
Welcome to my mod blog! Mod uses Any Pronoun! Any and All asks from my ask blogs will be sent from this account. If you get a anon claiming they are one of my blogs, they are not.

I mainly use this blog for sending asks, mod shenanigan’s and general information about my ask blogs! Basic DNI criteria applies to this blog as well as all my askblogs (no racists/bigots/lgbt+phobes etc etc)

If you have any questions or a issue feel free to send a ask about it! I respond to asks MUCH faster than DM’s! (if askbox is open that is!!)

Current Icon Credit: Myself


(( entirely OOC I am so sorry but just

Does anyone else here experience the Carrot Issue.

Like whenever you eat carrots you get a weird pit in your stomach. Then it feels tingly and weird all the way from your stomach up into your throat. And then your mouth tastes like metal? And your throat kinda taste like metal/rust???

The pit in your stomach doesn’t HURT it just feels weird n tingly??? And puts the taste of iron/rust in your throat and mouth???

Like carrots kind of taste like sweet but iron to begin with but still

please this cannot be a Original Experience I am having

Does literally ANYONE else experience this with Carrots. I’m going insane nobody knows what I’m talking about I’ve talked to 14 people today and nobody understands help me ))



Festival of Flowers event

Since May is nearly upon us, I wanted to go ahead and start getting the details up for the event I had mentioned around the beginning of this month!

When it will take place: It will start on May 6 and go on until June 6!

All Pokemon related ask blogs are welcome to join, even gijinkas and trainers! Though be aware that the cast of ask-stardust-farm has never seen a human/they don't exist in this blog so they may be a little curious

There will be little games and prizes for everyone to join in on such as arts and crafts like flower crowns and other crafts, a ring toss game, and a few other little games which will be announced later/closer to the start date

There would also be food stands and other market stuff, which your ocs will be allowed to set up!

If you would like a formal invite to the event (keep in mind the invite is not required to participate!) then feel free to interact (reply or reblog) with this post, and I'll send Noir into your inbox with an invite!

And be sure to tag the event with #luminaflowerfest !


LATE REPLY I got!! Busy yesterday


I’m just some stupid guy on a screen but y’all thought of me !!!

Thank you all very much!! <3 <3


(( Silly Community Question Time !!! This one is extra silly because... What did YOU do at recess as a kid!! I always enjoy hearing people talk about silly things like this... And oddly enough whenever someone answers it I feel like I know them a bit better. Like ... yeah you would be a tetherball guy huh... I can see it! /silly PLUS... Tide is a teacher so I figured it fit this blog to ask! )) (( as for me.. the Mod... I was... a roleplay kid.. I would run around on all fours either being a warrior cat or a wolf or a dragon or something... Yeah I was that kid... and I would do it again!!! Or kids and I would bring our LPS toys and play in the grass with them a lot. I wasn't much for play equipment since that was where the "Cool Kids" were lmao I'm partial to the swings myself!! Or if was at a FANCY park... the zipline... zipline save me... I love you zipline... ))


Oh yeah btw in case like

Anyone who follows me doesn’t have/wants one I have like

Many ToyHouse Invite codes if anyone needs one lmaO

You can send a ask or DM or whatever if you want one!! I do not mind


(( I know that like. 99% of the community already has toyhouse but figured I would plop here in case lmaooo ))

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