
System Littlespace


Hiya! This is the age regression/age sliding/system littles blog for The Cozy System. DNI IF NSFW OR KINK AT ALL!

age regression CAN be a toxic/unhealthy coping mechanism, and here's why

We age regressors love to spread the notion that age regression is NEVER toxic, NEVER unhealthy, and ALWAYS a good idea and i'm here to say: that's not true.

it's 100% real and can be a good coping mechanism, but it's a double sided coin.

i'm not here to tell you that age regression is a tumblr snowflake thing, or that it's pedophilia, or whatever, but i am here to explain that age regression isn't good for everyone, and can go from good to toxic and unhealthy really easily.

let me tell you a bit about how my age regression developed over the two years i've been doing it:

the first six months, i typically spent about an hour or two regressed every few days, totaling usually no more than seven hours a week. i was a voluntary regressor, meaning i could choose when i wanted to regress and when i wanted to be my normal age. this was good regression.

the next year after that, i typically did not regress every day, sometimes not even every week. i was still a voluntary regressor. i used it only when i really needed it, but my other (pre-existing) unhealthy coping mechanisms grew out of control. i'm sure you're expecting me to say this is toxic, unhealthy age regression, but it's not. i don't think this was a healthy part of my life, but the unhealthy part wasn't regression-related, so this was good regression.

within the last six months, i typically spend 10+ hours, if not more, at least partially regressed. i'm regressed at school for most of the day, i don't do my work because of it (and other mental health stuff, but at least partially because of regression) and i've done sexual things with my partner while regressed, because i knew i wouldn't be able to get completely out of the headspace for the majority of our trip (we're long distance so we only had a weekend. not his fault - he doesn't know about my regression and i'm a good actor). i've come to rely on it and i don't know how to cope with things when i can't do it. i now regress involuntarily, without any control at all over when i regress (i mean, i still CAN regress voluntarily, but it's mostly involuntary). this is toxic and unhealthy regression.

all kinds of regression can be unhealthy. all kinds of regression can be healthy.

voluntary regression can be unhealthy. voluntary regression can be healthy.

involuntary regression can be unhealthy. involuntary regression can be healthy.

rarely regressing can be unhealthy. rarely regressing can be healthy.

regressing often can be unhealthy. regressing often can be healthy.

always being regressed can be unhealthy. always being regressed can be healthy.


most involuntary regressors have been caught in a situation where they shouldn't regress but they can't help it once or twice, but if it's consistently happening (multiple times a day or week) then it's unhealthy.

most regressors have skipped out on something (event, family time, date, etc) so they could regress once or twice. if it happens consistently, it's unhealthy.

in conclusion: age regression can be as unhealthy as it is healthy.

i actually think this is very important to talk about.

regression can be a great coping mechanism, but only if utilized correctly, just like any other positive coping mechanism.

I 1000% agree with this and have told others many times this same thing.

If your regression is stopping you from taking care of your ADLs (Activities of Daily Living), is hurting your relationships, your school or work life or is even hurting YOU, then it is becoming unhealthy.

You can be in a childlike mindset all day... But if your failing school, or haven't eaten or showered in ages, then you are no longer coping. You're escaping and that's dangerous. Please be careful.


*dry food crunches* Ridiculously small kitten: “Myam myam myam. Njam njam njam njam njam njam njam! Myam myam myam nyam nyam myam. Mmmam. Mrrrrram. Meep!”

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