
ako ang bibimo

@beeccoe / beeccoe.tumblr.com

Hello my name is Alistair! I'm a trans man Southeast Asian and my pronouns are He/Him!

Does anyone have the fucking tiktok video of the overly enthusiastic rich bearded guy showing off his new hiking shoes in his Mansion and the Woods, but then another dude duets with it to make it look like he's escaping from being held prisoner please please

edit THANKS @smellslikebot


always sunny episode where it is revealed that charlie can hear the voice of philadelphia the same way harry hears la revacholiere

la philadelphiere


Hey everyone, please consider buying the 2024 itch.io Palestinian Relief Bundle- it's 373 games, game-making assets, tabletop roleplaying games, zines, and comics for a minimum of just 8 USD! They have a goal of 100,000 USD, and as of the time I'm writing this post, they have 8 more days to reach it.

Link will be in the reblog!


Frog Paints a Water Lily Pond πŸͺ·πŸŽ¨πŸΈ

𝑓ₒᡣ ⲕᡒ𝑛𝑔 ₐ𝑛𝑑 𝑐ₒ𝑑𝑑ₐ𝑔ₑ

Ok, I adore the Frogs to begin with, but the sheer finesse and dedication of this one boggles my mind.


I love when Arthur Lester has a panic attack due to his claustrophobia and needs his lil eldritch entity boyfriend to ground him, comfort him and then tell him how to get out. Then proceed to praise his wet rabid cat of a man for doing it

Anonymous asked:

John should have control of Arthur's prostate so the next time they're bickering he stimulates it and Arthur cums and it ends the fight because it's awkward

I had to decide weather to openly shame you for this ask or keep this buried in my ask box and never let it see the light of day again and I've decided to openly shame you Medieval style, not an ounce of decorum in this place. That being said, someone get this to Mr Gutherie effective immediately

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