

@dicksp8jr / dicksp8jr.tumblr.com

This blog is RSJ and others. FYI: This is not run by Richard, thanks my dudes.

The SPN fandom is trash. Stop ignoring it.

You’ve probably seen some fanarts from @eliciadonze . She’s been getting a lot of hate from this fandom for years. Slurs, death and rape threats, victim blaming, everything you can imagine.

And this every single day, no matter what she did. Because it’s not really about who she is or what she draws. She never did anything wrong. It’s about people being cruel and/or jealous, and especially about people and this fandom in general feeling entitled. Because after all, everyone else does it. After all, she should just shut up about it. After all, you’re just telling her what to do, you know better, it’s not hate but advice.

The entitlement in the so called “spn family” is huge. And the hypocrisy : reblogging Jared’s mental health related stuff, buying “you’re not alone” shirts but not giving a fuck about an artist getting PTSD because of us.

This fandom is attempting to kill her. This is happening right now.

It’s tempting to just leave this fandom which, as Elicia said, cares more about 3 fictional guys than a real person. But it’s the easy way out. Less guilt, but no help.

So, if you’ve ever appreciated Elicia’s art, stand up for her. Spread the word that anyone who has an issue with her isn’t welcome on your blog. That you don’t want them to share what you create or reblog. Write it in brakets underneath your fanarts, your gifs, your fanfics. Message famous blogs, try to make them react. Ask your mutuals about Elicia, block them if they frown. Also go buy her a Ko-Fi if you can’t commission, because the hate is also ruining her career.

And speaking about this is not “ruining the mood of the fandom”. Anyone displeased by seeing people standing up for Elicia shouldn’t be welcome in this fandom anyway.

[Edit : If you agree with this, reblog or write a post of your own. This message needs to be seen].



As a member of the Tumblr fan community who both enjoys the writing and art of others and creates my own, I pledge to disable anonymous messaging and never again use anonymous messaging on other blogs in order to show my respect for those creators and to discourage cyberbullying, eliminate anonymous hate, and help build a safer fandom community.

Anonymous asked:

I thought this was a Richard appreciation blog, not a blog about whatever that last post was about :/

Hi anon, 

This is an issue that the SPN fandom has created because there are a lot of people here that are toxic and only wish to do harm. Of course, this isn’t a perfect community, as much as everyone would like to believe it is. This may be a Richard centric blog but I can’t overlook the fact that people are getting death threats and hate mail daily and be quiet about it. 

So don’t :/ about that last post because it’s a huge fucking issue that people refuse to acknowledge, and then continuously blame who is being targeted. 

Anonymous asked:

Supernatural fandom loves you.

Go fuck yourselves


Anon, the problem is that the Supernatural family DOESN’T love Elicia. If we as a fandom were a true family who truly loved Elicia, we would not stand for her to be treated the way she is. We would believe her when she says that the “family” is toxic to her, and accept when she says she’s dealing with the hate as best she knows how. We wouldn’t send anonymous fake love speaking for a fandom that has done nothing but harm her and then expect her to fawn over it or be anything but distrustful of it.

I love my friends in this fandom. But this fandom has some dark, disturbed people. And while I want to believe the best of everyone I interact with in this fandom, I have to own that this fandom is not a safe place for everyone.

And see, here’s the thing. When I see people do things like this, I know they want to be encouraging, but all it really does is erase Elicia’s lived experience. Don’t tell an abused person that the people abusing them actually love them. Even if you’re not part of the abuse, if you’re part of the group you have to listen to the victims. Everyone in the family may not be directly abusing any single person, but every time we ignore a victim’s words and requests, we contribute. So stop this shit, anon. It’s not cute, or acceptable.


working on filling up the rest of a sketchbook i’ve been trying to finish off for waaaayyy too long, but thankfully i’ve been in such a gabe drawin mood that i have plenty of inspiration

used an ink wash and gold leaf on this one! i’d like to do more good leaf in the next book

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