Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris (1970)
so long as we're back to social justice 101 on this stupid website, u need to be aware of the feedback loop that emerges from disproportionate scrutiny: any social group that is placed under extra scrutiny, regardless of the actual prevalence of any particular behaviour, will appear to engage in that behaviour more often.
you see this most blatantly with racialised groups (more cops in black neighbourhoods = more arrests in black neighbourhoods = "omg look at all the crime in these neighbourhoods!" = more cops in black neighbourhoods etc). even if the rate of crime is the same (putting to one side the criminalisation of poverty which is also an important related factor), one group gets away with it way more often and a new generation of racists is indoctrinated with the crime statistics which "prove" that some groups are simply more criminal in nature. we see a similar phenomenon online with particular groups (trans women being a huge example) being subjected to mass stalking, their every move documented by weirdos and broadcast as representative of the group as a whole.
tl;dr - overscrutinising groups based on existing bigotries creates a recurring feedback loop, reproducing those bigotries across generations and nominally justifying them. this is bad, and you need to remember that you are not immune to it.
[ID: a redrawing of the "this is fine" comic. The dog has gotten a fire extinguisher and has started putting out the flames. Caption: It's Not fine, and you have a responsibility to act. /end]
okay willow fans... we got one season and then a rude cancellation/memory holing of our show and it's not like we've had a lot of opportunities to find out what was supposed to happen after that first season. well... i went to a con this weekend and i got to talk to the actor who played graydon, and he was kind enough to answer a few questions for me about graydon's future story and backstory... i asked what was intended for graydon in future seasons, and he said that graydon was going to return in the form of a horse or maybe a wolf, and follow elora around. elora would eventually realize it was him and return him to human form, and then he would be evilly trying to get her to be evil elora instead of good elora. he also said that jon kasdan said that way if he had any more filming conflicts like he'd had during the first season, then he could be on screen when he was available, and the rest of the time graydon would be in animal form, lol. now, that was all heavily caveated with 'as far as i know' and 'that was the plan at the time' and so forth... then i asked what was the deal with graydon's scars and possession as a child and this is really interesting... he said that when graydon was possessed as a child, the exorcism was performed by a shaman from the area around the kingdom, and that shaman later became the lich. he said the shaman wasn't very good so that's why there was so much scarring, but the scars were also protective and made graydon resistant to possession, implying he was only possessed again because it was by the same person who had exorcised him before and knew he was around the protective magic. and he said the scars were also part of why graydon was able to survive the second possession. for me the most intriguing part is the bit about the lich because if one of the gales was a living human at the time graydon was a child... what does that mean about the other three???
he was also interested in fan theories about what was going to happen with graydon, and said that when he first walked on set and saw the evil elora look he thought 'okay well graydon's gone'
The art of seduction
English added by me :)
You might have missed this, but the Trump regime is actively taking money out of the pockets of hardworking people across the country. According to @economicpolicy: Overturning the current law will take away pay increases from about 390,000 low-wage federal contract workers who earned the right to at least $15/hour under the Biden administration. If the Trump administration fully overturns this rule and does not replace it, federal contractors will revert to the minimum wage level last set for them a decade ago in 2014, of just over $10 an hour.
It's so fun, when you first start watching Brennan's stuff you're like omg this guy's got so many voices! It's limitless! And then when you watch him for a while you do start recognising his reoccuring voices like ah yes his elven voice! His centaur voice! His tiny pirates voice! (you'd think that last one would only come up once. You'd be wrong)
"The problem is people don't read classics anymore"
No I think the problem is people don't read WIDELY. The ONLY ya and/or fantasy romance crowd is just as insufferable as the ONLY classics crowd or the ONLY litfic crowd or the ONLY nonfiction crowd and vice versa.
You gotta get some variety in there my guys
[ID a large sign that reads, in all caps, “I’m not interested in competing with anyone. I hope we all make it” in white letters over a black background. End id]
[ID in alt]
Tutorial on drawing characters/OCs who have some sort of facial paralysis. It doesn't cover all possible variants because I was using mirror as my main reference lawl
Keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People 👍
Consider supporting me on ko-fi if you find this to be helpful.
he fucking died
I mean not really my ghost trick drawtectives rot is just all consuming. got an au cooking that I can’t fucking talk about or I’ll spoil both medias yippee
[Image description: digital art of Eugene from Drawtectives in the style of Ghost Trick. The first image shows him slumped on the ground as a dead body under a spotlight, ass up like Sissel's pose.
The second image is a talk sprite of Eugene in the Ghost Trick style. He has a neutral, maybe slightly confused expression, and he has top surgery scars. End ID.]
i can be so normal about knights. come closer
it’s the devotion and repression and also the armor
Because of Re: Carmilla, I thought you all would enjoy my edition of Carmilla :
The holes go all the way through, the sides of the book are red, and on some pages the text is colored red just under the holes !
I was so happy when I found it in a little french bookshop specialized in queer texts ❤️
[image description: photos of an edition of sheridan le fanu's carmilla which has two holes punched through the whole book. the holes are positioned in the cover art as bite marks on a woman's exposed neck. photos of the inside of the book show how the text is printed around the holes and some letters directly underneath the holds are printed in red to resemble blood drops. end description.]
[ID: Brennan from College Humor holding a white sheet of paper reading: The escapism of fantasy is that evil iis concentrated in a couple of destroyable objects, not disparate and smoky and hazy throughout the hearts of your neighbors. So that's... that's fun.]
Mad about politics again
here is the video on the original creator's youtube. mike baird, also known as dinosaurdinnertheatre on most platforms.