
child of old path



Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.


There was a wall here once. The tree remembers, but now the wind blows through roots that once nestled among stones.


climbing through that gap will DEFINITELY take you somewhere Else


Credit: @pet_foolery

I think I already reblogged this but im gonna do it again because this is a good reminder on how toxic gatekeeping it.

I’m reblogging this for the amount of thought that was put into figuring out the necessary configuration for a mertaur wheelchair.

MMMMM, the LAYERS to this. 

She’s technically a monster too. She might not look it at first glance and seems mostly human, but it isn’t deniable even despite her looks compared to the other monsters. 

But she realizes that she is still not like the rest of the monsters either and may not have entirely the same experiences as them, which is why she feels that she might not belong to or deserve to go to the support group. By sometimes passing as human, she feels she isn’t worthy of the space. 

The sad reality though is even though she’s mostly human in appearance, that tail she has undeniably would still cause her some struggle. Humans are still gonna look at that tail and think she’s a freak. There are probably still accommodations she needs because of the tail that she may still struggle to have access to. Even if it is just the tail, that tail is still enough to other her from humans and cause her problems and discrimination. 

She should get to belong in that support group even if she gets told she’s not monster “enough”. She still shares some of the same struggles as them that are caused by being a monster, and needs support. 

This is an excellent demonstration of the flaws in the concept of passing privilege. Bravo to the artist. 

NOW I will reblog this.


Image description: A comic in seven panels

Panel 1: A wolf man wearing a pale blue polo shirt and dark blue pants faces the viewer. He is saying, “Uh… I’m sorry ma’am, but this is a support group for monsters only.” With his right hand, he gestures to a group of monsters sitting around a table in the background. The monsters are a giant bat, a gorilla, and a dragon. They are facing away from the viewer.

Panel 2: A white woman with blonde hair wearing a pink striped shirt and dark capri pants says with a smile, “Well, actually, I AM a monster.” The wolf man replies, looking skeptically, “… How?”

Panel 3: The woman responds, while looking at the viewer, “Well, you see, my mother was a mermaid and my father was a minotaur.” Above her head, there is a thought cloud depicting a mermaid in a tank holding hands and looking lovingly at a Minotaur who is standing outside of the tank.

Panel 4: The wolf man, still looking dismissive, says, “Riiight. And let me guess: You got the human half from both of them.” The woman responds, “Exactly!” The wolf man says, “Gotcha. Hardy har har.”

Panel 5: The wolf man points and makes a snarling face at the woman, saying, “Ya know, it’s insensitive mockery like this that makes us need these groups in the first place.” The woman holds up her hands defensively, leaning away and looking surprised. She says, “Huh?”

Panel 6: The woman says, “Listen sir, I’m just here to drop off my brother and I’ll be on my way.” She still has a worried expression and gestures to her brother behind her. Her brother has a Minotaur upper half and a fish lower half. He is riding a mobility device. He says, “This guy buggin’ you sis?” while raising an eyebrow.” The wolf man looks astonished.

Panel 7: The woman is shown walking off-panel to the left. She says over her shoulder, “I’ll be back to pick you up at seven.” Since her back is to the viewer, we can now see that she has a tail. Her brother says, “Sounds good, thanks.” The wolf man continues to look astonished.”

End ID


Thanks for the image description!

This comic really sums up how I feel as a white passing mixed person

this comic is how I feel as a white passing mixed person, how I feel as an invisibly disabled person, and how I feel as a queer people with complicated/contradictory labels

Damn it. I’m supposed to be watching a TV show and now I’m crying.

This is how I feel as a dynamically disabled person.

I’ve never had the words to describe this like the comic described this.


Greek Mythology: Unfortunately, Zeus was horny.
Norse Mythology: Unfortunately, Loki was bored.
Egyptian Mythology: Unfortunately, Set was envious.
Japanese Mythology: Unfortunately, Susanoo was rude.

Diné mythology:

Unfortunately, Coyote had “a good idea”.

Celtic Mythology:

Unfortunately you pissed off the Fae

Hindu mythology:

Unfortunately, another asura managed to obtain a boon from Bramha/Vishnu/Shiva

I love how everyone’s mythology has some variation of “And then there was This Asshole”


so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what

The full picture is even more heart breaking after you open the uncropped version. Just a heads-up, it's rough


Nah let’s post it. Let’s feel it. Don’t look away.


I notice alot of my followers on here skipping these posts just to mess with my lgbt ones, suspiciously the white popular ones.

Heres a not so friendly reminder, as an lgbt metis person, i dont give a single fuck what your blog is themed or if this is too painful for you to look at. Reblog this post. Reblog this post with the sources of the 751 children who were found.

Your compliance and silence as well as the compliance and silence of your ancestors is what allowed these schools to open and kill first nations children. The children of MY people.

Dont follow me if you cant reblog this post or the one with sources to your political blog or your most popular blog. Add trigger warnings if you must but if your political blog is only focused on the harms you personally face like being lgbt then you need to see some bigger pictures and stop being afraid of angering your racist mutural or actually saying some shit about racism. If you can reblog some antifa graphics or add blm to your bio to be a surface level ally, you can reblog some sources on the genocide first nations people faced and still face today.

They were CHILDREN.

They were murdered in cold blood.

And even the children NOT slaughtered in cold blood were punished in ways some will never understand. They were ripped from their parents arms. They were abused for wanting to cling to some part of who they were. They were forced to cut their hair (a direct link to their family and culture), forced to never answer to their given names and their stories- their very LANGUAGE was taken from them.

They. Were. CHILDREN.


Disney has trademarked the names of a bunch of Norse gods.

This is not okay.

These gods do not belong to Disney. They do not belong to Marvel. They belong to themselves and themselves alone, along with all those who worship them as the deities they are.

Thor, Loki, Odin, etc., these gods were not thought up by anyone at Disney or Marvel.

Stan Lee knew how sacred these gods are to those who follow many different Pagan traditions, how sacred they are to Scandinavian cultures to whom they are so important.

My best friend follows the Norse gods. She will be so bloody offended when she finds out about this. These are her gods, this is her religion. These are the deities she worships, the gods she prays to, the traditions she follows. She enjoys the Marvel portrayals of these characters, but they are separate from the gods she believes in.

Disney is stepping on her religion in an effort to gain more and more money.

Stan Lee did not trademark these names. He understood their importance and their sacred meaning. He was respectful enough not to do this.

These names are not the intellectual property of anyone. Neither the original names in runes nor the anglicised names that are used in Marvel's works.

They were around well before us (a whole ass millennium before us), and they will be around well after the greedy bastards who have decided to trademark religious symbols are dust.

It should be common sense and common courtesy not to trademark the names of religious figures, which all of these gods and goddesses are, even if you do not believe in them.

mod is not christian but you would never see me trademark jesus ffs it crosses a Line

If you agree, please sign and share the petition. If you can, please chip in to get this petition everywhere it can possibly go.

It is f**king disgusting that Disney is doing this.

It needs to stop.

Oh, and one more thing.


i want to throw up ive included a bunch of tags trying to get the norse pagans attention bc im sure they'll want in on this if u have an in with the norse paganism community on tumblr pls do tag everyone u can

im wondering now if they've done this to the greek gods too ughh that would show even more of a disregard for other people's religious views and past people's religious views ughhhh ok imma go look at the toilet bowl for a bit 😅pls sign it'd mean the world to me


Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)


MAN [IN THICK ACCENT]: Black cat bring good luck.  Not bad luck.  I have black cat - See, him face - And I am not dead today: Good luck!

“See him face”

I sure fucking do see him face

Him face


Reblog him face for good luck in 2021

Reblog him face for good luck in 2021 (2)


Current Mood: Crying While Watching Blue’s Clues Pride Song

Just a reminder to also go support the video itself on YouTube (link) because that allows the creators to keep getting funding for stuff like this & lets nick know we definitely wanna continue seeing this

Link the and numbers missing from previous version.

This is absolutely adorable! I 💕🏳️‍🌈


Here’s something else I made, Reblog if you are anti maps

I’m pretty sure MAP is pedophilia so I’m putting this on my blog for safety if it means something else please do tell me.

FYI: a MAP is the name p*dos came up with to sound more acceptable. It means ‘Minor Attracted Person.’ If you see a MAP, it’s okay to punch/castrate them

Go away p*dos, this acronym belongs to Multi Animator Project.

Oh definitely, not on this blog. Don’t mess with my fucking kid I ain’t playing.

yell hea

i stfg if you support p*dos you can fuck off this blog

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