone throws a rainbow rubber ball into the crowd

>i catch it

>hear a girl behind me go “damn my dog’s gonna be so disappointed you caught that”

>turn around

>she’s holding a leash

>theres a guy with a dog collar and a puppy mask on the end of the leash

>he says “i really wanted that ball”



in the last 24 hours staff has told a trans woman (maia crimew) a rape threat in her inbox doesn’t count as violating TOS, and deleted a trans woman’s completely normal average blog (charlottan) happy fucking pride lmao

like as if the double standard couldn’t be laid more bare. receiving an ask that literally said “i’m going to rape you” doesn’t count as sexually abusive or violent but clearly all these women are #problematic pedophiles for occasionally hornyposting. normal website


(to clarify maia has said it doesn't want to be referred to as a woman, not that that makes staff's behavior any less egregious)

my bad everyone reblog the version with this addition pls


it kills me how much people love to speculate on the trans male experience. transphobes and even other trans people will conjure up ideas of what it must be like for us to live, how hormones affect us, and especially what society treats us like. they love to tell us how we live our lives; strawman after strawman about fictional trans men who started hormones and became "evil and ugly", completely fabricated stories about about how every trans man they know suddenly "gained male privilege" and never deal with misogyny or transandrophobia.

people who tell you how your transmasculine experience will go have no idea what they are talking about. even if they sound confident, they are not correct- each and every transmasculine person has a different experience in life- we do not automatically gain the societal privilege of cishet white men once we decide to socially transition. they cannot see what your future holds. you don't deserve to have someone telling you how you will experience your own life, it is yours, you are allowed to live your truth, pave your own way and prove that we have varied lives that transcend what transphobes think the trans male experience is.


This is often a point of connection IRL with me and certain transfem friends, ie, even inside The Community there’s a narrative of what all the “real” men and women experience and if you don’t share that, it doesn’t count & you aren’t a person. It helped me a lot to realize a lot of trans women I know were also frustrated by this, for the same reason, & were also exhausted by the misogyny-driven idea that only one kind of Gender Experience can be true and accurate. I have comrades in the frustration of having transness lectured at you while your experience is treated as Dangerous For Other Trans People To Hear


[in my most pro-union of voices]: it’s important that you talk to other coworkers{Queer people} about how much you’ve getting paid {what gendered experiences you have} that way when it’s easier to stand up for others pay{better gendered experiences under society}. If you don’t talk about it the patriarchy will get you to believe that the other gender is hurting you when they advocate for themselves, even if they might actually be doing you a favor

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