
Ferinden Cadash


Ethan - Late 30's, any pronouns, gay for every gender, will post horny on main FerindenCadash on ao3

im having feelings about the uffington white horse again

so essentially there’s this cool horse drawn into the hills in england made out of chalk and it’s like 3,000 years old.

people carved trenches 3,000 years ago and filled them with chalk in the shape of a horse but what’s interesting is that if you fail to maintain the horse by adding new chalk regularly, it will disappear. for 3,000 years, we’ve been filling in chalk in this horse so it doesn’t disappear.

we’ll never know what the purpose of the horse was originally. we’ll never know if it had ritual or spiritual significance or if it was just art. but we do know that people maintained it then, and, even though the meaning of the horse has long been lost to time, we continue to maintain it now.

the people who made this horse are long dead, but they live through us still, don’t you think?

couldn’t agree more we’re best friends now


It's Pride Month! Help a Queer Student Finish Grad School!

Hello my dear mutuals, followers, and anyone else who stumbles across this post. I am currently trying to finish up my Master's degree in Sociology and I need participants for my thesis on the intersections of queer identity and housing/community.

If you are 18+ and identify as queer in any way (gay, lesbian, bi, pan, asexual, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, etc!!) I would love to interview you about your experiences with housing. This is open to people from any country, as long as you can communicate clearly in English.

Interview questions will be about your experiences with family members, friends, housemates, landlords, neighbours, etc. I want to hear about any experiences (good, neutral, or bad) that you feel were affected by your sexual or gender identity.

Interviews will take place over Zoom and last roughly one hour. Everything is confidential and my project has been approved by my university's ethics committee. There is a small compensation gift for your time.

I don't want to link my email publicly, so if you are interested, please send me a message and I'll send you my email address along with more information. And please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested. Thank you so much!


this is so fucking funny

i can't stop thinking about this. this kind of shit is not like milsim plane nerds with their own super-expensive desktop cockpit recreations. that kind of hardware makes sense to exist.

this does not. they're playing world of tanks which is like the "call of duty" of tank games (casual, players only slightly bad-smelling). it also doesn't have support for tank peripherals. no game does. no trainers do afaik. which means that (assuming this isn't just a video editing) all of that shit they are fucking with translates into mouse/keyboard inputs that the game understands. that's weird/hard and perplexing, uh, and considering that "tank peripherals" aren't a thing that exist i can only guess they built them theirselves

which is fucking hilarious because why are they so good. why does the fucking cannon breech have a little dry ice smoke effect when the breech opens like they just shot a shell. what. manual turret traverse crank?? did they build a fucking ready rack!! they're even using the correct phraseology which means one of these mofos read a PDF file


Listen to me.

Listen to me.

*takes your face in my hands, gently smooshing your cheeks (if you're into it)*

I love your OC.

I want to know everything about them. I want to read your HCs. I want to see your drawings and read your fics. I want to hear about their history and their relationships with canon characters. I want that.

Never stop posting.


the real antidote to the problem of "everyone is beautiful and no one is horny" is watching old horny shows like mash. nothing but perfectly normal-looking, homely, average people in that show who hook up with each other or unseen partners on a regular basis. hawkeye is absolutely drowning in sex and the man has such a bizarre mismatched set of randomly strong and weak facial features on a noodle body with dogshit posture. and it's GREAT. you can't tell how soft his jawline is because there's always a woman kissing his neck and blocking the camera. i know i riff on people saying they want to fuck mulcahy until he has a religious epiphany but as a butch lesbian with that exact face shape it's been so healing to be like. ohhhh ok so sexuality and attractiveness isn't just limited to the perfect beautiful poreless people on netflix. i understand now

accepting this schlub into my heart as a sex symbol and butchess projection target has done more for my self esteem than any of my five psychiatrists and fifteen different antidepressant prescriptions have ever accomplished


i mean this from the bottom of my heart: no one is impressed by your loud ass car. actually we talked about it and we all want you dead.


they should invent a new type of "staying in bed for 2-3 hours after you wake up repeatedly opening and closing apps on your phone" where it makes you feel awesome and energized and emotionally fulfilled

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