
  INDIE RP BLOG with JOON-GI HAN from the yakuza franchise & a collection of interconnected original characters, with a primary focus on a modern setting that adopts a more realistic approach to address various social issues. READ RULES BEFORE FOLLOWING.

NSFW ( 18+ )  | includes dark & mature themes that should be viewed under discretion.

heavily affiliated with @badheart​​

"That sounds a little bit sad..." she could not help but comment. "... denying yourself your own family, and I don't mean your people, I mean your very own family, Han. ... You would mean the world to them, no matter who you are, as you would have just two roles then, the one of being a husband and the other being a father, ... aren't those far better titles to achieve?" Looking up to him, before she could not resist any longer and planted a kiss right below his chin. He was such beautiful but flawed man. "Imagine being able to share your life with your true love... but maybe that's a bit too cheesy for you," Futaba chuckled. "To..." Pausing for a second. "To a child you would never be a nobody, but the greatest," she mumbled, smiling a little as those thoughts always made her happy, thinking of her child, or even other people's children, even if some bitterness would always resurface.

His touch was so nice and soothing, it sure felt like forever since she had received such level of comfort from someone else. Her life had been far too busy. "I like to think, that I do ... everyone has to carry a load of responsibility ... and it's very generous of you to make all those people's lives better, but you forget about your own." Enough that he would die for the cause.


Having a family—a real family—as she put it, had never been a goal of his. Then again. neither had he expected to be anything beyond what the name Joon-gi Han conveyed. A decision that he had taken earlier on in his life; it had paved for a future without a future. An existence that he did not dare to think outside the role that he already fulfilled. She spoke of it as if that was the ultimate goal: having a child of his own. It showed just how different their priorities were, but as much as he wanted to dismiss her words and say she wouldn't understand, a part of him knew that wasn't entirely the case. She took note of his lonely existence, after all.

"So, you think a nuclear family would make me whole?" His question may sound cynical, but he was genuinely curious of her thoughts. What even compelled her to say such a thing? Was she trying to convince him? Han snorted, finding irony in her words. "So, you're saying I can be one or the other, but not both at once." Not a leader while being a devoted husband and father, judging on the things she said. It made him wonder if that was possible. His mind went to Fukuhara at that moment; furrowing his brows at the thought that he may have to let go of his daughter if he wanted to save what little relationship he may have with her after the whole Yuma situation.


"Even more reason to try harder." Han insisted, staring down at her. "I want to reach that point of success, that I won't have to ever worry about providing for my people, or my family. I won't be seen as just some gangster, but a man that worked hard for an empire." And maybe then, he could start thinking about settling down and live his own life, or what was left of it. "Some things in life are simply worth the risk. I can't simply stop being Joon-gi Han." Unaware that his choice of phrasing may confuse her due to the significance that such a name carried, different from his own.


His focus really seemed to be on nothing else but business, she thought, while listening to him. It was beyond her, how he could possibly enjoy such life, where only money played a role, or the biggest, why else invest so much. And as much as she liked lots of money herself, being bit guilty of being rather spendable, especially clothing and jewelry, she would still rather have a family than a rich lifestyle. While he thought of big skyscrapers, she thought of the sound her kid would do when trying to walk over the wooden floor. Rei would live her dream in some months, or already was. There was beauty in pregnancy alone as well. Futaba actually reached down with one hand, stroking her abdomen, which was so flat and toned, the complete opposite of Rei's belly, even if she was not that big yet, it would come.

"Leaving a mark in a city," she mumbled and shook her head, as it really was not something she could relate to at all. Rather she wanted to be remembered by her family and her child. She thought so often about it, it almost felt real at times. That there already was someone waiting for her at home, needing her. "Hope you achieve your goal, and feel beyond happy..." Like a child of her own would make her happy. Blocking out the reality was the only reason she remained at his side right now, because getting up would mean going home and looking for new jobs again. She pulled on the blanket, moving it further up to hide even more. He could be her baby right now, as she held onto him, though he did not need her, it was the opposite.


It was never about the money, even though his greed sometimes blinded him. The recognition he sought wasn't that of a prestigious businessman or a celebrity. Instead, it was recognition from his peers, from the people who grew up with him and watched him evolve into who he is today. It carried a deeper meaning that she did not seem to grasp or understand. But how could she? She knew so little about his past.


Han blinked slowly. Her words of good luck felt shallow to him. "I have a role to fulfil... and I want to be successful at that," he explained, moving his hand to rest on the back of her head, fingers running through her dark tresses. "I was a nobody for too long," he admitted, his tongue loose in this disoriented state, where all of this might as well be a dream—a fragment of his imagination. "This opportunity... it's one I can't just pass up. Too many people rely on my accomplishments. Too many families," real connections outside their line of work. This sudden realization left him pondering the future—his future—while finding some comfort in her embrace, in the warmth she radiated as she held onto him. His eyes closed, subconsciously leaning his head to the side to rest it atop of her own. "I wish you'd understand."


"Yeah, but no doubt you would pull such stunt again if needed, and I rather not ... and others obviously as well," she explained, while wondering only for a second, who dared to voice their concern like that to him, considering she could not imagine his men being that close to him, but maybe she was wrong. "I always worry... there is no turn off button if it's about you," she grumbled bitterly, seeing once again, how she could not let go of him yet. Even though today showed her yet again, why marriage was no possibility with him. Yet, he was so perfect. It made her lean closer, her hold tightening around him. Just being with him fulfilled her so much, it was a torture due to the limits she set herself.

"You just saved Fukuhara today, who will always consider himself a yakuza, ... your relationships will always make you a gangster, if you plan to work with those type of people together, instead of doing it fully yourself..." She leaned her head against him, sighing while he tried to reassure her, despite everything. "Han..." she murmured, shaking her head, before just laying with him again, just trying to enjoy his warmth for now.


There was no assurance he could give her to alleviate her concerns. Even if he pursued a more legitimate path, he would still be Joon-gi Han, the leader of the Jingweon Mafia. His name resonated with those in his community who sought hope in a country that never welcomed them. He had become more than just a leader; he was a myth turned reality, a symbol to his people. And the taller one stood, the harder the fall. Han was fully aware of the consequences. "If things go as planned, I won't have to resort to another stunt like this one," Han argued ;using his own body as a shield to protect a Yakuza from the Tojo clan. Many of his men disagreed with this decision. There was no doubt that some may even doubt him right now. However, it was a necessary step to take in order to survive. Their betrayal against the Yomei wouldn't go without consequences.


A snort escaped him. "As far as I'm concerned, being a Yakuza itself isn't illegal," Nor were they banned from existing within their groups. The activities linked to them were, but that wasn't the reason that Han sought out for an alliance. "He has a good hand in real estate. With the new laws, even they are seeking for ways to survive," In a more 'righteous' way, if one could even call it that. Han's head turned to the side, blinking slowly while staring ahead at nothing in particular. He still felt light but heavy all at once, probably due to her weight leaning against him. "I want to be a successful businessman. I don't want it to end at Kamurocho," his brows furrowed before glancing down at her, briefly meeting her stare. "I want to leave my mark in this city, and Fukuhara-san might be my first step to that."


An awkward laugh escaped her, when he asked about her work. "Yeah, ..." It was not important right now, and she had come here not to just check on him now, but forget about this new issue as well. "Didn't they give you some painkillers?" She asked with some worry, when she heard him wince, which actually prompted her to inch a bit closer to him, burying her face into his neck for a moment. He still smelled so good, though she had to sigh when he spoke of his work again. "This is the exact reason, I cannot be together with you," she murmured, while her hand moved over his shoulder. "Losing you would only break my heart, ... but even if I am not together with you, you keep breaking it," she huffed, becoming just a bit teary over this never ending dilemma. "Can I ever not worry about you?" Her arms came around him, pulling him close and basically urging him to lay on his side, despite whatever pain he was still experiencing. It was so warm under the blanket with him but she enjoyed the current feeling, as it gave her a feeling of safety, oddly enough. "A family with you would only mean more suffering, ... what is a child without a father, what are parents without their child?" Reminding him of the dangers which not just him had to bear but his possible children as well. "I keep on wishing, you would just stop..." Still loving him so much, it hurts. But being together with him would mean nothing easy in the long run. A family was her happy goal, there should not be any unnecessary difficulties. "You're so damn stupid, ... risking your life like that." Staring into his eyes, though she could not bear his gaze for too long, instead she just wanted to hide below his chin. "There are many people who care about you, ... I'm sure, ... think about them before you pull a stunt like this again."


A low hum escaped from the back of his throat as he struggled to wake up. Gradually regaining his senses, he blinked slowly upon hearing her speak. To him, each syllable seemed to stretch out, gradually picking up pace as she continued talking. Slowly, things started returning to normal.

"The nurse..." Han chuckled, recalling her first appearance, though everything in between was a blur, a hazy memory he couldn't quite make sense of. "She gave me a boost," he said, sounding somewhat unsure if that had actually happened. His gaze fixed on the ceiling as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder.

"But you're here," Han argued, furrowing his brows. He didn't understand what she was getting at, still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia. He turned his head to the side, staring at the hand resting on his shoulder. "Why does everyone make such a big deal out of it? I'm alive, see?" To prove his point, he barely lifted his head, gesturing to himself with one hand. However, he rested it back on the pillow when the pressure shifted to his shoulders, eliciting a low groan. "There's nothing to worry about," he reassured her, trying his best to shift in the bed without moving too much, not wanting to hurt himself further.


"Do you think I'm just some gangster?" Han asked, looking down at her through half-lidded eyes. "I have plans and ambitions, too. I won't always be a mere criminal," he revealed, giving her a glimpse of the future he aspired to—one where he could present himself as a law-abiding citizen. This was why he associated with Fukuhara, as partnering with him in real estate was in his best interest. "I'd continue to keep safe those who are close to me," he said, whether it was a wife or a child, it wouldn't be different from how he looked after people like Bo-ra or Kim. This was why he had taken such a risk—to keep them out of it.

Despite the mild frustration her claim had sparked within him, he attempted to wrap his arms around her to comfort her in her distressed state. "I thought of them, and that's why I made that decision. I didn't want to risk anyone else."

@sosordid said: Can you list a few words that have the vibe of ryo? It can be objects, phrases, descriptors. Drop that symbolism

ominous, menacing, sinister, looming presence, ghost, brother, dragon, warrior, resilient, resistant, reliable, loyal, devoted guard dog, protector, guardian, family, tradition, found-family, honourable, mentor, lost, detached, disassociation, disconnected, inadequate.

Ryo is devoted to his family—his boss, his brother. He feels immense gratitude towards these two individuals in his life. Growing up, he didn't have any of that ; lost in the world and without a purpose. His role within the Yakuza has given him some. However, there are times in which he questions himself, questions whether this is it or there's something more to it. He's not the main character within his own story, basically.


Futaba had reached the hospital, by now being a bit more unsure, if it had been worth to ruin yet another job for herself, but she rather not think any further about it. Not now. Instead she wanted to see Han finally, where she would knock on his door first, but since no response came, she invited herself in as she did not want to remain any longer in those halls, where she spotted some men with whom she did not want to deal with. Inside everything seemed so calm, just some buzzing noises but otherwise rather quiet. Seeing him rather well rested brought a smile to her face. Alive and well.

She sat down beside him as so many did before, watching him doze in his sleep. He looked so peaceful right now, she did not want to wake him up. Futaba watched him, which somehow calmed her as well but eventually she desired to see him awake. Poking him gently, while calling his name. "How are you?" She wondered, once he blinked at her. "I've missed you..." So much. "So... so ... much," she admitted after all. There was some chatting and eventually she decided to remove her shoes and jacket and urge him to make some space, sneaking under his blanket to cuddle up with him. This was better, much better. Futaba smiled at him, while wrapping her arms around his waist, feeling the bandages near his shoulder. "Why do you do something so reckless?" It confused her.


He had fallen asleep soon after Li was done with him, leaving him in a state where he couldn't distinguish between reality and the dream-like condition that he found himself in. Even in his slumber, it felt as if his body was floating through water—carried by gentle waves that lulled him deeper into sleep. Any noise around him felt so distant, as if it belonged in a dream within a dream. The shift in weight was barely registered ; merely attributing it as part of his unconscious state. The voice that called his name sounded so distant, but it echoed louder each time until it hit him. Her touch had managed to break through this spell that had fallen into, staring at her through half-lidded eyes. Her visage was blurry, but her voice immediately sparkled a sense of familiarity within him.


"Futaba...?" His voice was coarse as he first spoke. He was still so disoriented to fully process what was going on. Her words mere brought a smile upon his lips. Although, his confusion was evident. How had she found out? "Thought you'd be busy at work." Han simply states, before he's forced to scoop over—wincing when her forced his shoulder to move. Even now, he wasn't entirely certain of what he was doing, but her warmth felt oddly welcoming. His head leaned to the side, resting on top of hers as he closed his eyes once more, getting lost in this fantasy. "I had to guarantee our future." The future of the Jingweon Mafia, that is. "It's what we do to survive."


The sweat forming on the back of his neck was prevalent. He was nervous walking into their pristine building to drop off his yellow envelope of half his earnings .. there was no way he could step this deep in, right? Uruha was always teetered over the edge of this cavern, toes balancing up and down, but he never once had he jumped.

Ryo, in short, scared him, and he feared the consequence of grating down what little humor the Yakuza was showing him. Setting down his beer there is a deathly silence between the two, his breath was caught in his throat.

He hates this - with a hard swallow, he hangs his head with a vague laugh of disbelief. " So you want me to follow some upstart Yakuza whose ballsy enough to do that? Fuck. He's going to kill me for sure if he sees me. " The artist rests his face in his hands, dragging them down to peel off the layer of clammy sweat.

" Are you guys providing like.. fuck I don't know.. a thug to come with me?? a vest perhaps?? That stops bullets?? "


The illusion of choice was there, but if this guy had any intelligence, he'd seize it without hesitation. Taking initiative would at least reveal something about his character. Instead, Ryo saw a coward—a man who would crumble under the slightest pressure, based solely by his appearance. It disgusted him.


"That's why he better not see you," Ryo warned, his eyes icy cold and sharp, capable of boring a hole through the struggling artist. "Weren't you a host? Pretending should be easy for you if he notices your presence." He just needed to make an excuse, blame it on being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Getting caught didn't mean the end of the world—or the end of his pathetic life.

Ryo tilted his head upon hearing the man's question, raising an eyebrow before snorting. "What good would you be if I sent someone to accompany you? That would just draw attention..." Sending a second person was out of the question. "Not every Yakuza is armed, and if they are, I doubt he'd waste bullets on a nobody." But this depended on how well this man could hide—or how well he could act if found. "Silencers are hard to come by. The sound would draw unnecessary attention to him. Besides..." Ryo saved this detail for last, rummaging through some photographs and pointing to one of the latests. His index finger tapped the table. "He recently got hurt on the right thigh. He will try to keep a low profile, but I doubt it will last long." Meaning that when that happened, it was Usagi's time to step up for the job. "'Any more questions?"

@sosordid said: Would any of your muses like the prospect of camping or are most city bound

Although most of them spend the majority of their time in the city, there are a few ones that would enjoy an occasional trip outside of it. Ji-eun and Ji woo, for example, would do the best at camping. They know not to rely too much on technology or the commodities that modern society offer. Ji woo embraces that kind of lifestyle better, as it's closer to something he was used to, back in his home country.

Another muse who enjoys nature would be Daeyun. Although, he doesn't go camping as much as he would like to. Neither of his friends are big fans of nature, or particularly good at anything outside their comfort zone, so dragging them would be a big no no, or he'd never hear the end of their whining.


"Obviously," Li replied, who had to smirk a little, as Han had basically helped her with her lie. "It's not everyday that we have to take care of such patients..." Meanwhile she had to roll her eyes, when he seriously had to mention that random nurse. "And you couldn't imagine as of why? Maybe you forgot that some people are not too happy to take care of yakuza and the like?" She reminded him.

Li would smile, as he finally started to properly appreciate her, or just her breasts. His sudden noise made her glance at his shoulder again, but she saw nothing off or new that could mean any problems. Her gaze fell back to him, when he mentioned the Yomei, that group was only minimally familiar to her, as her role in the Saio was of no importance whatsoever, apart of her never ending debt, due to their help to bring her to this country, where she could start a proper life, but in retrospect it had not changed much, looking at her current profession. It made her smile wryly, considering how she had started to embrace that kind of life, where she had at least some more control and Jack more decent in comparison to the men she had to deal with before. Her life had meant nothing over there. "Why start a fight with a group so far away?" She dared to ask, while guiding his hands below her bra, allowing him to properly feel her. Under his touch her nipples would harden and in the end she could not resist and ended up climbing on his stomach. Oh yeah, Jack said that, but actually she did not mind, especially with such man under her control, it excited her a lot. "Do you want more?" Rewarding him only further as she slipped her bra off, only eyeing the door for a second. This was such bad decision, mumbling a little fuck, while she leaned down, letting her breasts hang over his face. Han appeared like he was in heaven, reminding her just a bit of those moments, she had spend with Jack. Moments this asshole would deny her now, with his hip being shot. Fuck. Why did he have to be such big loser. The more she thought about it, the more distressed she became. The very idea to be denied that feeling. Li leaned over, preparing herself a shot right in front of Han's eyes, who seemed even more dazed now. Well, she will be more careful with herself. "Ow, ah..." Stupid vein... the regret came soon enough, as for a moment, she really could not believe, that she did this right now. It was so unlike her. Since when would she require such methods? "Fuck, haha..." Too late now. She looked back to Han, his smile could be so addicting. She leaned down, kissing those dry lips, which were soon busy with her rather wet ones. That Li even managed to dress up later was a wonder, looking a bit lost while finding the way outside, still stuck in the nurse attire.


His full focus remained on her breasts, finally getting a hang of it as he began to move his hands, completely mesmerized by them. He appeared to have been lost in thought, nearly missing what was said. Han chuckled. "Fight? Who said anything about a fight?" Truly confused as to where her mind was at, as he could not make much sense of it. What did they have to do with all this? He wondered, completely missing the fact that it had been him who brought them up in the first place. "Everyone needs of a backup plan." He added, while maintaining his eyes fixed on her. His smile widened once she forced them underneath her bra, making contact with her skin. They felt so soft.

Like a teenage boy, he was completely transfixed over something so simple. And yet, the euphoric feeling that came with the morphine had him smiling at the sight. Both of his thumb brushed across her nipples, playing with them back and forth before she opted to climb on top. Another whine would escape him, but nothing that deterred him from enjoying the show when her brassier was finally discarded. His hands came smacking her behind to pull her closer when she leaned over his face, already opening his mouth in his attempt to get one of her nipples in it. Unfortunately, she was moving too much for his liking. "You're supposed to make me feel good." He reminded her with a whine when she pulled away to sit up, eyeing the syringe that she grabbed. Some mild concern would be featured upon his expression, regardless of whether it was for him or for her. It didn't make any sense that it had been for her.


"Is that what you're here for?" Han asked upon hearing her curse ; meeting her lips with his own in what could only be described as sloppy kisses. The entire experience felt like a dream that he simply indulged into ; allowing her to do as she pleased with him. His mouth, his hands, his shaft all belonged to her in that moment—ignoring all that pain and focusing on the pleasure it provided.

By the time she was done dressing up, Han had already fallen asleep. Content after reaching his climax and completely at peace.


"The news, the reporters are quite crazy for stories like yours," she lied, while remaining unsure if he had felt pain now or not, considering how he wanted to shove her hand away. How rude he truly could be. If he wanted to be treated nicely, he better gives her what she wants. "What man?" Li asked confused, though she understood very well, hopefully he not though. It made her wonder, if the dosage was too low after all, as he had not spilled any useful detail yet, which already annoyed her. Somehow, she had imagined it easier, was she not trustworthy in his eyes? Maybe she needed to distract him a bit more, if the drug was not enough. "Hey," she huffed softly, when he still seemed to dislike the presence of her hand, despite just licking her fingers a tiny bit before. "Not all people, can survive with a single job." Albeit being a nurse and working at that company might be an odd combination but there was no way, he would seriously ponder about this detail now. "I'm treating you, giving you everything the doctor has prescribed for you. Rest and pleasure." Li looked towards the door, before back to him, deciding to finally remove this ugly shirt and her own below. Revealing a black laced bra. "Surely you remember those a bit better, right?" Guiding his hand towards her breast, the hand that had tried so often to get rid of hers. "Can you still feel? Feel how soft they are? Try to move your fingers, ... though your other hand needs to be checked too." With that she pulled both of his hands to her bosom. Pressing her own on top and urging him to properly squeeze her. Maybe he should not move his shoulder, but she did not care in this moment, nor would he feel a thing, not really. "So weak, ... is that why you protected Fukuhara, feeling weak in your group?"


The answer that she had given him was far from convincing. However, he had lost all contact with the outside world ever since he arrived at the hospital. Han highly doubted that, if true, Bo-ra would be an avid reader of the news revolving around this case. There hadn't been any mention of such a thing whatsoever, but that didn't mean it was impossible. Surely, an attack of that magnitude would not only be heard of but covered by the media. He could only ponder the angle they took while writing about it.

"Do they not have anything else to write about...?" Han scoffed, already accepting this to be the truth. It wouldn't be surprising, either. Reporters could be just as vicious as some of the criminals that they wrote articles about. "Are you a nurse now? Is that how you know of Fukuhara?" He asks while furrowing his brows, trying to piece things together. Although, the brain fog hindered from coming up with another conclusion. Taking in her attire, Han was beginning to believe her lies with the little she said. The drug had been administered, after all—just as he had requested. "Funny... I thought I heard the other nurse say it was enough." Adding to his confusion.


A single eyebrow was raised as the word 'pleasure' escaped her lips. It was then that he had completely lost track of what was going on, as she offered a nicer distraction. His eyes were immediately drawn towards her chest. Of course, he remembered. A light chuckle was exuded. "How could I forget about them?" His mind going back to that night on New Year's Eve ; the way she took him into one of the office and hungrily began to touch him. Her breasts enveloping his shaft in the warmth that her body radiated. It pained a smile to his lips. Without even realising, he had already allowed her to take a hold of both of his hands, placing them over her bosom. A slight wince could be seen when his shoulder was moved, but other than that, he continued to touch her—squeeze her softly, as he did not have the strength to hold her as he normally would. "It's just business. The Yomei wouldn't dare..." His words trailed off. His focus had shifted to her chest, brushing one of his thumbs over the lace of the bra, right where her nipple was. "I have to get rid of them." Whether he was still talking about the Yomei or her bra, wasn't clear.


"Such beautiful man cannot possibly suffer due to our negligence," Li replied and was mildly amazed that he had not recognised her yet. Was the effect that strong? Hopefully he won't die of some overdose, though she could imagine that Jack would surely not mind, perhaps even be impressed. Han was lucky that she held no personal vendetta against him yet, though his possible ties to Fukuhara worried her. Han sure appeared happy, as if nothing could upset him at this point, it sure got her curious but she had to focus on her task now.

He caught her by surprise, when he suddenly grabbed her, feeling rather caught in the first second, as if he had read his mind, though his mimic said something else. "Took you long enough, baby." Snatching her hand outta his grip, just to sit down right beside him, stroking his cheek. "I was rather worried about you, after hearing about your wounds." Looking at his shoulder and poking him rather hard there, curious how well the stuff worked on him by now. "What have you been doing, ... what's Han-san's plan with Fukuhara, that's a rather odd step, don't you think?" Her hand moved over his chest, lulling him a little but also because she simply could not resist. "Your lips look so dry..." she noted with a wry smile, stroking them with two of her fingers. "Risking your life like that, ... for that man. Were you successful?"


A wry smile formed on his lips after hearing her speak. Something felt off, but he couldn't quite place what it was yet. The more time passed, the more disoriented he felt, struggling to keep his eyes open for long. Fortunately, his grip on her wrist kept him awake enough to somewhat continue the conversation. A chuckle exudes him when she uses that pet name, inciting a faux sense of kinship in the relationship. "How did you even find out?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head, observing as she sat right beside him. Her focus on said wound, which she added pressure on. His shoulder felt numb—able to feel her touch, but not the pain that came with it. Despite this, he still attempted to move her hand away. "What do you know of that man?" Han asks, furrowing his brows at her as he tried to make sense of the situation. However, it was difficult to actually process on what was happening, when it all felt like a dream.

His head tilted forward, staring at the hand that had hurt him without hurting—the one that moved over to his chest. Her touch felt light and electrifying, as if tiny sparks appeared upon contact. He looked upwards, then, when she mentioned his lips. Before he could say anything, though, her fingers were already touching them. Subconsciously, Han licked his lips in an attempt to moisture them. Fingers curled around her wrist once again. Albeit, he didn't have the strength to force it away completely.


"How did you get here? I don't understand what's going on."


"I'm aware.." Of course, he was right in this matter, but some possible deaths could be easier avoided than others. The shock still nagged on her and might stay for a little while longer. Her eyes fell shut when feeling his fingers going through her tresses, she felt so comfortable with him, even though he surely needed more comfort right now, but he was hurt and she did not want to ruin his recovery too much.

"Not too good, I hope." Knowing how charming he could be, even if he did not try. She sat up again, looking down at him with a smile, still unable to really go, but looking at his eyes, some sleep would probably help him more. "I'll come back to you, ... I'm not sure if later today, but tomorrow for sure."


Disgusting, is what Li could only think once finding some spare clothes, sadly no fresh ones, which was not the main issue for her, considering there was luckily nothing noticeable on it but the style was beyond help. The possible nurse outfits she might have worn in the past had looked far sexier than the actual stuff that was used here, which looked like a potato sac. Nevertheless, she snatched a pair and dressed up in the women's toilet for patients. Infiltrating a hospital had been surprisingly easy, considering it was nothing unusual that visitors run around here and there. Everyone too busy with their own task. At the information, she had pretended to be his girlfriend to receive his room number. By any questions, she would simply lie now, apprenticeship was a good excuse. Reaching the floor, where he was supposed to be, she started to notice certain men. Including Ryo and Jiro, who walked past her, while she tried her best to remain calm. She had almost forgotten that Fukuhara was somewhere stuck here too. "The nurses are so ugly here," Jiro grumbled towards Ryo. "Time to head home." His home. Meanwhile Li had listened to some nurses and would search for the proper medicament a certain patient seemed to desire but be denied for now. Having more than enough in his blood.

As she stepped into his room, she had not expected to see such pale and broad woman with him. "Oh, am I intruding?" She asked just a bit confused. Bo-ra stared at the nurse, raising an eyebrow, considering how heavy her make-up was, like she was ready to party soon. She would not further question her existence though and simply shake her head. "No, ... be nice," she reminded Han again, before taking her leave, though exchanging still a few words with Kim once she spotted him.

"Hello Han-san, I've heard you desire a higher dosage," Li spoke once the door was closed, stepping closer and already taking his hand, where the winged infusion made it rather easy to give him the desired extra kick. Not sure, if she really would have managed to hit his vein without help. Li smiled down at him. "Starting to feel better?"


"Not too good." He repeated in a quieter tone, each blink lasting longer as he smiled lazily at her. His wounds were far from serious, but he still needed time to recover. He'd barely wiggle his fingers at her as his way of waving goodbye before closing his eyes completely. That lasted mere seconds, as the sound of the door opening forced him to raise his eyelids once more and stare at the blurry image of a nurse standing by the doorway. Han would only nod at her warning before watching her leave. His attention was fixed on the door rather than the nurse, who he didn't think much of. Something about her sparkled some familiarity, but he had become increasingly more unfocused throughout his exchange with Bo-ra. Perhaps, the interaction had drained him.

"Did you give my request some thought after all?" He asked, finally turning his head to the side to stare at her through half-lidded eyes. His brows furrowed as his vision focused on her, noting a few distinctive features. More prevalently, her short hair and heavy eye make up. Han appeared confused at first, but before he could say something, the effects of the higher dosage were kicking in. It prompted him to smirk.


"You spoil me. Thank you." Han murmured, followed by another hard blink. Despite having his gaze fixed on her, his memory was hazy. Everything from this point and onward, felt like a dream with how euphoric and light he felt. As if he was a feather floating through the wind. It was then, that Han reached for her wrist to keep her there, staring at her. "Miss Xiao?" Just a guess, as he was not quite sure that it was her, actually standing before him.


Fingers gripped around the can tighten at his words, the aluminum only slightly crushing under his grip at the images. The flashes of concrete smothering his face, the feeling of boots kicking into his ribs, the sharp pain in his scalp when his head is lifted from the ground. That is all this man reminds him of - he wasn't the one to personally administer correction to Uruha - but the essence of him was enough to get him grouped up in his own mind.

The more they speak, the more the illusion of choice washes away. It always came down to those options - right? Get your ass beat or just comply. Finished with his beer he leans over to start on his second, foot tapping in brewing irritation.

" Discount.. " His lighthearted laugh spills after the uttered word. He feels like this is such a ridiculous life, a debt that wasn't his, became his, and that he's somehow worsened in all these years.

" You're right we have known each other for a bit. We basically have an anniversary. " A misplaced joke as he grumbles, looking through the photos with discontent.

" What'd this guy do ? Is he some psycho ? Are you just sending me to die so you don't have to deal with me anymore ?? "


It was said that God had given humans free will—the ability to decide for themselves and shape their own destiny. In this man's case, he could have had more choices if he hadn't taken a loan from the yakuza, or if he had chosen to live a decent life ; as decent as any host could. Each choice Usagi had made had narrowed his path, leaving him to shimmy between walls without an end in sight.

Of course, there was always a choice. However, not many would save him from being crushed in between. And now, before him, stood the reaper. His stare was fixed on the man's pathetic visage as smoke escaped from his mouth and nostrils, making honour to the motive of his back and the meaning of his name. The dragon was ought to be revered and respected.


He lets out a humorous huff before speaking, "Aren't you charming…" In his opinion, the man lacked charisma. Although Ryo wasn't his intended audience, he doubted the man was any better with women. There was no class there and, probably, never been.

"Huo Jian Qi. He's a loan shark from another clan. The Endo-gumi. There are rumours that he might be trying to go independent. That's where you come into place." Ryo stated, before taking another hit from his pen. "As long as you keep your distance, there's nothing you should worry. I just need to know what he's up to. Simple enough, isn't it?"

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