
WM's Art

@wendylianmartin / wendylianmartin.tumblr.com

Wendy Lian Martin. I draw the webtoon Castle Swimmer! This blog is mainly for answering asks! Please no spam asks!
Anonymous asked:

I just love how kappa is happy to tell everyone that he's boyfriend is a prince

And siren is like: I was


Anonymous asked:

In the previous ask you said you made some story adjustments for the junk wings story

will there be an update to the brainstorm soon? or if not, is there some changes that you can share on here?

(and if not obviously thats fine!)

Yeah I’d like to do an update soon and I’ll explain the changes I made. Tho not sure when I’ll get the chance to at the moment since It’s pretty tight with the castle swimmer episodes. However an update will come eventually! 😂 or I might do a shorter brainstorming update with just a few sketches and things.


1. How old are Harpy, Brooder and Mouse in your story?

2. Is Mouse autistic-coded?


1. I originally was gonna have them be in their 30s but I recently made some story adjustments and they may be in their early 20s now.

And I do see mouse as neurodivergent that will probably be obvious with his character when I make the story :)

Anonymous asked:

Wendy, if i post a cosplay should i credit you? i have no problem in doing that, just to know

No need but I would still love to see it if you want to tag me :)


22 hours! AAAAA! I'm so excited it's back, and I'm really happy you're taking more time for yourself! My little sister and I (she's almost 13...but she'll always be little to me) have been reading castle swimmer for a few months now and it really brought us together! I'm so excited about being able to hold a physical book! No thoughts, just AAAAA IT'S TOMMOROW!! Are you ready for the release? I'm super ridiculously hyped for this, you have no idea. TYSM for all the amazing work you've put into this comic! It's flawless and really portrays mental health in such a powerful, real way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart (and the ocean, haha!)


Thank you so much! I’m so happy you’re excited for the return! :) 💖

I wouldn’t say I’m fully ready lol I never really am I’ve got a one episode buffer again. But I’m really excited for you guys to see the new episodes regardless!

Anonymous asked:

Thanks for making a beautiful comic! I really appreciate all your hard work!

Thank you for reading it 💕

Anonymous asked:

Is there going to be a species where guys can turn into girls like clownfish?

The series is coming to an end so there won’t be a lot of new characters.


I'm sort of confused about mer biology here... Are they warm blooded or cold? Red meat or white? Is the fish part of them white meat and the human part red meat? It it a solid line, or is it like a meat gradient?

They don't have nipples, so I assume they aren't mammels, but then why do the girls have larger chests? Are they venom sacs or something?


I’ll be honest with you I did not take any of this into account when creating them and I don’t have answers for you lol. I created them based on vibe and aesthetic not based on biological facts.

Anonymous asked:

Remember the episode where Kappa meets a baby... because I remember when it came out, reading it and thinking "Kappa is ridiculous, I hate babies!" Now I am 23, rereading that episode while holding my newborn. I don't know what happened between then and now. 😂

Wow I love seeing drastic changes in people’s lives delivered to me through my mermaid comic 😂 congrats btw! 💕💕

Anonymous asked:

Wendy Wendyyyyy I just saw the spoilers and I love seeing Siren and Kappa naked 😍😍 (without the clothes, hahaha)

😂 happy to provide!

Anonymous asked:

Can you say when you will post prewiw 🥹 it's like Friday here

I plan to post a preview on Patreon tonight :)


Hey Wendy, do you have any advice in terms of practicing art? Are you primarily a digital art person or do you dabble in pencil and pen stuff too?


I used to only do traditional art but I switched to digital in college. It was quite the learning curve for me! Now I find it a lot harder to do traditional art lol.

I dunno, I also want drawing advice because I’m constantly wanting to improve. In fact it’s partially a burden because every time I see an art tip or artwork I like, I have to stop what I’m doing and examine it closely.

My bookmarks on insta and twitter are filled with so many drawings I want to reference but there’s so many of them that it’s impossible for me to analyze them all. Then I get this anxiety on missing out on some important tip that will revolutionize my art lol.


Tumblr Tuesday: Mermay

Well, chaps, Mermay is in full swing, and we thought we'd share a little selection of its masterpieces. Who knows, maybe you, too, will feel moved to immortalize the noble merperson. Call it inspo. Call it appreciation. Whatever you do, please do feast thine eyes and enjoy.

(As is often the way with the beasties, some of these have fins, eyes, bones, and other potentially upsetting sticky-out bits. Please proceed with caution if any of this squicks you out). 

Thanks for sharing my art! 💕


1. What’s your mythological inspiration behind Castle Swimmer? The God of The Surface seems reminiscent of the original Little Mermaid fairytale by Hans Christian Anderson.

2. Are trans merpeople often in castles/groups based on sea creatures that are sequential hermaphrodites? (Such as clownfish. When the dominant female clownfish dies, an originally male clownfish will become female in her place.)

3. What’s your reasoning behind the nature of prophecy in this world?


I wasn’t super inspired by mythology believe it or not. The comic was mostly inspired by video games I like haha.

I think there’s trans characters across all types of Mer species in their world including ones like clownfish.

There’s still some things to be revealed about the prophecies in the comic but I wanted to play around with the trope and write it as something very negative for the characters. It really helped me push the themes of the story.

Anonymous asked:

i've completely forgotten: if i may ask, when is castle swimmer returning?

May 25th is what’s scheduled now.

Anonymous asked:

Perdon por responder en español, es que no sabía como hacerlo en inglés.

Webtoon quiere que descargues la app, ya sea para leer en el teléfono o en una computadora, etcétera.

Antes no era necesario, pero ahora si y para animarte a descargarlo te muestra solo unos pocos paneles del capitulo que estás leyendo.

Webtoon esta haciendo todo para que mas usuarios descarguen la app. Los fast pass de igual manera solo están disponibles en la app.

Otra cosa es que antes podías tomar ss de los paneles de cualquier historia pero ahora ya no, tienes que tener la app y hacerlo desde ahí para que en la parte de abajo del ss salga el logotipo de webtoon.

Perdón, dije app muchas veces.

Gotcha, that makes a lot of sense 👍 seems like they’re just pushing people to use the app more.

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