
once was pearl's number 1 fan


Call me Stazy, they/them pref but any works. I just really want to repost SU art and maybe post doodles of some characters. I'll definitely post headcanons on here as well!! Over time I may post about my SU OCs, or make a spare account for that. Also yes I am autistic, rocks are my special interest and Steven Universe was once my hyperfixation. LAPIDARY STUDENT/ GEMOLOGY RESEARCHER/AN ANNOYING CUNT/chronically online kids leave me the fuck alone LONG DEAD ACCOUNT

I forever stand with the thought that Rose DID love Pearl.


She knows that Pearl is meant to be obedient and care about her but that means that Pearl just thinks she loves her because that is her purpose(but Pearl really does love Rose, outside of her "ownership"). Rose didn't act on her feelings because she didn't want to take advantage of Pearl, who is made to love her. She couldn't forgive herself if she did. It's difficult for her to see that Pearl is really and actually in love with her because (like I've mentioned a thousand times 😅) she's meant to love and support Rose.

Maybe Rose used her interest in humans to distract herself from her love for her precious Pearl, trying to push it aside to protect her.

Pearl, as we know, is head over heels in love with her, and her (non-existent) heart breaks watching Rose have romantic relationships with someone who isn't her but how would Rose know??

Even after Rose fell in love with Greg I still think she loved Pearl. She had no idea that Pearls (again, non-existent) heart was being torn to shreds watching them do all the things she ached to do with her.

None of it was one-sided, it's just that neither of them decided to communicate and instead hurt eachother.

What Pearl and Rose had, lacked communication. They weren't this horrible disgusting toxic relationship like Jasper & Lapis had, I don't know why people make it out to be like that.

When I think about them I think about them in a more healthy and stable relationship not based on power and authority like you all seem to think they had. Yes, Rose is/was much more powerful than our Pearl but she didn't shove it in our faces or flaunt it. She wanted gems to be free and equal. Of course there was a MAJOR power difference but how is that either of their faults? You can't just change that. She is/was a goddamn DIAMOND and Pearl is a pearl, no matter what Rose does she still has the strength of a diamond.


I may continue this rant soon.

(5/4/23) I definitely didn't explain this right, whoops.


went from Steven Universe to Genshin Impact yet again, I'm so fucking bored with everything


most harbingers opinion on columbina: she’s so scary and I wouldn’t want to fight her

arlecchino’s opinion on columbina: she’s so scary (pretty) and I wouldn’t want to fight her (I want to kiss her)

dottore’s opinion on columbina: LMAOOOO we killed some kids together a few decades ago and it was great what a goof ball


if arlecchino becomes playable i cannot wait to see what her about columbina voiceline is ... i hope it's the rudest worst thing imaginable. cmon toxic yuri!!!!!

sigh... could've been more toxic. regardless they ARE in love and i am obsessed with arlecchino's fascination with her while 90% of her lines for the other harbingers are apathetic at best. the fact that she only shows genuine interest for columbina and signora... i know what you are


hello my name is Very tiny flying insect i see you’ve got an uncovered beverage outdoors. Can i fall into it and kill myself please please please please please please please please please please


My views on Rose, Pearl and their relationship :D

I’m bored, so I thought, why not, let’s just make an analysis of my fav characters, yay D: 

(Sorry if you aren’t interested in this, feel free to skip it. If you do like it, enjoy! ^^)

I’ve always loved tragic love stories, and both Pearl and Rose are characters that fit into that trope.

First things first, let’s go in order. When Pearl was given to Pink Diamond, Pink already had her share of bad experiences (the abuse from the diamonds and the loss of her former pearl which was, even if accidentally, her fault). We can see her change of personality from “Jungle Moon” to “Now we’re only falling appart”. While in the first one she was more childish and didn’t seem to hesitate to speak her mind freely, in the second one we can see her hesitate sometimes. She looks as if she has lost a lot of her energy. Even when she shows joy about seeing the quartzes emerge, she still acts deflated. We can also see changes in her behavior when Spinel talks to Steven about their relationship. As the scenes of their interactions keep coming, we can see how Pink seems more and more aloof. The stories we hear from the diamons in “Familiar” and “Change your mind” give a lot of context to this. All of this gives us a lot of context of Rose’s mind when Pearl gets into her life. 

Pearl, on the other hand, still believes that she’s nothing more than a servant. She is confused when Pink talks to her and asks her opinion. When they both visit Earth for the first time, we can see a glimpse of their true selves. 

Rebecca stated that Rose began to fall in love with Pearl’s boldness, and as we are told in “Now we’re falling appart”, Pearl loved her aswell. For further proof, Rebecca herself said that Pearl’s love for Rose “wasn’t unrequited”. When they both meet Garnet, they finally share what they feel for each other. Rose wants to fight for Garnet and Pearl. She wants all of the gems to be free. However, she’s in a tight spot. She knows the diamonds won’t listen and it’s very likely that if Pink Diamond started the rebellion, they would try to hide that from gems until they can fix the problem.  After all, what would a Diamond of the Authority defying her own system imply? But repressing a low-ranking gem that stepped out of line would be something they wouldn’t hesitate to show everyone as an example. We’re told this in “Now we’re only falling appart”, when Pearl says that she would take a stand as someone they couldn’t ignore.

This is where Rose’s faults should be mentioned. She manages to gather many other gems that feel the same way as allies. However, even if they are close and trustworthy, she still can’t bring herself to tell them the truth. She hates herself and she’s afraid that they will hate her aswell. And while understandable, that only made everyone feel hurt when the truth came out. It can’t be denied that she hurt Pearl by telling her not to reveal the truth, because in the end, Pearl was unable to talk about most of her feelings with anyone. And that’s something that’s shown in “Volleyball” where Pearl literally says   “I was badly hurt”

On the other hand, Pearl had her own issues. Even if she had gained some confidence, she still felt like someone inferior. Rose was the one who had helped her feel like that and that only made her see Rose in an unrealistic way. She thought Rose was perfect, when she was definitely not. She thought she couldn’t live without her and that she was above her own life. They definitely argued about this in the past, as shown in “Sworn to the sword”, where it’s implied that Rose told her to stop risking her life for her. She also seems very insecure about herself, and sees herself as easily replaceable. That’s why she is so bothered by Greg. In “Mr Greg” she mentions that there had been more humans before, but that she had never felt like that until Greg came, and she started to fear that Rose would just leave her behind. Finally, in that same episode, they come to terms and finally get to understand that she loved both of them.

Rose regarded herself as lesser than everyone, and she thought that they didn’t need her. When she films the tape with Greg, she says how happy she is that Steven’s going to have the chance to grow, and be an extraordinary being. She thinks her death is irrelevant in order for that to happen. Rebecca stated in the EoAE artbook that it was both selfless and selfish, and none of them could be denied. She said that Rose thought of herself as powerless and useless, when she was actually very powerful and relevant. 

Steven is born, and Rose dies. Everyone has to deal with the loss and Pearl is the most affected by it. She doesn’t know what to do now that Rose is gone. Sometimes, she’s bitter and aloof, and refuses to acknowledge her reality. But as the series go on, she finally realises that everything she did proved how strong she really was. Even if Rose was the one who gave her the courage, she was the one who dared to defy her status and purpose. Sharing the truth with the others finally makes her see Rose as the gem she really is, and this is something that goes on from “A single pale rose” to “Volleyball”. She learns that Rose had faults, as everyone else. 

So, to finish this essay, I really like the complexity this story has to offer. We’re shown two characters with a lot of development and complexity. They don’t depict a perfect relationship and that is really interesting aswell as realistic. The fact that they both had self-steem issues only made their relationship more difficult and sometimes they hurt each other even if they didn’t mean to. Even so, they truly loved each other and they made a huge impact in each other’s lives. Pearl started to feel confident in herself because of Rose, and Rose started to change because she felt inspired by Pearl. Rose made Pearl feel “like she was everything” and Pearl helped Rose keep going, even when she thought she didn’t deserve it. 

Basically, to sum up, I love my gay disasters


I just love how absolutely integral Pearl is to the entire plot of Steven Universe

You could just say that Pink couldn't have faked her shattering without Pearl and leave it at that, but on rewatch, I noticed that it actually went a bit further than that

(somewhat long analysis below the cut)


Sketchy in class :3

Miss my Bellow human, haven't drawn them in a while

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