


Flight Rising sideblog of @bramblemantle / Tala2121 id #133715 ! Reblogs and own chars/art !

Tala ! they/any pronouns, ace & generally queer

My FR lair is #133715, main blog/follows from @bramblemantle

More of my ocs are at my personal sideblog @verdemoth

I’ll be reblogging a lot of FR content, and posting my own art and dragons :] !

In this blog my dragons are tagged with ‘#my characters’ and ‘#char: [name]’

I’m a very anxious person but feel free to interact ! Might take a minute to respond sometimes but I’ll try to get around to anyone :)! Like/reblog spams don’t bother me and I like reading tags

Note: I am an adult and the safety of minors matters to me, so please do whatever you need to to feel comfortable on the internet! I don’t take blocks personally, it’s a useful tool so please use it if you need to!

I don’t censor curses but I try to tag for common content warnings. If you need me to tag for specific content to filter out, let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate!

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