
kotor brainrot

@oodlesofd00dles / oodlesofd00dles.tumblr.com

this started as an art blog but honestly it’s more like a hyperfixation blog. about

when i see mutuals in my notifications i'm always like oh 👉🏻👈🏻 friens 👉🏻👈🏻


Someone reblogged the prion post I made a while ago and it reminded me... we had a project last semester where we would have a disease assigned to us and we'd write a written report on it (what is the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, is it zoonotic, etc) as well as give an oral presentation to the class. I got permission from my prof to do bovine spongiform encephalopathy 🧠🐄

I made brain cupcakes to go along with my oral presentation :3

Ignore how fucked up some of them look. I had 5-6 trays of these and it was very tiring after a while so I got a little lazy 💀


@oodlesofd00dles I chose a bit angsty 😈 Although, it's pretty chill right after this...for Zena and Revan that is. Atton's a little mad Revan destroyed his lightsaber mere moments before this.

Also this moment has been sitting in my mind forever, and I finally decided to illustrate it now that I have colors on my side :3 It's almost exactly like I envisioned it. Art is cool!!

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