
Alicia with an C

@aliciatudors-love / aliciatudors-love.tumblr.com

French/INFP/ Leo/ The most indecisive person you don't know/Obsessed with the Tudor dynasty/ Find me an uninteresting period of history .... ? Yes, we agree this is impossible.

List of 7 things I need

1. Free Palestine

2. French Government Burning

3. 1 billion euros

4. An artist with the discography of Taylor Swift and the personality of Miley Cyrus

5. Get 5 years younger

6. United States Downfall

7. Get trust in myself

8 bonus because it's also my lucky number (it will change every month) : In this moment it is that Eternal Sunshine is good


lol i hate today’s era of absolutely zero nuance takes. a friend didn’t behave exactly as you’d wanted them to? cut them off. a guy didn’t text you back instantly bc he has his own life? he’s just giving you breadcrumbs. doing something makes you uncomfortable? don’t do it anymore. someone isn’t instantly available for you? disinterest. just absolutist statements that often don’t apply to the multilayer situations of everyday life. like. stop. literally just stop it


it's wild that... all the actions swifties made up to hate on joe before the album was released (he cheated, had no sympathy for her during hard times, etc) turned out to be true but weren't not actions by joe but by taylor... and now all those issues y'all had are just nonexistent? no one cares anymore? they mattered so much before? it's that so interesting?

Anonymous asked:

I've seen so many swifties saying they like TTPD because it's so Taylor, it's the most Taylor she's been in years, this is quintessential Debut-Speak Now Taylor, but I just don't see it. The girl who wrote Breathe does not feel like the woman who write So Long London - and I don't mean that as a criticism, SLL is one of my favourite songs from the album, but it seems like people both have this infantile perception of her (she's the same as she was when she was 19) while insisting that she's actually very matured now and definitely does not have Peter Pan Syndrome (okay, sure), but at the same time don't see that she has changed, and that reflects in her music. Currently for the worse.

okay yes i completely agree and am also very confused by this statement people keep making. there were multiple moments during this album i felt like didn't feel like a taylor album. some songs felt very lacking emotionally, which never happens with taylors songs; her emotions are always at the forefront but i felt like this album... they were kind of muted? and there was a noticeable absence.

i also dont agree with the statement that i've been seeing a lot, which is along the lines of 'this is the deepest, personal album she's ever made' and i personally don't think so? it feels pretty on par with the rest of her works and can only attribute this to her not releasing 'personal' music in a long time, folklore was mainly other people's stories, same with evermore, and then midnights was a retelling of past events. so it's been a while since we got ~fresh personal updates~ that people seem to care about.

and while were at it, i hate hate hate the excuse swifties are using to 'defend' her against people saying this album seemed unnecessary or too long with 'she needed to make this album, she made it for her' like.. if it's for her why did she release it? can she not find a journal? she can even still make the songs but then not release them.... it's basically saying 'oh it's fine that you dont like it, they weren't made for people to like them anyway'

Anonymous asked:

i don’t think there’s anything wrong per se with recapturing certain high school moments. i hated high school but there’s still magic in the memories of the heightened feelings and being young and carefree

that said, “touch me while your bros play grand theft auto” is something that i would have thought was hot in high school because i was a teenaged idiot but now i can see that’s demeaning and super cringe. i can’t believe a woman in her 30s wrote that unironically

the fact that that song is supposed to be a romantic sentiment but is just red flag after red flag... and she's in her 30s being like 'guys!! he reminds me of the guys from high school! isnt that sweet!' like no girl? he's 30?

Anonymous asked:

I’ve noticed a lot of swifties acting like people are academically inferior to them for the simple crime of not liking the album. Every criticism is met with “you don’t get it. it’s meant to be uncomfortable, it’s meant to be too long, the words are so POETIC that your idiot brain can’t understand them.” I’m glad they connect to her art but I hate this smarmy pseudo-intellectualism of the biggest pop star in the world.

oh yeah i've noticed this too. swifties who can not handle any sort of constructive criticism towards taylors work, or just simply can't imagine not loving everything taylor touches, will pull out the condescending 'you just don't get it' line. they've done this for a while but it's everywhere now and it means nothing really. it's just insulting and shows they have some weird superiority complex for having a far deeper understanding of...taylor swift songs? songs that, no offense, are not that deep and layered and doesn't take a lot of analyzing to understand.

Anonymous asked:

I read someone point out that the double drop with this many songs forces people to stream the album even if they already bought the physical copy/can listen through a CD and that the extra songs increase the streaming numbers.

She gets to have huge sales with the variants and huge stream numbers with the extra song drops. I think at the end of the day she loves her numbers and breaking records, she got both.

if that bitch loves anything it’s numbers and records

Anonymous asked:

the people trying to defend the 1830s lyric with like the point is that it killed the mood or whatever confuse me because like..... my problem is her hypocrisy on all of it lmao. you don't get to tell me you care about racism when you've written a good chunk of this album about your god given right to date a racist, calling anyone that doesn't like it sanctimonious vipers dressed in empaths clothing. not including that 'without all the racists' line would've honestly been better because this is just purely performative

also what was so fucking good about the 1830s anyway lmao

oh god don’t even get me started with the (white) people defending the 1830s line with nonsense like ‘if you listen to the whole song you’ll get it’ ‘in the context of the song it makes sense’ ? no one’s saying any of that. no one saying it doesn’t make sense or that they don’t understand it.

the problem is 1. is a bad lyric that’s poorly written, if she wanted to speak about how we romanticize the past and nostalgia can trick people… there are hundreds of ways to get that message across and they’re way better.

2. it’s also just jarring to hear taylor say the word racism because! she never says it or talks about it. she’s never spoken about anything involving race in general so suddenly for her to say it, especially now, it feels very out of place and forced.

and 3. yes…. speaking about racism and being like ‘i know it’s a bad thing!’ when on that exact album you wrote an entire track about how you don’t care if your boyfriend says horrible, racist, bigoted things and you don’t care that your fans are upset about it, in fact she described people of color being upset with her aligning with a bigot as ‘bitching and moaning’….. and that’s very bad! very very bad!

so yeah it’s a bad line that opens up a treasure chest of things and if she’s ’this generals greatest songwriter’ i think she could’ve done a bit better.


Another thing … if the main reason that Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn broke up was that he refused to commit and marry her … there is deep irony with the fact that he once played Robert Dudley lmao


i am so glad that we all collectively agree that “tattooed golden retriever” is so fucking weird taylor get off the internet and hit up a therapist


I’m gonna say something potentially controversial

Not to make it more serious than it needs to be, but I think there’s some danger in insisting that anyone who doesn’t like a particular song or album just “doesn’t get her like a TRUE fan” and that anyone who doesnt find this or any other project to their personal taste means they have exited the exclusive circle of really understanding her.

I need yall to know that it’s possible to understand where she’s coming from, understand the vision she is executing on a project and still think that it’s not the best thing she’s ever done.

The more we make being Taylor Swift fans some kind of weird purity test and moralize subjective opinions about the music, the more cult-like this fandom becomes. Please learn to discern the difference between Taylor hate and personal taste.


if you criticize Taylor Swift's music and aren't met with the empty comeback of 'you just don't get it!', did you really criticize her music?


keep seeing "taylor hates matty just like us!!" like.. she hates him because he broke her heart I hate him because he is a legitimately garbage person we are not the same

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