

@fandom-trapped-03 / fandom-trapped-03.tumblr.com

My blog is about anything. I am in multiple fandoms and have become trapped in them. I am a strange person and very weird. I love music and I am a fluffy potato.

Hypnosis to enter the void

This method has been found that you may have read before, but I would like to share it with you. Who knows, maybe it will work for one of us.

So, as usual in any method, the first step is to relax. It is good for the lighting to be dim or not present, at your convenience.

The second step is to choose what you want in order to reach the alpha state and tire the subconscious mind

1 Imagine a place in your memories and feel everything. For example, if you went to the beach before, what did you hear, what did you eat there, what was the texture of the sand, and how did you feel?

2 Counting from 100 to zero in a descending manner, every two or three digits, for example 90 , 93 , 96 , 99 , 100

3 Focus on a point, I mean somewhere in your room or anything that you keep your gaze focused on, and it is better if it is illuminated, such as your air conditioner. If it is on, focus on the illuminated number on it.

And after you reach the alpha state, say, “I am in the void.” Do not say, “I will enter the void.” No, say the sentence as if you were in the present, and repeat it without giving up, and boom, you are in the void.

Tell me about your experiences and if it worked for you, and do not forget me if you enter the void, and also say that I enter the void...otherwise I will appear in your nightmares.👻👻

Goodbye, I love you💙💙


As someone who was recently in Fukui, this isn't even scratching the surface of how mad the town is for dinosaurs.

For example, here is the outside of the train station:

If you thought that they were only outside the station, think again!

The last dinosaur has a crab, because the region is known for seafood.

You can even buy coffee emblazoned with dinosaurs!

And that's not even getting into how you get to the nearby Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. Behold, the Dino-Liner:

And if you're like, man I don't know how the museum will top all of these dinosaurs, boy do I have news for you.

And then you get to the cafe:

But, eventually, it was time to head back to the train station...on the dino bus.


Bakugou in my Mha dr 🏃🏾‍♀️

I hate him so much but he’s fine 😞 DW Y’ALL IMMA STAND ON BUSINESS 🗣️🗣️🗣️

Rate him from 1 to 10???



—With shifters who have similar quirks as me, here are some gifs to visualise with.

Most of these gifs are from anime Beyond the boundary!!



These are just random gifs to give examples for how u fight in ur dr!!!

Love u guys <333 happy shifting !!!


I know I sound like your mom but you kids need to stop fucking vaping

1) Vaping is confirmed to cause cancer. Vaping coats the lungs with toxic substances, such as heavy metals and benzene, which are known to cause cancer

2) Many vapes contain diacetyl, which, when inhaled causes popcorn lung, or scarring of the lung

3) Ultrafine particles, when being inhaled, can be lodged in the trachea (not good!)

4) Ultrafine particles can also constrict the arteries in the lungs potentially causing A HEART ATTACK

5) Vaping is relatively new. Not much studies have been done in comparison to tobacco. Plus, the vaping companies are powerful people. There is a large chance that they are purposely downplaying and even burying any evidence that vaping is harmful - just like the tobacco companies before them. They do not care about you, or your health, or the truth. They only care for money

Also STOP VAPING INDOORS AROUND OTHER PEOPLE. Holy shit, if you're gonna wreck your lungs at least give me the option not to wreck mine.

It’s such an issue that the MTA had to run a campaign about it

yeah okay ill reblog that


© VALERIO VINCENZO Website | Facebook | Twitter

I am American and I have never seen photos like this. I had no idea there are borders like this. Even though I LOVE the idea of open borders, I am staring at these pictures like “wait…people can just…walk across some stones or grass and BE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY??? and nobody stops them?? how does that WORK?!” So you can tell that my country’s propaganda has gotten to me by convincing me that this CAN’T work even though…it…obviously can. These pics just seem unreal to me. I’ve been taught my whole life that this can’t exist. In 27 years no one has ever sat me down and gone, look, here’s how it is elsewhere. It isn’t impossible at all.

I want to add something, but I’d just be restating what they said. I.. didn’t know peace and kindness like this was possible.


All of the above, and …

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to Belgium, apparently.

This also leads to some funny images like: GuEsS wHeRe ThE bOrDeR Is XD

this is real, but it also gets at why hopeful stories are so important - its real hard to make a better world if you cant even imagine it existing


Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do those “reblog for X, this one really works!” posts, but this one doesn’t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesn’t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

“When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36°30' parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36°30' latitude.”

Tell me more about how critical race theory shouldn’t be taught in school.

I am a grown ass man and I just learned about this 5 minutes ago.  Fuck everything about trying to hide the sins of our past.






This one’s an always-reblog, because who knows who needs it and hasn’t seen it yet?


StopNCII.org is operated by the Revenge Porn Helpline which is part of SWGfL, a charity that believes that everyone should benefit from technology, free from harm. Founded in 2000, SWGfL works with a number of partners and stakeholders around the world to protect everyone online

Sounds legit


Crack ninjago au inspired by @enavstars lilo and stitch au.

First off, almost everyone is aged up. Kai 19, Jay 17, Zane 18?, Cole 18. Second, Krux appears a few years later to kidnap Mya and Ray.

Now the Au.

Nya and Kai were born about 12 years apart, so at the start of the show, she is about 7.

Lloyd is about 6, but when he was 3, he got lost in the woods, and his dormant dragoni DNA activated to keep him alive, as a result it is easier for him to talk in roars, cheps, and citters, but he can speak "English" with some effort but can understand it perfectly (for a 6 year old) and he is short do to the early activation of his dragoni genes and being malnourished in the woods.

Nya and Kai have some dormant dragon and merlopian DNA that makes it easier for them to understand Lloyd.

Nya finds him, brings him home, and adopts him as her brother.

Nya is on the autistic spectrum.

Nya, despite being 7, has the IQ of Tony Stark. (This will be important later)

Now, some sceans of the pilot.

"You four are the chosen ones to protect the weapons of spinjitzu from Lord garmadon." Says Wu. "But" Kai asks, "What about my sister a..." "ooo were saving a girl. Is she hot." Jay says, interrupting. Kai glares at Jay. "Jay," Cole says warningly. "I just want to know what we are getting ourselves into..." Jay says, defending himself. "Dose she like blue?" "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER," Kai shouts at the top of his lungs. "I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow"

Later at the volcano, Lloyd was able to talk the fire dragon down, and Kai left to camp to get some water but before he did that

Now Nya ,Lloyd, I'm going to go to get some water. I need you two to stay here with flame. Now, some... acquaintances of mine might come by while I'm gone. There is zane he wears white, and I think he is on the far side of the spectrum, so be nice. There is Cole he wears black and is afraid of dragons, so don't be upset if he runs away when he sees flame. And finally, there is Jay he wears blue and talks a lot. Don't talk to him until I return.

Later, while kai is gone, the other three enter the temple to find Lloyd and Nya making rock towers.

What are two kids doing here? They all collectively thought.

Nya noticed them. "Who are you?" "My name is Cole. These are my teammates' Zane and Jay.

"Hello Zane and Cole, my name is Nya, and this is Lloyd"

Jay wheezes and asks why she didn't say hi to him, and zane translates.

"Big brother said we can't talk to him," Nya explains while Lloyd is still playing with the rocks.

"Why not?" said Zane

"Well, considering our first conversation, can you blame me." Said Kai appearing from behind jay and causing him to scream or as close to a scream as he can manage with his voice.

"Kai, where have you been?" exclames Cole. "Well, I went back to camp to get some water and fill you guys in only to find it ransacked, and by the looks of it, the shulken got the other three weapons," Kai explains while giving Nya a water bottle.

"Now I was only able to get one, so share it with your little brother, ok?" "Got it"

"OK, but who are the kids?" asked Cole? "And why do they hate me?" complained, Jay.

"Cole, Zane, and Jay. Meet Lloyd and Nya Smith. My little siblings" says Kai, gesturing the the kids who are trying to get the other the drink from the bottle.

"Kai" Nya wines. "Lloyd won't drink his half of the bottle." "Nya need it more," Lloyd explains.

"Lloyd, drink your half. I don't care if you're tougher than Nya. You need water too."

"Ahh," said Zane, putting the pieces together. "That explains your hostility towards Jay" "What dose" Askes Jay.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Complains Kai "not only do you interrupt me after I tell you that my sister is kidnapped. But instead of and encouraging 'we will get her back' or even I pittying 'I'm sorry', instead you ask if she is 'hot' and when I make it clear that I don't want you asking those kinds of questions, you ask them anyway. Do you really think I want that kind of person around my younger siblings who aren't even a decade old."

"That sounds like a pedo," Nya says, interrupting.

And that all I have

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