
ᛝ Pow ᛝ


22, She/Her. Fan of the band set it off. I also love cartoons, sci fi shows and other random stuff ⏳ (Previously biroace02)

Doing more than one? Choose whichever you found the most helpful. ❤️

This broke containment and it's been freaking awesome to see people noting how they're taking care of themselves.


Snow leopards seem to treat gravity with a certain amount of disdain, but this is ridiculous.

"Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs."

Most of the rest has to be airbags, a high-tensile steel chassis and armour plate.

I will never again think that shopping for dinner is a chore.


WOAH just saw spiderman eating pizza on a roof

oh shit he ate the whole thing . he just like me frfr

spiderman just left the pizza box on the roof but then came back a minute later and clearly felt bad for littering so now hes swinging through downtown holding an empty pizza box

hes hit a street light

he's swinging away now clearly very embarrassed and he thinks nobody saw it. i saw you spiderman


i genuinely think people don't get it, no matter how much they say they do:

aromantic people aren't sad or lonely because they're aromantic.

i don't understand people's thought process here.

being aspec can be isolating or lonely, but it isn't inherently a negative thing. romance shouldn't be seen as this ideal thing that people need to feel completed.


cannot recommend more putting secrets and hints in your creative work that you dont expect anyone to figure out

act like youve got a ravenous fanbase of a million people poring over every detail, cuz then if nobody figures it out you feel cool n smug knowing something nobody else does, and if someone does figure it out then its like theyve joined a secret society

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