
Lee Shannon


he/him - gay & trans - 30ish - digital artist

Hello new followers!! I’m so honored that you’re here and you seem to like my stuff! I’m currently posting art from 2022 but I will have some new work starting next month, and it will all be very very queer ☺️


"The Throne"⁠ ⁠ I drew this after I saw Dune, in case anyone wasn't sure.⁠ ⁠ I blurred out the bingus because social media thinks all bodies are sexual and all sexuality is EVIL. Which is correct, so if you wanna come do some evil with me, go check out my Patreon and for $2 a month you can hang out in my sinful lair. (It's actually super chill I just hate drawing clothes.) Patreon.com/leeshannon⁠

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